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Old October 18th, 2006, 11:35 PM   #1
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Default NoobKid on the block


I'm the Noob on the block, well this block anyways. just thought i would take a moment to introduce myself.

As you can see I go by the name RacerX and of course I use the same name everywhere I go. My friends call me Racer or Lee it just depends on how well they know me. I know for a Sci-Fi fan RacerX is not a very "spacey" name, but I picked it up in a game lobby about 8 yrs ago and it stuck.

I work as a Security Site Supervisor for a major food company, so I hold the title of Captain but trust me I won't go down with the ships so make room in the dingy. I spend all day being formal at work so don't expect it in my post.

I tend to cheer for the BadGuys so my favorite BSG characters are the Cylons. not because i'm an evil person but i think they had a valid argument.

I'm a dedicated gamer and you can find me hanging about GameSpyArcade when i'm not working on mod scripts and ships for my space simulator.

Well that is about as much as i can say without it sounding like i'm filling out some online dating service form. I do have some talent in my fingertips but i got a late start on the whole 3d modeling thing. from what I've seen around here I may be asking all the questions.. which would be a great change from the other forums were i tend to answer them.

so anyways it's nice to meet you all and I'm glad to see that one of my fond childhood shows still has dedicated followers.

P.S. why are there no Cylon smilies can't a robot get some equality
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Old October 18th, 2006, 11:56 PM   #2
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Welcome to the Fleets RacerX

I'm Lyra, and nice to have you with us. Just to put you in the know, their are indeed Cylon smilies, when you use your CP, just click on the [more] link at the bottom of your smilies box on the right of your text box, and scroll down the list, and you'll find Cylon smilies like these

and this one too just for laughs...

Hope you enjoy many happy millicentons with the Colonial Community!
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Old October 19th, 2006, 04:04 AM   #3
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Hi RacerX

I'm sure you'll find some good stuff around here to keep you asking questions !!

Security for a food company, huh? I'm a risk manager for a dairy foods company and part of my portfolio is the facility security...so how's that for a tenuous link? Good enough for a speed date

look forward to seeing some of your stuff..

read you around,

"No warrior should be weak, and no female warrior can be.."
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Old October 19th, 2006, 02:48 PM   #4
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Thank you for the welcome ladies and the tip as well.

Lara the closest thing i've ever done to speed dating is flirting with the check out girl at the grocery store, and it never seems to work for me, probly cause i don't let them keep the change. call me ol' fashion but dating should be like this

1. arrive 5 minutes late ( this way you only have to wait 10 minutes for your date to get ready)

2. always bring a gift ( flower and candy is always nice but not both, if you really want to impress,, show up with bloody knuckles and flowers from the neighbors yard,, explain that some Don won super model was suppose to pick her up but you took care of him. that's why your late.)

3. don't give her the flowers but put them in a nice glass from the kitchen while your washing off the blood. ( this shows her your not only clean but thoughtful)

4. when your ready to leave the house be sure to open her car door and brush the burger wrappers under the seat for her. always ask her where she would like to go ( even though your not going there, this information will be of value on the next date.)

5. take her to a place with alot of people ( this will allow her to feel safe and lets her know your not a basket case)

6. the event and place should be something you both can enjoy. ( so no stripclubs, save that for the 3rd date)

7. be sure to have your grandmother handicap tag with you ( this assures good parking and quick exit if needed)

8. once you enter compliment your date with something like "your the best looking girl here" ( this gives you a chance to check out the other women plus boost her ego at the same time. )

9. after the event be sure to feed her and yourself. diner at a nice place will show her you have style and manners ( McD's is not a nice place, if you have embarassed yourself at the event ,taking them to a decent place will hopefully help them forget )

10. go to a place where your expected ahead of time. ( this shows you can tell time and have the ablity to think ahead. also repeat #8)

11. Dinner is always a good way to find out things about your date. (while she is eating you get a chance to ask a question. and if she ask something you don't want to answer, you can take a bite. )

12. after dinner take your date to a pub or club. ( always pick one that your not known at, and is with in your age group. the one all the collage kids hang out at is not good, you may end up going home early and alone.)

13. while at the Pub only buy the first drink then ask if she would like a second one. ( this shows your not trying to get her drunk. notice #8 was left out. because after the second drink fake going to the bathroom and see how many guys think your date is hot by observing from across the room take your time stop a waitress and order your date another drink. after another guy has made his move head back so her third drink arrives as you do.)

if # 13 fails and she gets up with the other guy ( take the drink and go home) if not continue to #14.

14. If she's still there compliment your date. ( point at the drink and say something like "I'm not the only on that thinks your beautiful I see." this will not only boost her ego higher but shows your not some loser picking up women in a bar.)

15. get up and dance with her. ( this gives her a chance to preview your moves so make them count. if she seems embarassed by your dancing get more drinks. so she can't remember how bad you convulsed around.)

16. take her home. (if she's drunk be a gentleman, if tipsy then move to #17)

17. If your date offers for you to come in. ( gofor it man what the hell are you waiting on, go go go )

18. get her number. ( this does 2 things it opens the door for the second date and will be proof to your friends that you don't set at home on your computer all the time.)

19. wait 3 day before calling ( if the number was real, then ask her out again. if not tell your friends that she wasn't your type. )

20. if at anytime you find these steps are not working abonded them and wing it.

well I guess that is an Internet speed date

whatchya think???
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Old October 21st, 2006, 05:25 AM   #5
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Sounds like you have it covered, complete with a back up plan (20)!!!
And there is some genuinely gentlemanly behaviour in amongst that humour..

??I love it when a plan comes together

"No warrior should be weak, and no female warrior can be.."
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Old October 21st, 2006, 12:07 PM   #6
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Hello RacerX,
As another member here at Fleets always says, "Welcome, another victim joining the funny farm"
Welcome aboard RacerX. I enjoyed your speed dating tips. Pretty funny. I'll be looking forward to conversing with you around Fleets then. Best always.
With Respects,


"You're gonna need a bigger boat..." Chief Brody - Jaws
"Kind of a bummer gettin' your butt kicked by a dead guy" - Col. T.C. McQueen, S:AaB-(Ray Butts)
"A kind word and a 2-by-4 is better than just a kind word" - Marcus Cole, Babylon 5
"WIVES...uh...aren't we getting a little ahead of ourselves?" Starbuck - Living Legend
"Every creature in the Universe is out to exterminate us and YOU want to hire a vocal group." Boomer - Saga of a Starworld
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Old October 21st, 2006, 02:12 PM   #7
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welcome to the Fleet RacerX.. there is lots to see.. so see you around
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Old October 21st, 2006, 07:06 PM   #8
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Welcome to our home on the Fleets, RacerX!

Hope you enjoy the fun on the forums, and getting to know some of us.

Are you a good Cylon or a Bad one ?

I see you have sympathy with the tin cans

Well everyone has a place in the universe, don't they?

Here's a drink for you, on me ,to welcome you and a balloon because it's just pretty... ,
Ciao 4 now
◊ Sarika ◊

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Old October 22nd, 2006, 12:09 AM   #9
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Wow more welcomes, Thanks i'm almost speachless

Sarika, as for me being good or bad huhmmm that's one of those tough questions. my family would tell you I walk the line ( between a genius and a madman) I find that i'm good at being bad and bad at being good .
But I'm really just a southern gentleman, and I tend to go with the flow.

If I were a Cylon I would be the one that took a wrong turn at solaris 5, and happen apon the only Viper patrol in the system. as i planned my escape through the nebula I would notice my Raider only had enough fuel to reach a scrap metal proccessing planet. after taking a few shots in the aft from the Vipers i would decided to eject and drift in space ( Cylons can live in a vacuum right?). as i drifted i would pass the time trying to create a way to propel myself with the items in my pocket. after figuring out that a rubberband, a paperclip and a Bic lighter make a better weapon than engine i would admit ( only to myself) that i should have asked for directions in the begining

Lara, I am a genuine gentleman. I'm probly the only male on the planet that believes in the "spider relocation program". I harm nothing unless i'm going to eat it or it's trying to eat me. ( wait that came out all wrong ) eating is good killing is bad ( that's better ). my recipe is 2 cups sugar, 1 cup guy, 1 cup gentalman, a tblspn of manners, a pinch of goodlooks, add pervert to taste.
Bake at room temperature till firm to touch, add favorite topping and enjoy .

CBSG4Ever, I think you'll find i come from a long line of mixed nuts and I live ion the funnyfarm, I call it Earth.

Hope to see you all around and talk with you soon, Have a good one
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Old October 22nd, 2006, 09:07 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by RacerX
Wow more welcomes, Thanks i'm almost speachless

Sarika, as for me being good or bad huhmmm that's one of those tough questions. my family would tell you I walk the line ( between a genius and a madman) I find that i'm good at being bad and bad at being good .
But I'm really just a southern gentleman, and I tend to go with the flow.

If I were a Cylon I would be the one that took a wrong turn at solaris 5, and happen apon the only Viper patrol in the system. as i planned my escape through the nebula I would notice my Raider only had enough fuel to reach a scrap metal proccessing planet. after taking a few shots in the aft from the Vipers i would decided to eject and drift in space ( Cylons can live in a vacuum right?). as i drifted i would pass the time trying to create a way to propel myself with the items in my pocket. after figuring out that a rubberband, a paperclip and a Bic lighter make a better weapon than engine i would admit ( only to myself) that i should have asked for directions in the begining

Lara, I am a genuine gentleman. I'm probly the only male on the planet that believes in the "spider relocation program". I harm nothing unless i'm going to eat it or it's trying to eat me. ( wait that came out all wrong ) eating is good killing is bad ( that's better ). my recipe is 2 cups sugar, 1 cup guy, 1 cup gentalman, a tblspn of manners, a pinch of goodlooks, add pervert to taste.
Bake at room temperature till firm to touch, add favorite topping and enjoy .

CBSG4Ever, I think you'll find i come from a long line of mixed nuts and I live ion the funnyfarm, I call it Earth.

Hope to see you all around and talk with you soon, Have a good one
RacerX, You should have taken a right turn at the void, and kept going straight ahead...you would have found a nice Cylon B'n'B, at" Spector's Palace"
And as for your evil/virtuous complex...well just accept that your horns are only there to keep your halo from falling off
y'know, for when you go for those barrel rolls in the sky.
And hey, now I know never to underestimate the possibilities of a rubberband, a paperclip and a bic lighter ....the mind of man is yet asleep with latent powers...but the cylon has it all figured out
Watch out for L.G.M while you're floating around in space
Welcome to the extended division of the Funny Farm
Regal Wishes!
◊ Sarika ◊

The Last Piscon Siress

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Old October 23rd, 2006, 03:26 PM   #11
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Say, Hi Racer-X. I think that's a pretty cool handle.
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Old October 28th, 2006, 12:05 AM   #12
Cylon Number 13
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Originally Posted by RacerX
Wow more welcomes, Thanks i'm almost speachless

Sarika, as for me being good or bad huhmmm that's one of those tough questions. my family would tell you I walk the line ( between a genius and a madman) I find that i'm good at being bad and bad at being good .
But I'm really just a southern gentleman, and I tend to go with the flow.

If I were a Cylon I would be the one that took a wrong turn at solaris 5, and happen apon the only Viper patrol in the system. as i planned my escape through the nebula I would notice my Raider only had enough fuel to reach a scrap metal proccessing planet. after taking a few shots in the aft from the Vipers i would decided to eject and drift in space ( Cylons can live in a vacuum right?). as i drifted i would pass the time trying to create a way to propel myself with the items in my pocket. after figuring out that a rubberband, a paperclip and a Bic lighter make a better weapon than engine i would admit ( only to myself) that i should have asked for directions in the begining

Lara, I am a genuine gentleman. I'm probly the only male on the planet that believes in the "spider relocation program". I harm nothing unless i'm going to eat it or it's trying to eat me. ( wait that came out all wrong ) eating is good killing is bad ( that's better ). my recipe is 2 cups sugar, 1 cup guy, 1 cup gentalman, a tblspn of manners, a pinch of goodlooks, add pervert to taste.
Bake at room temperature till firm to touch, add favorite topping and enjoy .

CBSG4Ever, I think you'll find i come from a long line of mixed nuts and I live ion the funnyfarm, I call it Earth.

Hope to see you all around and talk with you soon, Have a good one
Greetings RacerX from a fellow Cylon, and welcome to the fleet. Of course, I'm not your garden variety tin can. I'm one of the new models of Cylon. "Skin jobs" as they call us. I look forward to communicating with you. Drop me a line sometime.

Oh, and BTW. I am also a member of the "spider relocation program". Anytime I see one of the little buggers in my house I get a magazine and let it climb aboard. Then I open a window and let it go outside. Also, I am probably one of the few who tries to be friendly to bees. My motto is: "If you don't bother them, they won't bother you." Also, if you aren't afraid of them, then they don't seem to bother you. When you're afraid your body emits a pheremone that they pick up on, and that's what attracts them to you. They only try to sting you if you swat at them, thus annoying them. I've found that if you try to get them to land on you, they tend to run away from you, because they are more afraid of you than you should be of them. Anyway, that's my two cents on that subject. So, I will see you around the fleet.
Capt. Zak "Ares" Adama
CAG - Red Squadron Leader
Battlestar Prometheus BSG-68

So, what's the charge this time? - Lee Adama

Striking a superior @$$hole. - Kara Thrace

Ah. I bet you've been waiting all day to say that one. - Lee Adama

Most of the afternoon, yeah. - Kara Thrace

Right. - Lee Adama

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