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Old October 11th, 2005, 07:22 PM   #1
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Default Which would win...

Ok, Galactica or Emperial Star Destroyer?
Viper or Tie Fighter?
Colonial Warrior or Mobile Infantry?
Cylon or Stormtrooper?
Basestar or Deathstar?
Starbuck or Luke?
Apollo or Han Solo?
Sheba or Lea?
Viper or Starfury?
Garibaldi or Boomer?
Athena or Carmen?

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Old October 11th, 2005, 08:17 PM   #2
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Galactica or Star Destroyer - Star Destroyer - it has better armaments from what I remember (and someone once postulated that a Star Destroyer was bigger than the Galactica - which I find bloody hard to believe)

Viper or Tie Fighter - I'd go Viper on this one - more maneuverable

Colonial Warrior or Mobile Infantry - definitely the first...

Cylon or Stormtrooper - Stormtrooper... I think... (Hmmmmmm)

Basestar or Deathstar - I'll have to go Deathstar - we all remember the weak point on a Death Star right? Basestar has more!

Starbuck or Luke??? (not Han? LOL). Hmm... well, just cause Luke could cheat and use the force, I guess Luke...

Apollo or Han - Han is a trickier cuss than Apollo - sorry sweety.

Sheba or Lea - Sheba... she's definitely more warrior than Leia is (not that Leia isn't feisty though)

Viper or Starfury - no idea

Garibaldi or Boomer - Garibaldi - Boomer would be trying to talk him out of it and Garibaldi would shoot...

Athena or Carmen - no idea...
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Old October 11th, 2005, 08:48 PM   #3
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I'm presuming that "Good Guys Always Win"© is not in play?

Originally Posted by Tabitha
Ok, Galactica or Emperial Star Destroyer?
Ouch....I'd have to give this one to the ISD: a lot faster, overall, main guns' cyclic rate is far higher(though apparently less damage, overall), better fire arcs for the defensive batteries, etc....

Originally Posted by Tabitha
Viper or Tie Fighter?
Hmmmm....Basically equal in weaponry, neither has any shields; the Viper seems faster in the straight-away, and has a monster reverse-thrust, but the TIE in all versions exceot the Bomber(the twin-hulled frame from TESB) is infinately more maneuverable in close quarters....a lot comes down to pilot ability

Originally Posted by Tabitha
Colonial Warrior or Mobile Infantry?
M.I. 'book', or M.I. 'movie? Book-version wins hands down, with or without powered armor: far more focused, tactically capable and aggressive. 'Movie' will fold at the first sign of real, capable resistance.

Originally Posted by Tabitha
Cylon or Stormtrooper?
Bash the "Boyz in White" all you like, but they've got serious guts, and if you watch carefully, they win more often than not -- especially the 1.0/Clone Troopers; the later versions are a bit degraded in comparison, but they still romp all over the tin-heads.

Originally Posted by Tabitha
Basestar or Deathstar?
"...What the...!!! That blast came from the DEATH STAR?!?!?!"...as Something Smelly© fills the cockpit of the Millenium Falcon over Endor...

Originally Posted by Tabitha
Starbuck or Luke?
Luke 1, 2, or 3? 1 or 2, Starbuck uses like a Triad ball; 3 is a more even match, but will fall back on his "Jedi Mind Tricks" -- because Starbuck will still use him like a Triad ball if he gets too close......."Lensmen Eat Jedi For Breakfast"

Originally Posted by Tabitha
Apollo or Han Solo?
Apollo. Slow and steady wins the race, Grasshopper; Solo will go for the quick-fix, and if that doesn't work, he falls back on fancy blaster work...But Apollo is not Greedo.....

Originally Posted by Tabitha
Sheba or Lea?
Sheba, hands down. Leia has attitude and a mouth -- a blowhard.

Originally Posted by Tabitha
Viper or Starfury?
Hmmmm....Also even, but weighted more in favor of the Viper, overall

Originally Posted by Tabitha
Garibaldi or Boomer?
Oooooo......I'd have to go with Boomer on this one; Garibaldi has too much to prove to himself, and it makes him slip up and make mistakes. Boomer is cold and calculating when it comes to a fight, but he's also deceptive: he has a very long fuse, but when it burns down, you'd better not be standing in front of him....

Originally Posted by Tabitha
Athena or Carmen?
I'm okay on the Athena part -- who's Carmen?

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Old October 11th, 2005, 09:16 PM   #4
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Ok, Galactica or Emperial Star Destroyer?
Tough to say. The Imperial Star Destoyer does not appear to have any heavy weaponry like the Galactica has (as demonstrated by the Pegasus). Plus the Galactica has a smaller cross-section than the ISD. I think the victory might depend on "Viper or TIE fighter"

Viper or Tie Fighter?
Pilot skill would be the determining factor here. IMHO the Colonial Warriors appear to be better in the art of the dog fight than the Imperial pilots, so I would have to say the Viper

Colonial Warrior or Mobile Infantry?
Ignoring the Starship Troopers movie (which is by far more of a hatchet job of the source material than nuBSG can ever be), I would have to say the M.I. would kick Colonial Warrior *** up and down the galaxy. The marines on nuBSG may have a chance.

Cylon or Stormtrooper?
Stormtrooper appear to use better tactics than the Cylons, so the victory goes to the Stormtroopers.

Basestar or Deathstar?
Deathstar most likely

Starbuck or Luke?
Luke. Unless you are taking pre-Jedi, in which case Starbuck

Apollo or Han Solo?
Han Solo

Sheba or Lea?
In a fight, Sheba. Leia is not a fighter like Sheba. In a debate, Leia.

Viper or Starfury?
Starfury appears more manueverable, so in the hands of good pilot would win.

Garibaldi or Boomer?

Athena or Carmen?
Which Carmen?
-- Carmen Electra vs Athena: Carmen
-- Carmen Sandiego vs Athena: Carmen
-- Carmen "The Gypsy girl from Bizet's opera" vs Athena: Carmen

I guess the "which Carmen" doesn't matter. I think any Carmen would win.
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Old October 11th, 2005, 09:33 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by _No_Name_

Ignoring the Starship Troopers movie (which is by far more of a hatchet job of the source material than nuBSG can ever be), I would have to say the M.I. would kick Colonial Warrior *** up and down the galaxy. The marines on nuBSG may have a chance.
While I wouldn't go so far on the hatchet-job part( I don't believe I just wrote that!), speaking as a former Active-Duty USMC-type 'gator, the GINO-jars aren't even worth the workout.

Hmmmmm.....Colonial Warriors vs Imperial Stormtroopers...hmmmm -- where's my 501st T?
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Old October 11th, 2005, 10:30 PM   #6
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I remember this argument 10 years ago with friends.

The Basestar carries 300 fighters. According to my sourcebook (and official), a Star Destroyer only has 72 Ties, 12 interceptors and 12 bombers. Weaponry and shielding I don't remember. I always loved the Tie Advanced and Tie Defenders in the Star Wars Tie Fighter PC game.

The star destroyer is 1.6 kms long. The Galactica is said to be 2000 meters or 2000 feet (I say meters). I know the super Star Destroyer is 8 kms long.
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Old October 12th, 2005, 03:38 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Pegasus4
I remember this argument 10 years ago with friends.

The Basestar carries 300 fighters. According to my sourcebook (and official), a Star Destroyer only has 72 Ties, 12 interceptors and 12 bombers. Weaponry and shielding I don't remember. I always loved the Tie Advanced and Tie Defenders in the Star Wars Tie Fighter PC game.

The star destroyer is 1.6 kms long. The Galactica is said to be 2000 meters or 2000 feet (I say meters). I know the super Star Destroyer is 8 kms long.

We know for sure that an Imperial Class Star Destroyer has deflector shields.
Basestars are speculated to have shields (At least Cain says something like "Their sheilds won't help 'em.")

Star Destroyer is armed with 60 Turbolaser cannons, and an array of missile and tractor beam tubes.

Basestar is armed with 100 defensive laser turrets and 2 mega pulsars.

Personally, I think with the known armaments and defenses of an Imperial Star Destroyer, it would win the bout.

A Super Star Destroyer would outgun any Battlestar, Basestar, or lesser capital ship. It is armed with over 1000 weapons emplacements, and is able to ward off a fleet of lesser ships. Battlestars and basestars might have it all over an SSD when it comes to maneuverability....but then again, there's not many places you can position yourself around a Super Star Destroyer without having at least 200 weapons brought to bear on you at any one time.

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Old October 12th, 2005, 05:54 AM   #8
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Cool And my money is on......

Galactica - Star Destroyer
Star Destroyer. It is more powerful, better defended, and better armed. The turbo-lasers, ion cannons and missiles on the Star Destroyer would make light work of a Battlestar, which can be crippled by a Cylon Raider assault. Could you picture a Star Destroyer falling to a Rebel starfighter attack? I don't think so!

Basestar - Death Star
Tabbi, are you serious? A Basestar v the Death Star. I would have more chance of knocking out Muhammad Ali in his prime than a Basestar has against the Death Star. Remember, thats no moon, it's a space-station! And a planet destroying space-station to boot!

Viper - TIE Fighter
Viper, easy. The TIE has no sheilding, and is designed overwelm opponents by there sheer numbers in combat. One-on-one, a good Viper or X-Wing pilots should always win.

Viper - Starfury
Draw. It all comes down to the skill of the pilot IMHO.

Colonial Warrior - Mobile Infantry
Colonial Warrior. Simply because I do not know who the Mobile Infantry are!

Cylon - Stormtrooper
Cylon. In a shoot out, a Cylon should be quicker on the draw, and have better aim than a Stormtrooper.

Starbuck - Luke
Luke, without breaking sweat! Come on Tabbi, the guy is a Jedi! Give Starbuck a chance.

Apollo - Han
Han. Apollo is just too nice for him to have any chance against Han Solo! Now, Satrbuck v Han, that would be interesting.

Sheba - Leia
Sheba. Sheba is a Warrior, trained by her father- a Colonial Commander. Leia, although fiesty, is still a Princess raised in the Royal court and brough up as a politician.

Boomer - Garibaldi
Draw. Both cut from the same cloth, I really could not choose a winner.

Athena - Carmen
Athena. I have no idea who Carmen is, but she does not beat the lovely Athena. No one beats Athena!

Doc. I'm from the future.
I came here in a time machine that you invented.
Now I need your help to get back to the year 1985.....
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Old October 12th, 2005, 06:41 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by BRG
Galactica - Star Destroyer
Could you picture a Star Destroyer falling to a Rebel starfighter attack? I don't think so!
Gotta call ya' on this one...RotJ has several ISDs severely damaged by Rebel fighters, and the Super Star Destroyer was destroyed when its bridge was destroyed by an A-Wing's kamikaze run.....That said, I still vote ISD over the Gal

Originally Posted by BRG
Colonial Warrior - Mobile Infantry
Colonial Warrior. Simply because I do not know who the Mobile Infantry are!
Pick up a copy of Robert Heinlein's "Starship Troopers" -- the original, not the 90's trash-movie with Casper van Dien.....Anybody twisted enough to come up with psych-war hand grenades ("I'M A THRITY-SECOND BOMB! I'M A THRITY-SECOND BOMB! TWENTY-NINE, TWENTY-EIGHT, TWENTY-SEVEN....." ) has got all that and a 5-gallon bucket of chips over everybody else....and just so we're clear, here:

M.I. wins over both Clone Troopers and Stormtroopers every day --- there's a lot to be said for nuclear hand-grenades and powered armor
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Old October 12th, 2005, 06:47 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Pegasus4
I remember this argument 10 years ago with friends.

The Basestar carries 300 fighters. According to my sourcebook (and official), a Star Destroyer only has 72 Ties, 12 interceptors and 12 bombers. Weaponry and shielding I don't remember. I always loved the Tie Advanced and Tie Defenders in the Star Wars Tie Fighter PC game.
Also, remember that a single ISD has space to carry an 8000-man infantry brigade, complete with AT-ATs, AT-STs and other support vehicles and equipment; I think that if you stripped it down to the Gal's specs(where you have maybe 12 shuttles, and maybe 100-200 security troops), you could at least triple your TIE compliment....And TIEs will trounce Raiders all day long...
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Old October 12th, 2005, 06:54 AM   #11
Centurion Draco
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Originally Posted by WarMachine
Gotta call ya' on this one...RotJ has several ISDs severely damaged by Rebel fighters, and the Super Star Destroyer was destroyed when its bridge was destroyed by an A-Wing's kamikaze run.....That said, I still vote ISD over the Gal

Pick up a copy of Robert Heinlein's "Starship Troopers" -- the original, not the 90's trash-movie with Casper van Dien.....Anybody twisted enough to come up with psych-war hand grenades ("I'M A THRITY-SECOND BOMB! I'M A THRITY-SECOND BOMB! TWENTY-NINE, TWENTY-EIGHT, TWENTY-SEVEN....." ) has got all that and a 5-gallon bucket of chips over everybody else....and just so we're clear, here:

M.I. wins over both Clone Troopers and Stormtroopers every day --- there's a lot to be said for nuclear hand-grenades and powered armor

Lol, absolutely.
I was gutted when I saw they weren't going to film Starship Troopers as Heinlein wrote it.
THe powered armour WAS the MI. The whole quarter of a mile 'jumps' that get them into and out of battle so effectively. What about the shoulder mounted thermal lances?
Heinlein is one of the greats. Twisted beyond belief, but still decades ahead of his time. Wasn't he a Colonel in the US army in WW2? If I remember rightly, he was in charge of psychological warfare or something equally scary.
I also really objected to the spiders being made so stupid! No weapons, no allies (the skinnies) they were just big dumb bugs. Nuclear Grenades!!! Perfect for killing a building full of cowering civilian skinnies!
I still enjoyed the film a lot, but it wasn't Starship Troopers.
How do you take an 8 foot spider prisoner?
Use your lance to burn all its legs off down one side, and it just scuttles around in circles! Then burn the rest of its legs off, and pick is up by a stump! Course it doesn't live too long after that. (RH is one sick mother!)
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Old October 12th, 2005, 07:13 AM   #12
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Actually, RAH was a LtCmdr in the Navy when he was medically retired in the 30's due to tuberculosis, IIRC. He met his second wife(who survived him) in WW2 working at ONI(I think) as an Italian Navy specialist(read a real history of the Italians in WW2 sometime...very iluminating).

He actually modeled the M.I. off of the Marines; the book version were basically what the USMC would have become if they were they only ground force.

I had great problems with the film. The director, Voorhaven[sp?], had/has serious "issues" with anything that smacks of "fascism", and goes out of his way to portray such groups in the worst light possible: he is also the director of RoboCop 1 and Total Recall. He also looks down his nose at fans of the books -- sound familiar?

When Virginia Heinlein saw some of the dailies/previews when the studio tried to get her endorsement of the film, she turned them down flat...That's why it says "Based on..." rather than "Robert Heinlein's..."

For those who have never read the book, the Bugs did have a hive mind, but the Warriors were fully-articulated, rather like a praying mantis -- 6-feet tall ...who used conventional small arms ...there were no bugs squirting nuclear poop into orbit They built starships and fought naval actions against the Humans.

And the Terrans in the movie were idiots.....still about it...
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Old October 12th, 2005, 07:55 AM   #13
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An ISD seems pretty much a match for a Base Star IMHO (were the ISD simply packed for space combat and not carrying lots of ATs/ground troops). They both have large amounts of fixed guns, the both have heavy 'ship killer' weapons, both have energy shields, and a large compliment of fighters capable of various roles, and of varying 'spec'.
Std TIE's Vs Std Raiders: Raiders win by a mile.
Advanced TIE's Vs Advanced (leader) Raiders: Draw.
Overall I think things would even themselves out really between the two ships at full strength. The ISD without fighters possibly has the edge, but with fighters the Base Star would easily counter that advantage, so I go for a draw.

Battlestar Vs ISD.
Well, a Battlestar is more than a match for one Base Star, and even two are not 'assured victory', so I think a 'fresh' Battlestar with a full compliment of Vipers would pulverise an ISD.

Viper Vs X-Wing. This would be an interesting battle. Both are super fast, shielded and heavily armed.

Landram Vs AT-AT Ooops Landram gets trodden on.
Landram Vs AT-ST: Draw

Troopers Vs Cylons: Both use the same tactics, both would take vast casualties. Cylons would have a tiny edge I think.
Troopers Vs Colonials: Warriors obliterate Troopers.
Jedi Vs anyone: one for one the Jedi would obviously batter anyone they came up against.

Apollo Vs Solo: Both are quick on the draw, but Apollo's Laser packs about twice the punch of Solo's DL-44 as its designed to blow holes in laser repelling reflective armour. So whereas Apollo might survive a 'body' hit from Solo's gun, Solo would be unlikely to survive a 'body' hit from Apollo's. And were they unarmed Apollo would obviously slap Solo around like a red headed step child! Outcome: Apollo Wins.

Starbuck Vs Solo: You just know Starbuck's 'Solo' only more so. So Starbuck would win.

You can't really do the Luke versus thing, cos pre jedi training, he's a pussy, post training he's a fraking jedi!!

Colonel Tigh Vs Governor Tarkin: Colonel Tigh takes his power walker off of him and beats him to death with it.

Boomer Vs JaJa Binks: Mesarr in some biiiggggg trouble now. Boomer wins

Jolly Vs Chewbacca: in the first grapple Chewbacca rips Jollly's shirt off and is so intimidated by Jolly's abnormally hairy back that he drops his guard and Jolly flattens him with a clothsline then finishes him with a mighty 'colonial elbow'.

Muffit Vs Wicket: Muffit gets an Ewok skin rug for his daggit bed.

DeathStar Vs Ravershall Pulsar: Pulsar has longer range (and recharges quicker)
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Old October 12th, 2005, 08:16 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by WarMachine
Actually, RAH was a LtCmdr in the Navy when he was medically retired in the 30's due to tuberculosis, IIRC. He met his second wife(who survived him) in WW2 working at ONI(I think) as an Italian Navy specialist(read a real history of the Italians in WW2 sometime...very iluminating).

He actually modeled the M.I. off of the Marines; the book version were basically what the USMC would have become if they were they only ground force.

I had great problems with the film. The director, Voorhaven[sp?], had/has serious "issues" with anything that smacks of "fascism", and goes out of his way to portray such groups in the worst light possible: he is also the director of RoboCop 1 and Total Recall. He also looks down his nose at fans of the books -- sound familiar?

When Virginia Heinlein saw some of the dailies/previews when the studio tried to get her endorsement of the film, she turned them down flat...That's why it says "Based on..." rather than "Robert Heinlein's..."

For those who have never read the book, the Bugs did have a hive mind, but the Warriors were fully-articulated, rather like a praying mantis -- 6-feet tall ...who used conventional small arms ...there were no bugs squirting nuclear poop into orbit They built starships and fought naval actions against the Humans.

And the Terrans in the movie were idiots.....still about it...
I may be confusing his military career with someone elses, I read all this stuff years and years ago.

I think the 'bugs' in the film lost a lot of their menace. The spiders in the book are a real enemy. And the fact that they are a real culture or 'empire' with technology and subjegated or allied races makes them more threatening then the ones in the film that are little more than dumb machines.
The 'crux' of the Trooper concept in the book is the powered body armour. Without it, even the book as written would have lost a lot of its shine.
The humans in the book are cetainly in a very 'grey' area morally. One of the few things I liked about the film was that it at least tried to address this, with the pseudo Nazi uniforms, the ruthless war of extermination, lack of individual rights etc,etc. Problem is, I think that de-evolving the Spiders to the level of mindless 'bugs', and removing their humanoid allies and technology means that there is virtually no way fo the audience to empathise with them at all, even when the film makes the point that the humans are the invaders, and not the arachnids.
A good movie, just not Starship Troopers. IMHO
I'd love to see it filmed exactly as Heinlein wrote it.
Nice to meet other people who actually read it!

Ever read any Fred Saberhagen?
I loved the Berserker books!
And the whole 'Sword' series.
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Old October 12th, 2005, 09:15 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Centurian Draco

Std TIE's Vs Std Raiders: Raiders win by a mile.
...Only via sheer weight of numbers -- TIEs are an even match against most Rebel fighters, even given the limitations of the TIE(no shields, no hyperdrive). They're faster, more maneuverable, and equally- or better-armed compared to a Raider.

Originally Posted by Centurian Draco
Battlestar Vs ISD.
Well, a Battlestar is more than a match for one Base Star, and even two are not 'assured victory', so I think a 'fresh' Battlestar with a full compliment of Vipers would pulverise an ISD.
I don't know on this one.....But it would certainly make for a good wargame battle, if we could hammer out the rules set....

Originally Posted by Centurian Draco
Viper Vs X-Wing. This would be an interesting battle. Both are super fast, shielded and heavily armed.
??????.....When did Vipers aquire sheilds? Or Raiders, for that matter?

Originally Posted by Centurian Draco
DeathStar Vs Ravershall Pulsar: Pulsar has longer range (and recharges quicker)
...But has far less destructive power - I never got the impression that it could turn a planet into asteroids....
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Old October 12th, 2005, 09:16 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Centurian Draco
An ISD seems pretty much a match for a Base Star IMHO (were the ISD simply packed for space combat and not carrying lots of ATs/ground troops). They both have large amounts of fixed guns, the both have heavy 'ship killer' weapons, both have energy shields, and a large compliment of fighters capable of various roles, and of varying 'spec'.
Std TIE's Vs Std Raiders: Raiders win by a mile.
Advanced TIE's Vs Advanced (leader) Raiders: Draw.
Overall I think things would even themselves out really between the two ships at full strength. The ISD without fighters possibly has the edge, but with fighters the Base Star would easily counter that advantage, so I go for a draw.

Battlestar Vs ISD.
Well, a Battlestar is more than a match for one Base Star, and even two are not 'assured victory', so I think a 'fresh' Battlestar with a full compliment of Vipers would pulverise an ISD.

Viper Vs X-Wing. This would be an interesting battle. Both are super fast, shielded and heavily armed.

Landram Vs AT-AT Ooops Landram gets trodden on.
Landram Vs AT-ST: Draw

Troopers Vs Cylons: Both use the same tactics, both would take vast casualties. Cylons would have a tiny edge I think.
Troopers Vs Colonials: Warriors obliterate Troopers.
Jedi Vs anyone: one for one the Jedi would obviously batter anyone they came up against.

Apollo Vs Solo: Both are quick on the draw, but Apollo's Laser packs about twice the punch of Solo's DL-44 as its designed to blow holes in laser repelling reflective armour. So whereas Apollo might survive a 'body' hit from Solo's gun, Solo would be unlikely to survive a 'body' hit from Apollo's. And were they unarmed Apollo would obviously slap Solo around like a red headed step child! Outcome: Apollo Wins.

Starbuck Vs Solo: You just know Starbuck's 'Solo' only more so. So Starbuck would win.

You can't really do the Luke versus thing, cos pre jedi training, he's a pussy, post training he's a fraking jedi!!

Colonel Tigh Vs Governor Tarkin: Colonel Tigh takes his power walker off of him and beats him to death with it.

Boomer Vs JaJa Binks: Mesarr in some biiiggggg trouble now. Boomer wins

Jolly Vs Chewbacca: in the first grapple Chewbacca rips Jollly's shirt off and is so intimidated by Jolly's abnormally hairy back that he drops his guard and Jolly flattens him with a clothsline then finishes him with a mighty 'colonial elbow'.

Muffit Vs Wicket: Muffit gets an Ewok skin rug for his daggit bed.

DeathStar Vs Ravershall Pulsar: Pulsar has longer range (and recharges quicker)

Thanks Centurian Draco , Super post, man I need this laugh..
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Old October 12th, 2005, 09:51 AM   #17
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Thumbs up

Ok, Galactica or Emperial Star Destroyer
The Galactica or ISD, while I disagree about the size of the Galactica been 2000 feet Larson indicated it was a mile or longer .. so in length the same or a bit longer than a ISD not as tall though.
The film versions showing the fire power of an ISD would on the surface appear to out match the BSG.. but put that down to Lucas having a better understanding of effects .. I beleive that the Galactica is far better armed than we have seen.

But to answer the question:

1a: The Galactica would seem to have better manuvering abilty and faster at
sublight speed turns but has weaker hull plating. IMHO
1b: The ISD heavy hull plates but slow at manuvering in sublight.

2a: Fire power: Galactica is unknown apart from a TV guide stating its has 75
Turbo Lasers also 75 Vipers .. (I think it should be 75 per landing bay it has
the room.
2b:or not 2b.
Fire power . Star Destroyer is armed with 60 Turbolaser cannons, and an array
of missile and tractor beam tubes. (thanks Martok) Ion cannons.
3a: support fighters as other have stated the fact's in other posts . but I think
that the verity of fighter are in the Stardestroyer's corner..

So therefor after much delibration I think as much as it pains me to say ..

The StarDestroyer would win.. Un less!!! the BIG G put planty of fier power in to the Bridge or Landing bay..

Viper or Tie Fighter?
What WarMachine said.

Colonial Warrior or Mobile Infantry?
Cylon or Stormtrooper?
Basestar or Deathstar?
Death STar
Starbuck or Luke?
Apollo or Han Solo?
Han Solo
Sheba or Lea?
Leia .... Hmmmm
Viper or Starfury?
Not sure??
Garibaldi or Boomer?
Athena or Carmen?

what do I win..
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Old October 12th, 2005, 10:13 AM   #18
Centurion Draco
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Originally Posted by WarMachine
...Only via sheer weight of numbers -- TIEs are an even match against most Rebel fighters, even given the limitations of the TIE(no shields, no hyperdrive). They're faster, more maneuverable, and equally- or better-armed compared to a Raider.

I don't know on this one.....But it would certainly make for a good wargame battle, if we could hammer out the rules set....

??????.....When did Vipers aquire sheilds? Or Raiders, for that matter?

...But has far less destructive power - I never got the impression that it could turn a planet into asteroids....

TIE Vs Raider: 'BANG' Cylon1: 'Sensors report we just colided with something small and insignificant', Cylon commander: 'Oh well'.

Its my understanding that standard Raiders have minimal or no shielding, and that advanced Raiders 'leader' raiders have shielding to match Vipers (like X-wings). Base Stars and Battlestars have shields also. But like the ships is star wars, they all seem to have shields that are more like a second skin (or even an augmented structural integrity field) rather than the 'proper' shields that Trek ships have.

As for the Death Star, it's only the size of a small moon, and it would have to get real close to destroy a planet the size of Arcta. The pulsar would have deep fried it by then.
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Old October 12th, 2005, 10:16 AM   #19
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Of course the real question is:
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Old October 12th, 2005, 11:50 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Centurian Draco
Of course the real question is:
Yoda, definately. Iblis may be evil-incarnate, but he's theatrical and slow-moving; drive him from this plane, Yoda would.

.....And before it's asked, Palpatine would use Iblis for a chew toy.....
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Old October 12th, 2005, 12:29 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by WarMachine
Yoda, definately. Iblis may be evil-incarnate, but he's theatrical and slow-moving; drive him from this plane, Yoda would.

.....And before it's asked, Palpatine would use Iblis for a chew toy.....
Oh Behave!
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Old October 12th, 2005, 12:31 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Taranis
Thanks Centurian Draco , Super post, man I need this laugh..

Thanks Taranis.
Oh, and I agree about the size thing. 2000ft is way too small for the Galactica.
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Old October 12th, 2005, 12:31 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Centurian Draco
Oh Behave!
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Old October 12th, 2005, 02:46 PM   #24
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BTW Carmen is the dark headed gf from the Starship Troopers movie, since Dizzy got killed, but theres an idea, Dizzy vs. Athena?

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Old October 12th, 2005, 03:08 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Tabitha
BTW Carmen is the dark headed gf from the Starship Troopers movie, since Dizzy got killed, but theres an idea, Dizzy vs. Athena?

Dizzy would murder Athena. Dizzy's a well hard 'grunt' and Athena's an administrator.

Dizzy Vs Sheba.......

BTW, just realised I've got a promotion to 'Warrior' (guess the 100 post mark?).
Why are you 'Empty and Fading'?
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Old October 12th, 2005, 03:12 PM   #26
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I agree with Centurian in that , Dizzy would murder her..
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Old October 12th, 2005, 03:42 PM   #27
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Why am I empty and fadeing...
I just typed out a long answer, then deleted it. Its a lot of personal stuff, and some stuff from another board. Lets just say, dont trust anyone, cus you never know who your friends are, and how fast someone can turn on you. And the sick part is, you dont even have to do anything wrong.
But thats my problem, and my personal life, and has nothing to do with BSG or this thread or anything of interest to anyone but myself, and the people who I thought were my friends.
I might be on a bit less from now on, maybe not on at all anymore, Im not sure. Some of the people involved also go to more than one board, and Im not sure that I want to deal with them again. Besides, its not like I really had anything of value to say here anyhow.

I hope that you all are able to do and become everything you desire, and all your dreams come true, what dreams may come...

God bless

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Old October 12th, 2005, 07:59 PM   #28
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Default Ahh, young Padawan Learner

...you are but young in the ways of the Internet.

Originally Posted by Tabitha
Why am I empty and fadeing...
But thats my problem, and my personal life, and has nothing to do with BSG or this thread or anything of interest to anyone but myself, and the people who I thought were my friends.
Encounter with a troll must you had. Hmm. (Sorry for the bad Yoda). Seriously, one has to take a virtual/online friendship for what it is: An ethereal encounter. If the person(s) involved are people you know in the real world and they made you this upset, then you might have to chalk it up to a lesson learned and drive on.

Originally Posted by Tabitha
I might be on a bit less from now on, maybe not on at all anymore, Im not sure. Some of the people involved also go to more than one board, and Im not sure that I want to deal with them again.
One most teach you the value of a kill file. Nothing is more satisfying then the sound of a troll going plonk.

Originally Posted by Tabitha
Besides, its not like I really had anything of value to say here anyhow.
You are being much to critical of yourself. You've contributed more than most.
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Old October 12th, 2005, 09:31 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by _No_Name_
You are being much to critical of yourself. You've contributed more than most.
Gotta chime in, here.....I'm with _No_Name_: in the short time I've been on this board, I can tell you that you are having an extremely positive effect on the folks here.

I mean, come on! How many girls are there out there who have even heard of T2K? Damned few, is your answer. I'm serious.

Keepin' on keepin' on.......WM
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Old October 13th, 2005, 12:46 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Tabitha
I might be on a bit less from now on, maybe not on at all anymore, Im not sure. Some of the people involved also go to more than one board, and Im not sure that I want to deal with them again. Besides, its not like I really had anything of value to say here anyhow.

tabbi , you have had a great impact on this site, look at this thread its been a lot of fun.... you don't have to deal with anyone on the net if you don't want to . It would be sad if you left and took you stories and sence of Humour ..

In you control panal you have an Ignore list and Bubby list .. I have never use the Ignore option so Im not sure how it works ..

I hope that you all are able to do and become everything you desire, and all your dreams come true, what dreams may come...

Thanks I also hope and the same for you..

God bless

God Bless you to
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