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Old November 5th, 2003, 11:03 AM   #1
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Default Rymer interview...

Yup, this is exactly who we want directing or involved in any way with a new Galactica:

"Michael Rymer will readily confess that he is somewhat of a Science Fiction nut, however he never really had a great deal of time for the original 1978 version of Battlestar Galactica, and like many fans of the franchise, he had always viewed the classic show as a cheap reproduction of Star Wars. So he was not really to concerned with this Galactica being a remake.

"I was a Sci Fi nut as a kid, but I always percieved the old show as a Star Wars knock - off, so I was a bit dismissive of it. And when I took this job, I hadn't actually seen the original show."

"I wouldn't have wanted to do a continuation of the original show because frankly I didn't think the original show warrented it."

So, let's see, their director hadn't seen the show, he thought it was a cheap knock-off of Star Wars and he thought that TOS did not warrant a continuation at all...yup, sounds about right. That's what we got...
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Old November 5th, 2003, 11:30 AM   #2
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Default Par for the course on this mini-series

so far. I am not holding my breath that this can be fixed in any way. Not that it really matters anyways, as how I won't be watching....
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Old November 5th, 2003, 01:28 PM   #3
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Alrighty, then... as someone who is also something of a "science fiction nut" (movies, television, books), it baffles me that Mr. Rymer hasn't seen the original "Battlestar Galactica."

Furthermore, "Battlestar Galactica" is not "Star Wars." Yes, Universal and ABC-TV took full advantage of SW's success. But to compare the two productions is infantile. They are completely different (despite having large capital ships and dogfighting aircraft).

If he's trying to distance himself from the original show, that's an interesting way of doing so. Based on the lackluster direction I saw in the various scenes at Galacticon (during Ronald D. Moore's presentation), I guess he's dismissive of quality directing, too. (I thought it really showed in most of the actors, save Edward James Olmos, which I mentioned over in Colonial Fleets's Galacticon discussion area last week.)

I have to wonder, too: As the director of "Queen of the Damned", is he a "horror nut"? And as such, what horror genre works was he dismissive of?

"The possibility of hope must be sustained."
- Commander Adama, from "War of the Gods, Part I"
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Old November 5th, 2003, 01:36 PM   #4
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Default Re: Par for the course on this mini-series

Originally posted by cobrastrikelead
so far. I am not holding my breath that this can be fixed in any way. Not that it really matters anyways, as how I won't be watching....
Amen, brother. No videotaping, no curiousity seeking... I'm not watching either AND for the record, I will be sticking by my guns on that. F*** SCI-FI Channel. (Moi? Suddenly undiplomatic? lol)

The advertisers of this reimagined BG show (if I learn who they are), won't be getting my business for some time.

The ONLY thing I want to see is the special effects by Zoic. That's it, though. I know what these folks came to the table with. I know that their talents shine regardless of the project they're working on. I'd honor their work by watching the f/x, if somehow possible -- and only that part of the mini-series I would watch.

"The possibility of hope must be sustained."
- Commander Adama, from "War of the Gods, Part I"
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Old November 5th, 2003, 05:09 PM   #5
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Hi Michael,

Nice to see your posting again.

Ok lets attack Rymer here. I transcribed that interview for Sci Fi Pulse and when I read the original I was gobsmacked that he had claimed to have seen the Galactica Pilot and still compared it to Star Wars.

How about Star War's AT AT Walker being a knock off of the aliens as depicted in HG Well's book 'War Of The Worlds' this was something that Muffet and myself touched briefly last night when we were discussing this interview.

Fact is there is nothing truly original out there anymore. Everything has been done. Hell Babylon 5 lent a lot story elemants from Lord of the rings. Star Wars lent a lot of it's story from Ancient mythologys, only dumbed them down to a point so that a younger audience could follow them.

In fact one could argue that Lukes abilities to teleconnetically moves objects from here to there, was a rip off of Galacticas 'War Of The Gods' Let see now Galactica was made in 1978 and Empire Strikes Back which is the movie where we see Luke Skywalker moving Objects with Teleconesis was made in 1980. Someone should really tell Michael Rymer that Commander Adama demonstrated his Teleconnetic abilities in the 1978 episode of Galactica titled 'War Of The Gods' where as Luke Wussy Skywalker whose career when completely downhill after Star Wars because he could not act his way out of a paper bag copyed Adama in the 1980 movie Empire Strikes Back.

I rest my case. Some peoples hamsters hey.
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Yes I know it is a shameless plug but I am the one that has to live with it.
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Old November 5th, 2003, 11:16 PM   #6
You old war daggit!
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Ya others think we will watch the mini anyways but I'm not even the least bit interested. Why is it so hard to believe that a fan won't watch something that changes 99% of what was and still is Battlestar Galactica .

That's like saying ( I hate liver but when no one is looking , I'm going to eat it ) .

We say we are fans of Battlestar Galactica and others say it's just a star wars knock off.

We get upset over a new version because it changes 99% of what made us fans in the first place and others call us close minded and die hards that won't budge when we know that if these changes were applied to their favorite show, they would throw a fit.

We get accused of being stuck on disco, mop top hair and being stuck in the past when a proper continuation has nothing to do with that and has lots that would be different but remain in the Galactica Universe.

I don't post about this stuff much because I'm like many in the sense that I'm tired of explaining why I feel the way I do.

I don't know about all of you but I'm feeling like the only fan group that's not allowed to dislike something that insults what we are fans of in the first place. lol

I've heard many say, I don't understand why the Galactica fans are so up set. You can say ( It's because they changed 99% of what makes Galactica the show we loved ) and they would still say ( Ya but I still don't understand why you are so upset)

If they can't understand the obvious, how can we make it any clearer. I can understand why some are looking forward to the mini because we all have our likes and dislikes and I respect that but once again I can't understand why we are so hard to figure out.

To be blunt, I know that watching the Mini is just going to Pi$$ me off so why would I watch it ? Would you want to go spend time with some one you dislike ? Maybe you would and that's your right but it's also mine to use common sense and stay away from things in life that make no sense to me or things that give off bad vibes.

Desanto and Larson, Larson and desanto.
Did you see that? I think the Giant just opened an eye.

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Old November 6th, 2003, 07:12 AM   #7
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Default Passion?

I don't know, I guess it all comes down to passion for the original series. My take is that those fans who are looking forward to the mini either have not had that special "passion" for the show that I'm talking about or they have not been in the trenches now for 5 years working for a continuation...

I don't know about you all, but since the beginning and up to this very day, I can still say without a doubt in my mind, that Battlestar Galactica was, still is, and probably will always be my all-time favorite TV show ever!!!! Nothing has ever come remotely close for me to say anything else about another show.

Yes, those mini fans can say that they were big BSG fans from the beginning, but I think they are just trying to paint themselves as the "do-gooders" in this fight. I really wonder if they had that "passion?"
When Commander Adama sees these, he's gonna go crazy!

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