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Old August 29th, 2004, 06:18 PM   #1
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Stargate Don Davis & Michael Shanks in Sacramento!

Hi everyone -

I just got back from a wonderful afternoon at Creation Entertainment's Trek/Stargate SG-1 convention - it was right here in Sacramento! I didn't know about it until this morning when a friend asked me if I was going....

It was great! I got to see, hear and meet 2 stars from SG-1 - I never thought that would happen...

Don Davis (Gen. Hammond) is such a wonderful person to have up in front of you - I never knew that his background was so colorful and interesting. He talked about his career, his life, his ambitions and was very candid with the answers to questions put to him by members of the audience. He's kind of a low-key guy, but still very interesting to listen to. When it was my turn to get his autograph, I didn't get the chance to talk to him as someone had him engaged in conversation, but he was very pleasant and thanked me for coming.

Michael Shanks (Daniel Jackson) was a complete surprise! He is so different from the character he plays on SG-1. I forget that the man is an actor and that it is entirely possible that the 2 people are nothing alike. Michael owned the stage when he was on it! He was very upbeat, funny and very attentive to everyone in his presence - It was one of the most pleasurable experiences I've ever had seeing someone on stage at a convention. When I went to get his autograph later - he took the time to ask for names and give them a minute with him. I was very impressed as this was my first time meeting anyone from the cast of SG-1.

There were a lot of questions put to Michael about the future of SG-1 - some of which he could talk about and some that he couldn't. He did tell everyone that there was an "addendum" placed on the last 5 episodes of season 8 for SG-1. He didn't say much about what that meant specifically, but then he went on to say that Skiffy wants a second season of Stargate:Atlantis and a ninth season of SG-1! When more questions were asked about a ninth season of SG-1, Michael said not to rule it out - but it was all about money at this point... At the very least, Michael said that SG-1 would not go away entirely after season 8, if not as a weekly series, then as a series of 2-hour TV movies.

An interesting afternoon to say the least....

Best to all,
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Old August 29th, 2004, 10:32 PM   #2
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Excellent EXCELLENT news!!!!!!!

Its obvious Skiffy DESPERATELY wants Stargate. If they don't have stargate, what else do they have? But a NINTH season?!?!? whoa....

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Old August 29th, 2004, 10:39 PM   #3
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It's unusual but it does happen
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Old August 29th, 2004, 11:21 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by thomas7g
Its obvious Skiffy DESPERATELY wants Stargate. If they don't have stargate, what else do they have? But a NINTH season?!?!? whoa....
Tom -

The audience was ecstatic when Michael told everyone! Like he said, the groudwork is all there and Skiffy wants it to happen, all they have to do is pony up the money.

I totally agree with you - they have 2 hot performing shows - as long as MGM and the cast and crew are willing, there's nothing to keep it from going forward.

It was interesting to hear Don Davis talk about why he opted out of SG-1. He told everyone that it was partially due to health problems over the last 2 years. He had to have an operation due to an anurysm on his heart - he said how lucky he was to have the crew work around the surgery for an entire season so Don never missed filming a single episode. He has lost a lot of weight due to doctor's orders - he looked very good, a bit thinner and fitter.

The other factor was that Don has always been somewhat of an artist, with painting and carving. He said that his work got noticed and is going to be able to participate in a major art show during the next year. His ultimate goal is to live a life long dream of being a successful artist. At the age of 62 and having some minor health problems, he doesn't want to pass that goal up. Don will be involved in SG-1 in some fashion as long as it is around, but not on a weekly basis.

Oh, there was one other goodie that Michael told us about - He said that there was a "secret" 2 hour SG-1 episode that was going to be in production soon. The most interesting thing that makes it "secret" is that it is supposed to have taken place during the 2nd season of SG-1 but never seen before. That means that the characters all have to replicate the way they looked back then - hair, etc... Michael's hair was under a ball cap, but definitely longer than we've seen it in some time.

If I think of anything else I missed, I'll post it later...

"When Commander Adama sees these, he's gonna go crazy!" - Col. Tigh - "Saga of a Star World"

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Old August 30th, 2004, 10:03 AM   #5
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Good report!
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