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Old June 21st, 2003, 10:39 AM   #1
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Default Is no one else bothered by this?

I haven't been posting much, and I will tell you why.

Regardless of whether I support the revival or not, or whether I will watch the miniseries or not, I am offended by the amount of images I have seen here of Ron Moore being shot or otherwise mutilated.

I realize people feel passionately about this topic, but that is just unacceptable to me.

Am I alone here?

Is anyone else even remotely offended by this?
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Old June 21st, 2003, 12:07 PM   #2
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I have to agree with you AslanC.

And that's one of the things that needs to be addressed around here.

I'll work on getting some of this type of stuff cleaned up.
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Old June 21st, 2003, 12:08 PM   #3
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Truly, Aslan, I'm not a fan of those avatars, either. I try not to spend any time looking at them, unlike some others we have here (yours, for example, is kind of cool).

Are they a call to violence against him? Of course not. 3rd Human's, for example, is a cartoon; how many times did we watch Yosemete Sam or Elmer Fudd have a cannon blow up in his face just like that? The meaning of this one is obvious - 3rd Human expects the mini to blow up in his face, as a result of our (the fans) actions. I am utterly certain that none of us wish actual physical harm to any of those people, just professional harm.

Do they push the limits of good taste? Well, by and large that's in the eye of the beholder, but I think they are on the extreme end; I certainly wouldn't use an avatar like that. I find a couple to be rather gross, frankly.

I am not going to suggest, though, that any of them change thier avatars just to please my sensibilities. They have a perfect right to express their opinions in whatever manner they feel expresses them the best way; that's Free Speech. As long as it does no harm to others, anyway.

If you feel strongly about it, Aslan, message the owners of the avatars you find offensive and ask them about it - ask them to change it to a less graphic image. Who knows; they might, if they understand how you feel about it. Message Warrior, Thomas, or one of the mods. Perhaps they may decide that standards should be set (although I wouldn't necessarily like that myself; kind of anti-free-speech rules, if you ask me).

Exercise your right of free speech, my friend.

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Old June 21st, 2003, 12:09 PM   #4
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Thanks for the reply Titon, I trust you guys will be fair and just in how you address this.

For the record though I am not seeking moderation, but instead understanding as to why this is happening and why people are simply accepting it.
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Old June 21st, 2003, 12:18 PM   #5
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Ah you see being a canadian living in the province of Quebec I have no promise of Free Speech

Also while the handgun one you mention, perhaps if the handgun was cartoony that would work as well.

But I saw one that has a bullet hole in his forehead, and that I can't take as meaning anything more than murder.

Normally people who screw up shoot themselves in the FOOT not the forehead... but I digress.

Again I am not seeking Moderation (beyond the self moderation all civilized humans should exercise) but instead an understanding

Thanks for your answer, it helped illuminate things a bit more.

P.S. Thanks for the nice words on the avatar, I can't remember where I got it though
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Old June 21st, 2003, 12:54 PM   #6
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Anyone who would use Moore in their avatar needs professional help. Anyone who would use Moore AND Hammer must be positively psycho.

Seriously, even though that bullet in the forehead avatar might be crossing the boundaries of good taste, the gun blowing up in face one is obviously comical. Like something out of a bugs bunny cartoon, as Dawg says.

I can see how you might not agree, but I would definitely not let an avatar or two effect the number of times you post.
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Old June 21st, 2003, 02:09 PM   #7
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RGrant: I am not saying I don't see the point of the gunpowder face one, I just think the gun used might be better served (taste wise) if it wasn't a real gun, but a more comic book one

As for not posting, well let's just say that bloody pics and my views on BSG are not compatible.

I am not anti-Moore after reading the script. I would prefer the Desanto/Singer one (working closely with Hatch) but we aren't getting it and no amount of anything is going to change that now. These boards are pro-revival, that has been made clear to me on a number of occasions. Also while I love BSG, I am not blind to its' faults either.

So my posting is limited to say the least.
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Old June 21st, 2003, 03:24 PM   #8
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Originally posted by AslanC
RGrant: I am not saying I don't see the point of the gunpowder face one, I just think the gun used might be better served (taste wise) if it wasn't a real gun, but a more comic book one

As for not posting, well let's just say that bloody pics and my views on BSG are not compatible.

I am not anti-Moore after reading the script. I would prefer the Desanto/Singer one (working closely with Hatch) but we aren't getting it and no amount of anything is going to change that now. These boards are pro-revival, that has been made clear to me on a number of occasions. Also while I love BSG, I am not blind to its' faults either.

So my posting is limited to say the least.

Fair enough. To tell you the truth, as many times as I've seen the gun avatar, I've never noticed if it's real or cartoony. Also, I don't think any of us are blind to the show's faults, and I didn't really think this thread had anything to do with all that. If you're bored with the whole Moore/DeSanto controversy, I can see how you would not want to post much on such an anti-Moore board. But if it's the avatars, I still do feel that they shouldn't keep me, or anyone else, from posting as much as they want to.
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Old June 21st, 2003, 05:05 PM   #9
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I love the 3rd Human's avatars. They're very well done and quite funny. In truth I don't think the gun one is his best work. I much preferred the Burger King one but, it's his avatar. If something on a board I posted on actually made me uncomfortable I think I would contact the person, as Dawg suggested, and go from there.

I don't particularly think Jaeson's is very funny but it doesn't offend me. Everybody has different levels of offense. For example, I'm offended by a scene in an upcoming mini-series of a sexbot 'cylon' graphically murdering a baby by crushing its skull. But hey, both the writer we're discussing and the SCIFI Channel think that scene makes for great TV. Yeah, we're all different.
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Old June 21st, 2003, 06:25 PM   #10
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Default Is this better?

I call it: "If They Mated" In honor of Conan O'Brien.

Never meant to offend anyone. I guess I don't think about that kind of stuff too much cause I don't get offended too easily. But I can understand how others do.

I never really meant it to be funny necessarily as much as it was more of an expression of my anger and frustration over some of the backhanded remarks RDM made towards TOS fans. Us.

But in my defense not everyone was offended by it, when I first put it up I had several requests to make one like it of the other members in the Trinity for other CF members so I figured it was o.k. Or at least acceptable. Guess not. Maybe it was a little over the line, but it's gone now.

Last edited by jjrakman; June 22nd, 2003 at 01:38 AM..
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Old June 21st, 2003, 08:22 PM   #11
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And there you have it.

I felt the sentiment of having someone killed (and I don't care how nicely or cute we want to pretend it is, the base message is there) was crossing a line. Obviously I am in the minority here.

C'est la vie.

I wish you all the best, and ask that the Moderators officially delete my account.

No hard feelings, I just don't belong here.
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Old June 21st, 2003, 08:23 PM   #12
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Ray I like the new avatar too.

And thanks JJ for removing that bloody one. Aslan has a very good point, Moore has shot himself in the foot (depending on Carnivale, possibly both feet). I thought the hole in the head avatar was too much, but being the resident Victorian I thought it best to let my peers deal with that. Plus it looked like a deliberately bad Halloween makeup job. I just didn't like the feeling.... any more than I like kids running around Trick-or-Treating with bloody masks--(makes me wonder if they have parents). I too appreciate the removal, though this new one is equally scary in other, more humorous ways.

Aslan, I appreciate you speaking up.
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Old June 21st, 2003, 09:26 PM   #13
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Hey Warrior, it isn't the latest avatar I have a problem with, so I thank you not to put words in my mouth.

I have a problem with one Avatar, the one that has a bleeding head wound in RDM's face.

That to me is a bit extreme.

I think the Bond one was quite well done and tasteful.

I actually like that one.
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Old June 21st, 2003, 10:42 PM   #14
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What we have here is a break down of communications.

I thought you were referring to the bloody bullet wound pic, now I can see that you as a result of that thought I was referring to the James Bond spoof.

Nothing more, nothing less.

I see no reason for us to be at odds over this.

I apologize for any offense I may have caused to you, it was not done intentionally.
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Old June 21st, 2003, 11:30 PM   #15
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All this makes me glad I picked Bogart!

hey, Aslan...I'm not sure I understood your free speech/Quebec comment. Could you run it by me again?

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Old June 22nd, 2003, 12:34 AM   #16
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I hope no one is ofended by my avatar....well, except for Ojai.

Actually, I don't care for violence on the whole, but I can understand someone's anger with Moore, and would rather they take out their anger and frustration on a picture than on another person, so for that reason I wasn't bothered by it.
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Old June 22nd, 2003, 12:59 AM   #17
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Aslan- You wrote:

"I am offended by the amount of images I have seen here of Ron Moore being shot or otherwise mutilated."

O.K. But then you wrote:

"I have a problem with one Avatar, the one that has a bleeding head wound in RDM's face."

So I'm not really sure where your problem lies. However, the Avatar you speak of specifically was mine, I have removed it as per your voicing your distaste of it well before you posted specifically that that was the one you disliked. I have done this of my own free will. But regardless, I too am happy you spoke up. Please read my previous post in this thread.

Jewels- Your welcome. Hope my new one don't give you nightmares. If someone had mentioned to me that they wanted it removed I would have been happy to do it. Honestly I'm surprised that there was such a controversy over it. I have no intention of offending fellow fans. But I had only received positive remarks on this board regarding my avatar until this point. A bad Halloween job? Well yeah. It was fake. Like how many endless movies filled with bloody wounds that we see. Braveheart is my favorite. I see much worse at Halloween. I didn't think it was that real enough to convince or offend anyone. Guess I was wrong. All I did was draw on it. Heck, it could've been a "paintball splatter." And you just keep being as Victorian as your heart will allow, there's too few of you out there. Wish I could meet one.

Warrior- You are a man with scruples.

Flamingo Girl- That's why I thought it really was not that offensive, it's just a jpeg. But I'm not as easlily offended as others are. I guess it's the others I should be careful of. Which I have now, I think. P.S. Why Ojai?

Last edited by jjrakman; June 22nd, 2003 at 02:31 AM..
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Old June 22nd, 2003, 10:00 AM   #18
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See there is an old system of politness that says if you have a problem with a particular thing, but do not wish to insult the person with whom you have the problem. Instead of attacking them directly, you use a vague stance, allowing them to decide if they are or are not the offending party.

Now when I say offending party, I do not mean to imply that you went out of your way to be offensive.

I appreciate that you changed your picture.

Thank you.

Despite what some of you may or maynot think, this is not a "Don't be dissing Ron Moore" thread. Diss him all you want, I just hope that there is some level of wit and cleverness to it. Suggesting someone should be shot in the head is neither witty or clever, IMNSHO.

Senmut: Quebec has never signed the Canadian Charter of Freedoms and Rights, so there is no legal right to "Free Speech" in Quebec.
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Old June 22nd, 2003, 10:01 AM   #19
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Default Re: Is this better?

Originally posted by jjrakman
I call it: "If They Mated" In honor of Conan O'Brien.
BTW I love this image, very clever and witty
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Old June 22nd, 2003, 11:06 AM   #20
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Thank you. I'm glad you prefer my new one.

But again the old one was never meant to be clever or witty, it was much more of a response to some of RDM's remarks towards us. Made in the heat of anger? Perhaps. But I think too much has been made out of it already. We see far worse carnage than that in our video games, it's just the virtual world. It can't hurt you.

I appreciate you have an old fashioned way of communicating, but in the future if you have a problem could you please just say what you mean? I really hate to try and figure out what someone is trying to say between the lines, or to try to interpret subtext. That's why I don't ever want to get married.
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Old June 22nd, 2003, 03:00 PM   #21
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Why Ojai? because she and I have had a "war" going on since I arrived.

It's a joke.
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Old June 23rd, 2003, 12:09 AM   #22
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To bad about the marriage thing, JJ. You are ALOT cuter than RDM!!!!!!
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Old June 23rd, 2003, 09:08 AM   #23
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Thanks Senmut. I bet my new black and blonde hair is your favorite feature.
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Old June 23rd, 2003, 09:47 AM   #24
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Tom's feeling as an admin....

Alot of people are frustrated and angry at Moore. But nobody here is advocating killing him. And we understand that an avatar doesn't equate with a hit contract.

We also have smilies such as :ax: which also don't equate with any real life threat of violence.

People are frustrated and treated like felgercarb by Moore and Hammer. So let them blow off steam by a making an avatar. Freedom of expression is better than the purchase of a gun.

But if people are bothered by it, speak up and talk to Tom and the guy who has the avatar. We have good natured people (even if they are crapped on by TPTB) and most people here are rather accomodating if you just ask politley.
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Old June 24th, 2003, 12:44 PM   #25
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Originally posted by jjrakman
Flamingo Girl- ... P.S. Why Ojai?
Who is in Flamingo Girl's avatar? NO!!! not the pink one, the person!!! He's single. So are they. Next question?

Sometimes you are safest if you don't HAVE a favorite. No worries to any of the other gals about here.:z: :p
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Old June 24th, 2003, 02:06 PM   #26
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I think the bird is rather cute .
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Old June 24th, 2003, 09:02 PM   #27
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I'd blush, but I'm aleady pink.

Thanks, repcisg.
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Old June 25th, 2003, 06:06 AM   #28
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To show you how sick I am, I spent yesterday on another board screaming at a guy from Finland because he kills his cat's newborn kittens vs. getting his cat spade, because it is cheaper to kill the babies. I was outraged and offended and let him know as much and I left the forum for good, because the other posters were giving him sympathy....but then I come here and I looked at the bloody avatar and even though I thought it extreme, it did not bother me as much as killing helpless animals...... Where oh where has my humanity gone...have I given up on it?
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Old June 25th, 2003, 07:23 AM   #29
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Simple, hon - you recognized the avatar as cartoon.

Too bad that guy's in Finland - but, don't they have an ASPCA that could be contacted?

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Old June 25th, 2003, 07:49 AM   #30
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Your not alone. I actually have far more emotions when it concerns violence towards a dog or cat than I do vilence towards a human. When it comes to a human to say I'm apathetic is an understatement, but I absolutley detest thosw who abuse animals. Maybe it has something to do with the idea of "original sin" where every human, no matter what the age, is not innocent. But an animal, especially when it's a dog, shows you nothing but unconditional love. They don't lie to you, they steal from you, they don't do or say crappy things to you. I much prefer animals over humans any day!
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