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Old April 18th, 2003, 09:32 AM   #31
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Now, why are you so upset that Sandy is emailing Eick? You have yet to ansewer why you are so animate about this?
Where does it say I am upset about him e-mailing Eick? The issue is conspiracy. E-mailing Eick is fine with me. In fact I say that more than once.
Old April 18th, 2003, 09:35 AM   #32
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Default great, then why bother

Ok so if you don't care if he emails Eick, why bother at all, I have found the best way to destroy a falsehood is to let unprove it self, instead of feeding it... You know you are feeding it here, unless that is your plan.. Hmmm, no now I am see conspiracys.
All you are doing is insiting people, and I can't see any other reason behind all of this... you started this thread and you know what would happen...
Oh well, call me a conspiracy theorist to.. Have fun
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Old April 18th, 2003, 09:36 AM   #33
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Summoner mentioned the chat thing. It was his explaination. You deliberately ignore that for some reason to try to say it must be pulled/hacked from the Cylon Alliance. Even if you did believe this (which you don't because you've been lying even though you've been holding the PMs and e-mails I sent to Laura that proved your statements were false), your forum is just as vulnerable to a hostile hacker attack to get info as mine is. Yet, you insist that it all MUST be from me.

Why is it that your finger-pointing defies everyone's explaination? Why is it that you refer to Summoner but ignore his multiple statements fully declaring that I am not in any way involved?

This isn't me spinning Milton and you know it. This is me pointing out the truth. That's why you're having such a hard time refuting it. Your lies aren't matching up.

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Old April 18th, 2003, 09:36 AM   #34
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Originally posted by Captain James
I trust Dennis and the moderators of the G2003 Forum explicit.
That would be your opinion. Mine would be that Sandy would not abuse someone's IP or let others have access to them

I would contend that the IP could have been conviently grabbed off the G2003 EZboard (remember how registration was a pain in the arse, remember summoner was talking about hackers) and stored by whomsoever (aka the hacker) felt like they needed it, to expose at a convenient time.

I also have swampland for sale in the Yukon Territory. Yeeeesh.
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Old April 18th, 2003, 09:38 AM   #35
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Why her not me? There is no reason why she would standout over me as the big target. No one has yet to give a viable reason as to why only she was targetted.
Old April 18th, 2003, 09:39 AM   #36
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Your also ignoring Stallion Cornell's dare for the Neos to go to Cylon.org to have their IPs checked.
Old April 18th, 2003, 09:39 AM   #37
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Default Milty

How Exactly do you Propose Summoner got the IP info from Sandy?

You keep saying that you agree that Sandy doesn't pass this info out, so which is it then Milty?

You keep twisting away from that Key Question, as without that key element, your accusations and your Theory falls to pieces.

Summoner IS NOT a Mod on Sandy's Bboard.

So please, enlighten us, how exactly do you propose that Summoner, or the evil Hackers got that IP addy you claim they have, from Sandy's bboard?

Also, if I remember correctly, Sandy used the SAME bboard system you used, if it was so easy to extract IP info from there, could it not just as easily been extracted from your own bboard?

Sorry Milty, I don't care how convinced you are, until you share your "Evidence" you're just pissing on our Legs and trying to convince us it's raining...
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Old April 18th, 2003, 09:39 AM   #38
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Default perhaps?

Perhaps something she said struck and nerve, perhaps they did not like her name.. Who knows, that reasoning is flimsy at best, but hey what every floats your boat..
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Old April 18th, 2003, 09:42 AM   #39
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What about Stallion's statement? It is on record where he does state to go to Cylon.org to have your IP's checked. No other Neo will ever visit that forum especially after the threat presented by summoner and Stallion's comments. Those are facts.

If it was ezboard... then at least 60 Neos would be targetted not just one. Give me a viable theory LSF?

I will not post my theory of how summoner received the IP info because that would inflame the topic even more.
Old April 18th, 2003, 09:43 AM   #40
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come on a dare, you are basing this on who was threatened, a dare, and a series of emails... Sad very sad...
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Old April 18th, 2003, 09:53 AM   #41
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Default Milty

Proving as to WHY or EVEN if ANYONE was targeted is Proving a negative.

You are the Accuser, it's Up to YOU to prove your Theory, it's not up to me to Disprove it, until you pony up with something besides a string of hearsay from People with an obvious Axe to Grind.

Come on Milty, if you're so Bloody convinced, it must be something more concrete than you've presented thus far, if not, you are hardly in a position to question ANYONE'S Conspirisy theories.

So Come on Milty, Out with it. Show us the Evidence. Stallion's Post is hardly Evidence that anything ACTUALLY occurred. You've provided NO proof that Sandy has done, or did ANYTHING.

Prove your Case... Come on, if you've got Evidence, out with it, or APOLOGIZE TO SANDY.
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Old April 18th, 2003, 10:01 AM   #42
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Originally posted by Captain James
The number suspect is summoner. However the info that summoner could have pulled the info from is Sandy's site. Laura Nevens only goes to www.startrek.com, www.scifi.com, www.cylon.org, and Dennis's forum. Which one of those is likely to be the place where summoner would pull her IP. startrek.com, scifi.com all have encrypting security that makes this literally impossible. I trust Dennis and the moderators of the G2003 Forum implicitly. However Stallion Cornell stated on a thread on scifi.com challenging "Neos" to go to Cylon.Org to have our IPs checked. Laura Nevens goes to Cylon.Org and a couple of day's letter here comes this threat that they have her IP. Hmmmm... Tell me why Cylon.Org would not be the number one suspect based on her Internet activity?
Sandy and Laura have worked this out between themselves.
It was not Sandy or Cylon.org that made threats it was an individual "Summoner", threats that were in all probibility all talk and little substance.
He has been delt with, and Laura & sandy are cool with each other now

I think we can let it drop...

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Old April 18th, 2003, 10:03 AM   #43
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Thanks Hito, perhaps he will listen to you.
"Chinatown, is like your american salad bar, we take what we like and leave the rest." Egg from Big Trouble in Little China

"BSG, is like your american salad bar, I take what I like and scrap the rest." The Ron Moore version
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Old April 18th, 2003, 10:10 AM   #44
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Default milton james,

why are you worried about how sci-fi protects ip's and you published 2 ip addresses on your bboard. you never said who they were but you sure placed them in the open for all to see.

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Old April 18th, 2003, 10:11 AM   #45
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Default With all due Respect


Obviously Milty still harbors this accusation against Sandy, and regardless of whether or not Sandy and Laura have made peace, the Accusation, with all it's Falsehoods and Bogus elements is still out there.

Unless and Until Milty can Prove them, would it not be better to settle this properly, with a Real end, rather than having it "fade into the distance" only to have it resurfaced later.

Milty has shown, repeatedly, that unless he is called upon to Answer to things like this, he will use them to his advantage.

If he apologizes to Sandy, Publicly, he lays to rest that possibility, and he clears the air.

It's not up to us to let Milty off the Hook, it's up to Milty to remove the Hook he planted.

When that's done, then the issue can drop.
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Old April 18th, 2003, 10:18 AM   #46
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Originally posted by Captain James
Why her not me? There is no reason why she would standout over me as the big target. No one has yet to give a viable reason as to why only she was targetted.

Uh maybe it's because she is a back-stabbing troublemaker. Maybe it's because of all her slamming towards the real Galactican (not the Moorefans) in every public forum. Maybe it was her open letter to Universal that she posted on Sci-Fi (another victory dance) when she could have simply sent it by snail mail. What ever the case is, she was looking for trouble and now she cries, "I am a victim".

Now she is going around crying as if she just been ganged raped or something when in reality nothing has even happen to her.

Don’t get me wrong! I am 100% against cyber terrorism and/or DOSing anybody, but I believe this cyber threat or whatever you want to call it is pure BS.

Hacker's don't make preemptive threats, they just hack.

That would be like me making a phone call to a bank before I rob it. It’s stupid.
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Old April 18th, 2003, 11:00 AM   #47
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Default My own opinion

I've read the posts in question, and seems to me as if 2 Brained was simply asking if any changes were made to the script to make it less objectionable, especially to those, like myself, who have young children.

In terms of the cyber terror issue, I've posted elsewhere that simply by getting someone's IP address, this does not mean that you can necessarily get into their computer. Many web sites get your IP when you visit them--but how often do they get into your machine? So, to blame 2 Brained, or anyone, for their IP getting out isn't fair. I've gone to a lot of web pages, so I'm positive my IP is out there all over the place. And from what I've seen from 2 Brained's post, I would trust him with my IP anytime.
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Old April 18th, 2003, 11:07 AM   #48
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You twisted Stallions statement, probably because it also was meant to expose something about you. Stallion remarked that you wouldn't come to the board becasue if you did, and if I were one who matched IPs, you would be exposed for using alternate handles to make the Neos seem more numerous. That was the charge, NOT that I was getting IPs to attack anyone.

Yet, like everything else connected with you, you take a slice of what was said and use it to start hurling mud, hoping some of it will stick. You did that with Stallion's statement and you did it with Summoner's e-mail. In both, you found a quote you could use to wrap inside your lies to try to slander someone.

At first, I was the cyberterrorist, then it was Summoner, and then Stallion, and now Summoner again. I'm the only mod at the Cylon Alliance but somehow you keep shouting that your concern is that Summoner will get the info. Just how will that happen?

You've spent days crying that I was after Laura while secretly holding all of the e-mails and PMs that proved beyond any doubt that your claim isn't true. Yet, you shouted that I was the danger. The fact that you're willing to frighten a young girl to gain some political advantage disgusts me. This is just a TV show after all.

Yet again, here's another incident that proves to be nothing but a long set of lies for you. The small bit of real facts are weak at best, even before you buried them in your falsehoods. NOBODY was named but a set of "young lurkers" who talk on IRC and ICQ. If you were really concerned, you would have followed up on Laura's statements that she frequenlty talks on ICQ to other young people. However, you skipped all that and failed to mention it in your "only place she visits" explaination because you know that would expose this latest set of lies.

I agree with LSF. Milton tosses out all kinds of crap and hope it sticks. Rather than focus on the issues he results to slander. More importantly, he slanders those who are themselves telling the truth and seeking the truth ... but he is a self-admitted DNC political activist.

I shouldn't have expected less.

Regardless, anyone who's heard more than five words about this knows the cyberterrorist bit is total crap no matter how many times Milton and his Neos try to toss out that false charge.

I'm more interested in why Milton went crazy because I dared to ask if the leaked script was authentic from someone who could answer the question with authority. If it is authentic, I'd still like to know what might have been changed. Maybe the remake script isn't as bad as some seem to want us to continue to believe.

I did just learn that apparently someone e-mail bombed Devin's account which is why it showed as invalid when I checked. (I'm sure that will show up in Milton's newsletter somewhere from now on). It does explain why the e-mail didn't match. It doesn't explain why he returned with a signon other than TrekLord (which someone claiming to be the SFC mods said was banned at the same time they banned Milton's "Moore Man" handle.

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Last edited by TwoBrainedCylon; April 18th, 2003 at 11:20 AM..
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Old April 18th, 2003, 11:27 AM   #49
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You know...is there any good reason whatsoever to believe that the threat of "cyber-whoisitz" was ever anything other than the fantasy of the person who sent the original email?

IMAO, that's all it was. No one has offered anything to make it credible.

Some folks think it's important, I know, to take every precaution against every conceivable threat no matter how it may affect the rights of bystanders. As you may imagine from the slanted way in which I just put that , I'm not one of those people.

No one should ever have been accused of a "crime" which we have no evidence was ever planned by someone capable of carrying it out, much less actually committed. And the person who imagined this caper didn't need to have any actual access to anyone's IP in order to imagine it or allege that it might happen.
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Old April 18th, 2003, 04:35 PM   #50
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Dennis, the point is Summoner's e-mail wasn't principlly about Cyber-terrorism. If you read it, 98% of the letter from Summoner was regarding behavior of Milton's Followers (ie calling people Nazis, etc) and letting Milton know that they had drawn attention outside the normal bboards, and even those lurkers who rarely post, yet still find that stuff more than just a tad offensive.

Summoner has a history of trying to calm the waters, so to speak, from both sides.

I dare say Summoner was trying to let Milty know that if he didn't step in and try to settle his Followers down, there might well have been people talking about how to get them to quiet down.

Laura HAS been running about Gloating, quite loudly. Statements like "We won, and you all deserved to lose, and we beat you easily" on top of everything else was hardly Stellar behavior, or keeping one's head outta the limelight.

Regardless of her behavior though, it appears Summoner was trying to stop what he saw as behavior that was indeed starting to inflame more than just a few people, from many of Milty's Followers.

Try reading the letter. Milty took 2-3 sentences, and spun it into a massive conspirisy against Laura and other Neos involving Sandy and the Retros out to Cyber Attack the poor defenceless Neos.

Clearly, that wasn't the crux of summoner's letter. That was Milty's limited interpretation of it, based solely on the 2% Milty was willing to address.

As you can see, Milty failed to address the other 98%, chosing instead to start a huge battle by cross-posting from Hell, his twisted "newsletter" rant, and his moronic postings to just about every bboard.
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Old April 18th, 2003, 05:29 PM   #51
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Default Besides the fact, Milton,

that you too have access to her IP as far as I understand. Maybe I'm wrong, but that makes you suspect too.

Just a thought.
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Old April 18th, 2003, 05:32 PM   #52
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Default Cyber Terror

This is an issue that affects ALL of us. It is important to find out what happened to prevent it in the future.
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Old April 18th, 2003, 05:57 PM   #53
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Default no kidding

most of us have already stated that we would seek justice if this happens to any of us.

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Old April 18th, 2003, 06:06 PM   #54
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This is unproductive.
I am closing it.

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Old April 18th, 2003, 07:10 PM   #55
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Just an added note:

Both sides both pro and against the new production would be better off not wasting their energies fighting each other. So lets focus on the production and not each other. In the end, nothing changes from pawns fighting each other. But pawns working together en-masse can bring down the mightiest queen.
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