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Old September 15th, 2004, 12:25 PM   #1
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Question Survey: Who Are You Really?

Blizzard created this questionnaire at Galactica Senate,
I liked it and I thought I'd import it here Make sure to cut and paste this to whole survey to answer the questions. Thanks for participating!

About you and only you:
1) First name:
2) Birth date:
3) Current location:
4) Height:
5) Eye color:
6) Hair color/style:
7) Righty or lefty:
8) Your greatest accomplishment:
9) Something you'd still like to achieve:
10) Your fears:
11) Your weakness:
12) Your bedtime:
13) Your perfect evening:
14) Your perfect first date:
15) Your perfect friend:
16) Your perfect pizza:
17) Your best feature:
18) The first feature you notice in the opposite sex:
19) The shoes you wore today:
20) Your dream car:

Do you:
21) Smoke/Drink alcohol:
22) Have a job:
23) Cuss:
24) Go to school/college:
25) Want to get married:
26) Want to have kids:
27) Get along with your parents:
28) Get depressed:
29) Have a sense of humor:
30) Keep a journal:

Have you:
31) Been drunk:
32) Taken drugs:
33) Been called a tease:
34) Been beaten up:
35) Beaten someone up:
36) Shoplifted:
37) Have a medical emergency/surgery:
38) Fired a gun:
39) Danced around the house naked:
40) Laughed and shot milk out of your nose:

'Fess up!
41) Number of people you have kissed in your life:
42) Number of relationships you've had:
43) Number of people you could trust with your life:
44) Do you have piercings:
45) Do you have tattoos:
46) Have you been dumped:
47) Have you dumped someone:
48) What annoys you the most:
49) What makes you cry:
50) What makes you laugh:
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Old September 15th, 2004, 12:35 PM   #2
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ok I'll go first!

1) First name:Gaelen
2) Birth date: Feb 04- 1964
3) Current location:Vancouver, BC Canada
4) Height:5’2’” or 153 cm
5) Eye color:blue
6) Hair color/style:brown naturally curly hair just past shoulder length
7) Righty or lefty:ambidextrous but I do tend to favour my right hand
8) Your greatest accomplishment:reuniting a father with his two boys he hadn’t seen in 3 years (18 months of intense research and court proceedings) Also Saving one of my patients life while a student nurse.
9) Something you'd still like to achieve:financial independence and security
10) Your fears:success, failure, dying in a horrible way, growing old without ever knowing the love of a child, growing old without ever knowing that I’ve been truly loved, failing to be there for someone when they really need me, having another kidney stone attack, not making enough money so that when I retire I don’t have enough to live on, losing certain people and pets I love, losing my home to fire.
11) Your weakness:Men, sex, chocolate, injured animal, a person in need.
12) Your bedtime:usually around 2 am
13) Your perfect evening:The phone never rings, no one comes to the door, all my favourite shows are on TV or all my fav people are on my fav web sites and I get to chat with them all night all my fav food and snack are in the house, the dogs and the cats are well behaved and leave me alone, and my boyfriend is out of town for a week!
14) Your perfect first date:He picks me up at my door, brings me a big bouquet of flowers beautifully presented, He is nicely dressed is polite and charming, opens the door to the car for me, waits until my seat belt is on before taking off, takes me to a lovely restaurant which he has taken the time to book a reservation to well in advance, treats the waiter with respect, tips generously, has nice table manners, is fascinating to talk with, then takes me to a play, afterwards we go to a coffee house or some such and sit and discuss what we’ve just watched in an insightful way, laughing and talking for a couple of hours, then he takes me home, opens my door, offers me his hand to help me out, escorts me to my front door gives me a good night kiss without pushing for more then asks me if he can see me again then waits until I’ve gone in the house to leave. Have I ever experience any of this (except for the good conversation stuff) no! LOL!
15) Your perfect friend:someone I can tell everything to and who I can trust implicitly, someone who is always there when I need them, someone who can and does count on me to be there for them no matter what, someone who tells me all their most private thoughts no matter how dark. Someone who trust me implicitly. Someone who I can have loads of fun with or cry with, someone who understands me, forgives me my trespasses, someone with whom I share a similar understanding of the world.
16) Your perfect pizza:The ones made by TriColori pizza in ChamblyQuebec lol! I love mushrooms and green peppers chopped very small with lots of cheese (no meat)
17) Your best feature:eyes, smile, figure, legs
18) The first feature you notice in the opposite sex:eyes and butt
19) The shoes you wore today:barefoot
20) Your dream car: Fantasy:Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren in metallic green with tan leather interior please. reality: I love trucks don’t care for cars

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Old September 15th, 2004, 12:36 PM   #3
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Do you:
21) Smoke/Drink alcohol:I’ve never smoked cigs/ yes I drink alcohol
22) Have a job:not at the moment have been a student for the last few years and hopefully go back in Jan
23) Cuss:yes but I try not to say the really bad words lol
24) Go to school/college:yes I’ve done 7 years of college I’ve taken biology, sociology, geology, anthropology, Humanities, psychology, ecology, chemistry, English, Math, History, and 2 years of Nursing. I might have forgotten some…
25) Want to get married:only if I met my soul mate, but it’s not a necessity
26) Want to have kids:I would love to have a child but time is running out to have one biologically.
27) Get along with your parents:with my father yes, my mother no
28) Get depressed:yes, with a few very black times
29) Have a sense of humour:Yes!
30) Keep a journal:I used to but not anymore

Have you:
31) Been drunk:
32) Taken drugs:Yes mostly Pot and hash once tried mushrooms
33) Been called a tease: yes (but not in a bad way)
34) Been beaten up:yes
35) Beaten someone up:in self defence
36) Shoplifted:no
37) Have a medical emergency/surgery: I have kidney stones so have been in a couple of ambulance rides, Surgery for endometriosis and a D+C
38) Fired a gun:yes
39) Danced around the house naked:Oh yea baby!
40) Laughed and shot milk out of your nose:not milk but yes laughed that hard! Lol

'Fess up!
41) Number of people you have kissed in your life:
in a “romantic” way more than 20
42) Number of relationships you've had: not counting one night stands and bed buddies 10
43) Number of people you could trust with your life:Wow ok trust how? trust them to protect me or get my back in a bad situation? There is no one that I can think of that I feel I could truly depend upon for something like that, I’ve been there. Trust with my personal safety in a medical emergency situation many friends and family and strangers because I’ve been there. Trust with power of attorney over my life… 2 people.
44) Do you have piercings:yes, my ears and used to have my belly button pierced.
45) Do you have tattoos:no
46) Have you been dumped:oh yea in a gloriously painful way!
47) Have you dumped someone:yes… too many – hate it
48) What annoys you the most: people who are rude and thoughtless, and the sound of chains saws
49) What makes you cry:Reunions, when someone does something very sweet or thoughtful, tender moments, making love, when someone does something heroic, when someone else is in pain or crying, when someone hurts a another person or animal, when someone I love dies, or a pet. Movies moments, songs that evoke memories. So many things can make me cry.
50) What makes you laugh: Intelligent, witty word play. Watching my pets play with each other. Certain stand up comedians. Some friends sense of humour, being tickled.
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Old September 15th, 2004, 02:07 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Rowan
Blizzard created this questionnaire at Galactica Senate,
I liked it and I thought I'd import it here Make sure to cut and paste this to whole survey to answer the questions. Thanks for participating!

About you and only you:
1) First name: Scott
2) Birth date: May 2, 73
3) Current location: White Fox Sk. Canada
4) Height: 5'11"
5) Eye color: Blue
6) Hair color/style: Brown
7) Righty or lefty: ambidextrous except for writing (right) shooting rifles (left)
8) Your greatest accomplishment: Still breathing
9) Something you'd still like to achieve: Too many to choose from
10) Your fears: a few of them, as well
11) Your weakness: a few of them
12) Your bedtime: variable13) Your perfect evening: curl up on the sofa and watch a movie
14) Your perfect first date: Movie, dinner
15) Your perfect friend: Trustworthy16) Your perfect pizza: Loaded
17) Your best feature:
18) The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes
19) The shoes you wore today: running shoes
20) Your dream car: '69 Pontiac GTO, '69 Dodge Charger, 57 Chev Bel-Air

Do you:
21) Smoke/Drink alcohol: yes/yes
22) Have a job: LOL! I would if this f'ing rain ever stops!
23) Cuss: yes
24) Go to school/college: yes
25) Want to get married: yes
26) Want to have kids: yes
27) Get along with your parents: Not always
28) Get depressed: yes
29) Have a sense of humor: yes
30) Keep a journal: No

Have you:
31) Been drunk: yes
32) Taken drugs: yes
33) Been called a tease: No
34) Been beaten up: yes
35) Beaten someone up: yes
36) Shoplifted: no
37) Have a medical emergency/surgery: no
38) Fired a gun: yes
39) Danced around the house naked: no
40) Laughed and shot milk out of your nose: yes

'Fess up!
41) Number of people you have kissed in your life: 5
42) Number of relationships you've had: 4
43) Number of people you could trust with your life: 2
44) Do you have piercings: no
45) Do you have tattoos: not yet
46) Have you been dumped: yes
47) Have you dumped someone: yes
48) What annoys you the most: stupidity, especially my own
49) What makes you cry:
50) What makes you laugh: friends, kids, etc.
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Old September 15th, 2004, 02:36 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Rowan

About you and only you:
1) First name: Eric
2) Birth date: 14 Dec 64
3) Current location: Southern California
4) Height: 6’2”ish
5) Eye color: Blue
6) Hair color/style: brown with silver streaks, whats left of it
7) Righty or lefty: Righty
8) Your greatest accomplishment: Paying off my School debt
9) Something you'd still like to achieve: Too many too name
10) Your fears: Spiders.
11) Your weakness: Kryptonite!
12) Your bedtime: 9:00 ish. You decide am or pm
13) Your perfect evening: Watching the Texas Aggies run up the score with my wife. Aggies will understand
14) Your perfect first date: Talking for hours in the Olive Garden, until they throw us out
15) Your perfect friend: My wife
16) Your perfect pizza: yes
17) Your best feature: My chiseled good looks. OK, my sense of humor
18) The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: I am married, I don’t notice the opposite sex anymore
19) The shoes you wore today: Brown loafers
20) Your dream car: The Batmobile

Do you:
21) Smoke/Drink alcohol: no/yes
22) Have a job: yes
23) Cuss: I try not to, but I am not all that sucessful
24) Go to school/college: Not anymore, I dun gradiated
25) Want to get married: I am married
26) Want to have kids: Yes
27) Get along with your parents: Yes, now. There was a time I didn’t
28) Get depressed: Not really
29) Have a sense of humor: I think so, others may disagree
30) Keep a journal: no

Have you:
31) Been drunk: Yes
32) Taken drugs: Not illegal ones
33) Been called a tease: Not that I know of
34) Been beaten up: Not that I recall
35) Beaten someone up: Once, didn’t enjoy it
36) Shoplifted: No
37) Have a medical emergency/surgery: No
38) Fired a gun: No
39) Danced around the house naked: That is the plan for tonight
40) Laughed and shot milk out of your nose: Nope

'Fess up!
41) Number of people you have kissed in your life: dozens. I didn’t keep a running count though
42) Number of relationships you've had: See above
43) Number of people you could trust with your life: Probably more people then truly deserve it
44) Do you have piercings: No
45) Do you have tattoos: I currently have a cracker jack tattoo on, but I will wash it off later
46) Have you been dumped: Nope, not me, I am perfect. OK, maybe a couple of times. Dozens really, see answer to 41
47) Have you dumped someone: See above
48) What annoys you the most: Dishonesty
49) What makes you cry: The end of Old Yeller
50) What makes you laugh:
Not enough, really. I can always use a good laugh
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Old September 15th, 2004, 02:43 PM   #6
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Default Here goes nuthin'...!

1) First name: Bryan
2) Birth date: 6/9/60
3) Current location: Roseville, CA
4) Height: 6'1"
5) Eye color: Hazel
6) Hair color/style: Medium Brown/Fairly short - parted in the middle
7) Righty or lefty: Right
8) Your greatest accomplishment: working at the same place for 10 years
9) Something you'd still like to achieve: Go skydiving!
10) Your fears: That the 'right' one came along already and I didn't notice...
11) Your weakness: Chocolate, Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, Black & White movies
12) Your bedtime: 10-11PM
13) Your perfect evening: A fire in the fireplace, a rainy night with the lights off, on the couch with the right person't feet in my lap with an old movie on the telly
14) Your perfect first date: See 'Perfect Evening" & add a pizza and popcorn!
15) Your perfect friend: Someone that calls me some of the time instead of the other way around - someone that doesn't always start a conversation with the words "I need your help" - Someone that appreciates me for who I am instead of trying to "fix me like I am a broken toy.
16) Your perfect pizza: Hawaiian (Canadian Bacon W/Pineapple)
17) Your best feature: Eyes
18) The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: their smile
19) The shoes you wore today: Black slip-on boot (for an interview) sandals the rest of the day
20) Your dream car: Ivy Green 1965 Mustang Fastback GT

Do you:
21) Smoke/Drink alcohol: Never smoked/1 drink every 6 months
22) Have a job: Not at the moment - worrking on it!
23) Cuss: Oh yes!
24) Go to school/college: About to enroll in school (again)
25) Want to get married: If the right opportunity comes along
26) Want to have kids: Way too late in the game for that!
27) Get along with your parents: Yes
28) Get depressed: on rare occasions
29) Have a sense of humor: Very much so!
30) Keep a journal: Only once - but then my mom found it!

Have you:
31) Been drunk: Once or twice
32) Taken drugs: Never
33) Been called a tease: nope
34) Been beaten up: negative
35) Beaten someone up: never
36) Shoplifted: once on a dare
37) Have a medical emergency/surgery: no
38) Fired a gun: an M-16 in the military
39) Danced around the house naked: You've got to be kidding!
40) Laughed and shot milk out of your nose: It wasn't milk - it was Pepsi!

'Fess up!
41) Number of people you have kissed in your life: 10
42) Number of relationships you've had: 3
43) Number of people you could trust with your life: 2
44) Do you have piercings: no
45) Do you have tattoos: no
46) Have you been dumped: Yes - a few times
47) Have you dumped someone: Yes - twice
48) What annoys you the most: People who lie/decieve
49) What makes you cry: movies that really "get to you"
50) What makes you laugh: the list is too long - I laugh a lot!
"When Commander Adama sees these, he's gonna go crazy!" - Col. Tigh - "Saga of a Star World"

"If you love long enough, wish hard enough, anything is possible" - From The Boy Who Could Fly
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Old September 15th, 2004, 03:02 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Rowan
Blizzard created this questionnaire at Galactica Senate,
I liked it and I thought I'd import it here Make sure to cut and paste this to whole survey to answer the questions. Thanks for participating!

About you and only you:
1) First name: Joni
2) Birth date: 2-2-63
3) Current location: south denver metro(colorado)
4) Height: 5'8
5) Eye color: brown/hazel
6) Hair color/style: Brown with highlights-long past my shoulders(I don't ever want to cut it)
7) Righty or lefty: Righty
8) Your greatest accomplishment: other then being a mother, I am still working on it
9) Something you'd still like to achieve: pursue singing
10) Your fears: flying, heights(sometimes-trying to overcome them)
11) Your weakness: ice cream
12) Your bedtime: 9-10pm(unless it is girls night)
13) Your perfect evening: watching a movie or dancing
14) Your perfect first date: pizza and a movie
15) Your perfect friend: all my friends are perfect...LOL someone who is understanding and listens
16) Your perfect pizza: thin crust cheese
17) Your best feature: my chest
18) The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes
19) The shoes you wore today: high heeled sandals
20) Your dream car: 67 mustang convertable

Do you:
21) Smoke/Drink alcohol: no/not anymore
22) Have a job: yes
23) Cuss: rarely...but it feels great when I do!
24) Go to school/college: yes
25) Want to get married:I am
26) Want to have kids: I do
27) Get along with your parents: dad died when I was 7-stepdad-no, Mom, I try to...LOL
28) Get depressed: yes, I wish no
29) Have a sense of humor: very
30) Keep a journal: no

Have you:
31) Been drunk: yes
32) Taken drugs: never
33) Been called a tease: no, but I love to flirt
34) Been beaten up: never
35) Beaten someone up: never
36) Shoplifted: no
37) Have a medical emergency/surgery:2 c-sections with my kids, first one an emergency c-section(scary)
38) Fired a gun: yes...but only cause I was with some guys(on a double date) in college that talked me into to it...was bad at peer pressure(not my idea of a fun date)
39) Danced around the house naked: of course
40) Laughed and shot milk out of your nose: well not milk but yes

'Fess up!
41) Number of people you have kissed in your life: too many to remember LOL
42) Number of relationships you've had: 5
43) Number of people you could trust with your life: 1-my hubby
44) Do you have piercings: ears
45) Do you have tattoos: nope
46) Have you been dumped:nope
47) Have you dumped someone: yep
48) What annoys you the most: people who act as though they think they are better than others, intolerance,meaness.
49) What makes you cry: almost everything...very emotional
50) What makes you laugh: almost everything!!!!!

Whew............... I am having so many feelings
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Old September 15th, 2004, 03:44 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Warrior
You know... I've tried that very date a number of times (though not going to a play, but a movie as there is no "Play House" here).

And everytime, a second date has NEVER occured!


You need a hug I think ...you haven't found the "right one" then
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Old September 15th, 2004, 03:48 PM   #9
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About you and only you:
1) First name: Steve
2) Birth date: 02 JUL 69
3) Current location: Superior, WI
4) Height: 5'11.5" (missed it by ...that much)
5) Eye color: Hazel
6) Hair color/style: Long (past shoulders) brown with blonde streaks
7) Righty or lefty: Left to write, righty to everything else
8) Your greatest accomplishment: Still working on that. (Does Dark Exodus count?)
9) Something you'd still like to achieve: To see Dark Exodus help save the BATTLESTAR GALACTICA Universe.
10) Your fears: World War III
11) Your weakness: Redheaded chicks.
12) Your bedtime: Varies.
13) Your perfect evening: Tell ya when I get it.
14) Your perfect first date: Everything goes JUST AS PLANNED. (Which my most recent date DID NOT!)
15) Your perfect friend: Tell ya when I find one.
16) Your perfect pizza: Mushrooms and sausage. (or a meat lovers)
17) Your best feature: Some people seem to like my singing ability.
18) The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: I guess its a toss up between hooters and pooters.
19) The shoes you wore today: Combat boots.
20) Your dream car: An RV with all the trimmings...and a PS2, XBOX, Gamecube and PC.

Do you:
21) Smoke/Drink alcohol: Smoke - NO Drink - YES
22) Have a job: Yes
23) Cuss: Yep
24) Go to school/college: No
25) Want to get married: Perhaps...but not NOW
26) Want to have kids: NO...at least not now
27) Get along with your parents: Yes
28) Get depressed: Sometimes (anyone who doesn't is selling something)
29) Have a sense of humor: Just ask Rowan, Julix, and Amberstar
30) Keep a journal: No.

Have you:
31) Been drunk: Plenty o' times.
32) Taken drugs: No
33) Been called a tease: Does being referred to as Starbuck count?
34) Been beaten up: Yes
35) Beaten someone up: Yes
36) Shoplifted: When I was 5..and didn't know any better.
37) Have a medical emergency/surgery: No
38) Fired a gun: Plenty o' times. My only regret was that Kurt Cobain beat me to the punch in terms of targetting.
39) Danced around the house naked: I'll never tell...not while the sun is shining.
40) Laughed and shot milk out of your nose: No.

'Fess up!
41) Number of people you have kissed in your life: Lost count
42) Number of relationships you've had: Lost count
43) Number of people you could trust with your life: Fewer than 20, but more than I can count on two hands.
44) Do you have piercings: No no, but HELL NO!
45) Do you have tattoos: Same answer.
46) Have you been dumped: Plenty o' times.
47) Have you dumped someone: Plenty o' times.
48) What annoys you the most: Inconsiderate people.
49) What makes you cry: A well told movie, or a really good song.
50) What makes you laugh: Lots of things.
Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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Old September 15th, 2004, 04:15 PM   #10
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Wow you guys are AWESOME!!! Very cool! thank you for participating!

To Warrior...All I can say is these women were NUTS!!!
You obviously have not asked the right woman!!
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Old September 15th, 2004, 05:42 PM   #11
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(With selected omissions)

About you and only you:
1) First name: cranky1c
2) Birth date: 5/71
3) Current location: New Haven, Ct.
4) Height: 6.1
5) Eye color: hazel
6) Hair color/style: brown, short
7) Righty or lefty: right
8) Your greatest accomplishments: are ahead, I hope (although my son isn't too bad.)
9) Something you'd still like to achieve: to publish in "The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child"
10) Your fears: A Limbaugh/Coulter presidential ticket in '08, not living to see my son grow up.
11) Your weakness: krypotonite, and these boards.
12) Your bedtime: 1-2 am
13) Your perfect evening: these days, not having anything to do..
14) Your perfect first date: can't even put myself there after all this time.
15) Your perfect friend: will talk to me straight.
16) Your perfect pizza: A large white clam pizza from Pepe's in New Haven
17) Your best feature: none, I am uniformly hideous.
18) The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: As a married man I no longer notice members of the opposite sex except for my lovely wife.
19) The shoes you wore today: Dockers dress shoes
20) Your dream car: Dodge Viper

Do you:
21) Smoke/Drink alcohol: no smoking, social drinker
22) Have a job: two not counting educational commitments
23) Cuss: frack no
24) Go to school/college: not exactly, lecture/supervise in a teaching hospital
25) Want to get married: done that, still so.
26) Want to have kids: done that.
27) Get along with your parents: both deceased, but inlaws are fine.
28) Get depressed: who doesn't?
29) Have a sense of humor: no, I take everything very seriously.
30) Keep a journal: no.

Have you:
31) Been drunk: yes
32) Taken drugs: only those prescribed by an MD
33) Been called a tease: A joke, but not a tease.
34) Been beaten up: no
35) Beaten someone up: no
36) Shoplifted: no
37) Have a medical emergency/surgery: a few.
38) Fired a gun: in boy scout camp 22 years ago
39) Danced around the house naked: not since the cease and desist order
40) Laughed and shot milk out of your nose: yes

'Fess up!
41) Number of people you have kissed in your life: 8-10
42) Number of relationships you've had: 7-8
43) Number of people you could trust with your life: 1
44) Do you have piercings: no
45) Do you have tattoos: no
46) Have you been dumped: who hasn't?
47) Have you dumped someone: yes
48) What annoys you the most: the server doesn't have enough memory.
49) What makes you cry: onions, the very mention of "Blues Brothers 2000."
50) What makes you laugh: a list of what doesn't would be shorter.
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Old September 15th, 2004, 07:23 PM   #12
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1) First name:Pete
2) Birth date: Dec 2
3) Current location: State of Confusion
4) Height: 5' 10.5"
5) Eye color: Blue
6) Hair color/style: brown w/ some gray...straight back to the shoulders
7) Righty or lefty: Right
8) Your greatest accomplishment: Becoming a parent
9) Something you'd still like to achieve: Taking a ride aboard a spacecraft - shuttle, etc
10) Your fears: Letting down my family and friends
11) Your weakness: The underdog
12) Your bedtime: Midnight-weekdays, after-weekends
13) Your perfect evening: Being with family and friends
14) Your perfect first date: An event that we both enjoy.
15) Your perfect friend: Someone that thinks as much of me as I think of them.
16) Your perfect pizza: Thick crust, good sauce, any toppings
17) Your best feature: Eyes
18) The first feature you notice in the opposite sex:The face
19) The shoes you wore today: White Tennis Shoes
20) Your dream car: 1958 Corvette

Do you:
21) Smoke/Drink alcohol: Yes/Some
22) Have a job: Yes
23) Cuss: Yes
24) Go to school/college: Yes, WVU
25) Want to get married: Already married
26) Want to have kids: Already have.
27) Get along with your parents: Most definitely
28) Get depressed: Occasionally
29) Have a sense of humor: Yes
30) Keep a journal: Not written, only mentally

Have you:
31) Been drunk: Yes
32) Taken drugs: Hmm...
33) Been called a tease: Yes
34) Been beaten up: No
35) Beaten someone up: No
36) Shoplifted: No
37) Have a medical emergency/surgery: No
38) Fired a gun: Yes
39) Danced around the house naked: Hoo Hah, uh No
40) Laughed and shot milk out of your nose: Not milk, Pepsi

'Fess up!
41) Number of people you have kissed in your life: Lost count
42) Number of relationships you've had: 1
43) Number of people you could trust with your life: Several
44) Do you have piercings: No
45) Do you have tattoos: No
46) Have you been dumped: No
47) Have you dumped someone: Yes
48) What annoys you the most: Stupidity, Carelessness
49) What makes you cry: Sentamentalism, perfect example, movies scenes like the final scene of Field of Dreams
50) What makes you laugh: Something funny
Lay down
Your sweet and weary head
The night is falling
You have come to journey's end
Sleep now
And dream of the ones who came before
They are calling
From across the distant shore .

Children are a message that we send
to a time that we will never see.
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Old September 15th, 2004, 08:50 PM   #13
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1) First name: alton
2) Birth date: n/a
3) Current location: utah
4) Height: 6'0''
5) Eye color: blue
6) Hair color/style: always wear hats
7) Righty or lefty: righty
8) Your greatest accomplishment: my kids
9) Something you'd still like to achieve: total happiness
10) Your fears: not many
11) Your weakness: mr. nice guy
12) Your bedtime: 10:00 p.m.
13) Your perfect evening: ?
14) Your perfect first date: married
15) Your perfect friend: my wife
16) Your perfect pizza: double pepperoni
17) Your best feature: ?
18) The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: n/a
19) The shoes you wore today: red chuck taylor high tops
20) Your dream car: black 1972 vette

Do you:
21) Smoke/Drink alcohol: no
22) Have a job: yes
23) Cuss: not really
24) Go to school/college: not anymore
25) Want to get married: married
26) Want to have kids: have two
27) Get along with your parents: yep
28) Get depressed: no
29) Have a sense of humor: yep
30) Keep a journal: once in awhile

Have you:
31) Been drunk: yep
32) Taken drugs: nope
33) Been called a tease: yep
34) Been beaten up: nope
35) Beaten someone up: oh yea
36) Shoplifted: nope
37) Have a medical emergency/surgery: nope
38) Fired a gun: yep
39) Danced around the house naked: nope
40) Laughed and shot milk out of your nose: yep

'Fess up!
41) Number of people you have kissed in your life: ?
42) Number of relationships you've had: ?
43) Number of people you could trust with your life: 5
44) Do you have piercings: nope
45) Do you have tattoos: yep
46) Have you been dumped: yep
47) Have you dumped someone: yep
48) What annoys you the most: salesmen
49) What makes you cry: not a whole lot
50) What makes you laugh: life [/font][/color]

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Old September 16th, 2004, 03:53 AM   #14
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This sounds like fun

About you and only you:
1) First name: Joan, but a lot of people call me Amber
2) Birth date: 11/17/72
3) Current location: West Virginia
4) Height:5 '2
5) Eye color: Green
6) Hair color/style: Color is blonde, short
7) Righty or lefty: Righty
8) Your greatest accomplishment: Finding a good job
9) Something you'd still like to achieve: To raise my son with good values.
10) Your fears: Loosing people close to me
11) Your weakness: Which one?......my biggest is anything Chocolate
12) Your bedtime: usually 10:00pm
13) Your perfect evening: Spending time with family & friends
14) Your perfect first date: Wow, this brings back some memories. He picked me up at my mom's house. My Uncle gave him "the talk"....I was so embarrased>
We went to a movie and out to eat........then he took me to meet his mother and father. We ended up dating for four years.
15) Your perfect friend: Selena.....we've been friends since 3rd grade.
16) Your perfect pizza: Loaded
17) Your best feature: my smile
18) The first feature you notice in the opposite sex:eyes
19) The shoes you wore today: black sandles
20) Your dream car: 67 mustang

Do you:
21) Smoke/Drink alcohol: Yes(trying to quit)/ yes
22) Have a job: Yes teach school
23) Cuss: no......well rarely
24) Go to school/college: no, been there already
25) Want to get married: Yes, someday
26) Want to have kids: Yes
27) Get along with your parents:Yes, my mom is like my best friend!
28) Get depressed: Yes
29) Have a sense of humor:yes
30) Keep a journal: no

Have you:
31) Been drunk: YES
32) Taken drugs: NO
33) Been called a tease: Yes
34) Been beaten up: no
35) Beaten someone up:no
36) Shoplifted: no
37) Have a medical emergency/surgery:Yes Had my gall bladder removed last fall. It was about to fall apart.
38) Fired a gun: Yes
39) Danced around the house naked:no, ran through the house that way, but didn't take time to dance.
40) Laughed and shot milk out of your nose:no

'Fess up!
41) Number of people you have kissed in your life:8
42) Number of relationships you've had: 5
43) Number of people you could trust with your life:Two, Richard and Selena
44) Do you have piercings: yes, my ears
45) Do you have tattoos: no
46) Have you been dumped:yes
47) Have you dumped someone:yes
48) What annoys you the most: people who are not honest
49) What makes you cry: Chick flicks, sometimes the evening news and when my friends cry I do too.
50) What makes you laugh:A lot of things

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Old September 16th, 2004, 03:56 AM   #15
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YEESSS Steve has an awsome personality!!!!

He makes me smile and laugh.......I love talking with him!
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Old September 16th, 2004, 04:16 PM   #16
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About you and only you:
1) First name: Ian
2) Birth date: 17th September 1972 (09/17/72)
3) Current location: Walsall, West Midlands, UK
4) Height: 5' 6"
5) Eye color: Blue
6) Hair color/style: Brown with gray throughout / quite short, with a bald spot!
7) Righty or lefty: righty
8) Your greatest accomplishment: yet to happen!
9) Something you'd still like to achieve: flying
10) Your fears: Loss of direction
11) Your weakness: blind loyalty
12) Your bedtime: usually around midnight
13) Your perfect evening: Can I get back to you on this one?
14) Your perfect first date: ditto ^
15) Your perfect friend: someone who trusts
16) Your perfect pizza: Supreme
17) Your best feature: eyes
18) The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: figure
19) The shoes you wore today: Hi-Tec walking boots
20) Your dream car: Rover SD1 (1976-1986)

Do you:
21) Smoke/Drink alcohol: No/Yes
22) Have a job: Until Sep 30!
23) Cuss: Yes (@!*$!£)
24) Go to school/college: No
25) Want to get married: Yes
26) Want to have kids: Maybe
27) Get along with your parents: Mostly
28) Get depressed: Yes
29) Have a sense of humor: Yes (said to be dry)
30) Keep a journal: Used to

Have you:
31) Been drunk: Yes
32) Taken drugs: No
33) Been called a tease: Maybe?!
34) Been beaten up: Yes
35) Beaten someone up: No
36) Shoplifted: No
37) Have a medical emergency/surgery: Yes (Twisted Knee)
38) Fired a gun: Yes (Lazer Tag!)
39) Danced around the house naked: No
40) Laughed and shot milk out of your nose: I have shot Coca-Cola out of my nose, so does that count?

'Fess up!
41) Number of people you have kissed in your life: <10
42) Number of relationships you've had: Too few
43) Number of people you could trust with your life: Not enough
44) Do you have piercings: No
45) Do you have tattoos: No
46) Have you been dumped: Yes
47) Have you dumped someone: Yes
48) What annoys you the most: Hypocrisy
49) What makes you cry: Music...
50) What makes you laugh: Too many to mention...

Ian W359
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Old September 16th, 2004, 05:36 PM   #17
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Blizzard created this questionnaire at Galactica Senate[/color][/size],[/font][/color]
I liked it and I thought I'd import it here Make sure to cut and paste this to whole survey to answer the questions. Thanks for participating!

About you and only you:[color=silver][font=Verdana]
1) First name: debra
2) Birth date: 04/29/60
3) Current location: NM
4) Height: 5 ft 6.5 inches
5) Eye color: brown
6) Hair color/style: brown/long down my back
7) Righty or lefty: was a lefty forced to change to a righty by a IDIOT teacher
..............................who wasn't a very GOOD teacher in the first place.
8) Your greatest accomplishment: my kids
9) Something you'd still like to achieve: I'd like to learn cross country skiing
10) Your fears: abondanment
11) Your weakness: abondanment
12) Your bedtime: 10:00 PM Mountain time
13) Your perfect evening: kids with the baby sitter me and hubby out star gazing
14) Your perfect first date: bowling with hubby ...........no pressure....married 1 yr later
15) Your perfect friend: the people here
16) Your perfect pizza: veggi supreme
17) Your best feature: beautiful eyes
18) The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes
19) The shoes you wore today: low heeled patent leather office dress shoed
20) Your dream car: porsche

Do you:
21) Smoke/Drink alcohol: no/only on occasion mostly holidays limit ONE
22) Have a job: home maker
23) Cuss: NOPE
24) Go to school/college: Not anymore
25) Want to get married: not applicable
26) Want to have kids: TOO LATE already have two
27) Get along with your parents: NO ONE gets along with them let alone me
28) Get depressed: Yep
29) Have a sense of humor: definately
30) Keep a journal: all the time

Have you:
31) Been drunk: Once 14 at my sisters wedding my father wouldn't let me
have any NON ALCOHOLIC Drinks then PITCHED a fit that WAAAAAAAALLAHHHHHHH I ended up drunk
32) Taken drugs: NO
33) Been called a tease: Yes
34) Been beaten up: yes
35) Beaten someone up: Yes .........I was in the Guard and the SGT. behind
me kept Groping me even after I told him NO several times. THE CHAIN of
COMMAND egged him on and I ended up cracking his RIBS ........IN FRONT
of the chain of command and immediately asked for the Inspector General
after the CHAIN of COMMAND threatened me with ASSULT charges. NO
assult charges were filed. They realized that I knew my rights and
would NOT put up with that.
36) Shoplifted: NO
37) Have a medical emergency/surgery: No/YES
38) Fired a gun: yes
39) Danced around the house naked: yes
40) Laughed and shot milk out of your nose: yes

'Fess up!
41) Number of people you have kissed in your life: I lost count
42) Number of relationships you've had: I slept with my husband ....
although I did have 'boyfriends' before him.
43) Number of people you could trust with your life: 5
44) Do you have piercings: only for ONE pair of ear rings
45) Do you have tattoos: no
46) Have you been dumped: yes
47) Have you dumped someone: yes
48) What annoys you the most: people who don't look at me when
talking to me and who don't listen to what I have to say
49) What makes you cry: suffering
50) What makes you laugh: good jokes.
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Old February 23rd, 2005, 11:52 PM   #18
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anybody else care to reveal who they really are?
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Old February 24th, 2005, 01:38 AM   #19
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About you and only you:
1) First name: Gerard

2) Birth date: 5/12/69

3) Current location: Dublin/Ireland

4) Height: 5.10 ..(I have tryed to hang upside down by my feet from a roof beam ..I does not work)

5) Eye color: Blue/Grey colour or something like that

6) Hair color/style: Fair/short

7) Righty or lefty: Righty

8) Your greatest accomplishment: Giving up smoking / starting my own business

9) Something you'd still like to achieve: starting my own business. again

10) Your fears: a few

11) Your weakness: Women / hair colour not important

12) Your bedtime: midnight

13) Your perfect evening: A quiet evening in with my girlfriend (with no roommates in) dinner and a bottle of Spanish wine.

14) Your perfect first date: When the Girl shows up.

15) Your perfect friend: A Loyal one

16) Your perfect pizza: pepperoni

17) Your best feature: Eyes, when not crossed

18) The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Eyes / smile

19) The shoes you wore today: hiking boots

20) Your dream car: Jaguar car

Do you:
21) Smoke/Drink alcohol: Smoke No .. Drink Yes

22) Have a job: Yes

23) Cuss: Yes when angry so not often

24) Go to school/college: No. found out I tryed to get in and threw me out.

25) Want to get married: Yes

26) Want to have kids: Yes (2)

27) Get along with your parents: Yes

28) Get depressed: No

29) Have a sense of humor: Yes I Ordered from Ebay, Think I got Peter Sellers

30) Keep a journal: No

Have you:
31) Been drunk: Yes

32) Taken drugs: No

33) Been called a tease: Funny thing but Yes

34) Been beaten up: Yes

35) Beaten someone up: Yes

36) Shoplifted: No

37) Have a medical emergency/surgery: No

38) Fired a gun: Yes

39) Danced around the house naked: Does it have to be a house

40) Laughed and shot milk out of your nose: Milk No ...Beer Yes

'Fess up!
41) Number of people you have kissed in your life: Not enough

42) Number of relationships you've had: If I kept a Journel, I would remember things like that.

43) Number of people you could trust with your life: Not many

44) Do you have piercings: No

45) Do you have tattoos: No

46) Have you been dumped: Yes

47) Have you dumped someone: Yes

48) What annoys you the most: People who leave Rubbish and don't clean up after themselves

49) What makes you cry: Hearing myself sing

50) What makes you laugh: Life
Formally Taranis
My Blog

"The world is my country, science my religion.”
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Old February 24th, 2005, 05:44 AM   #20
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Default Fortress of Solitude!

About you and only you:
1) First name: Andy
2) Birth date: 30 May 1975
3) Current location: Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland.
4) Height: 5ft10
5) Eye color: Blue
6) Hair color/style: Brown/wild
7) Righty or lefty: Righty
8) Your greatest accomplishment: I have accomlished nothing of note.
9) Something you'd still like to achieve: To overthrow the monarchy, and establish a British Republic!
10) Your fears: The health of my family. And when my wee brother is posted to a danger zone with the Army
11) Your weakness: I'm too generous for my own good.
12) Your bedtime: 21:30 weekdays, whenever I want at weekends
13) Your perfect evening: Football followed by a good film!
14) Your perfect first date: Never had one!
15) Your perfect friend: a good loyal dog.
16) Your perfect pizza: Margherita
17) Your best feature: eyes (and apparently I have great legs )
18) The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes, hair, legs( I love a nylon clad leg!)
19) The shoes you wore today: Addidas Samba
20) Your dream car: Aston Martin DB3, or a Lotus Ford 72 formula 1 car(in JPS livery)

Do you:
21) Smoke/Drink alcohol: No/No
22) Have a job: Yes-postman
23) Cuss: Yes, esspecially at football maches.
24) Go to school/college: No
25) Want to get married: Never
26) Want to have kids: Never
27) Get along with your parents: Yes
28) Get depressed: No
29) Have a sense of humor: Yes
30) Keep a journal: No

Have you:
31) Been drunk: No
32) Taken drugs: No
33) Been called a tease: No
34) Been beaten up: Yes
35) Beaten someone up: Yes
36) Shoplifted: No
37) Have a medical emergency/surgery:No
38) Fired a gun: No
39) Danced around the house naked: Yes
40) Laughed and shot milk out of your nose: Yes

'Fess up!
41) Number of people you have kissed in your life: None
42) Number of relationships you've had: None
43) Number of people you could trust with your life: 3
44) Do you have piercings: No
45) Do you have tattoos: No
46) Have you been dumped: No
47) Have you dumped someone: No
48) What annoys you the most: People who disturb my peace & quiet.
49) What makes you cry: Death of loved ones.
50) What makes you laugh: Work banter, Homer Simpson, and a whole number of stupid wee things!

If the FBI read this, they will have me pegged as a dangerous loner and possible serial killer! I am BRG. Single, happy, and do not nead a woman to complicate my life!
Doc. I'm from the future.
I came here in a time machine that you invented.
Now I need your help to get back to the year 1985.....
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Old February 24th, 2005, 09:01 AM   #21
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About you and only you:
1) First name: Varun, but most call me by my middle name, Michael
2) Birth date: 12/24/85
3) Current location: New Brunswick, NJ, USA
4) Height: 6'
5) Eye color: A very, very dark brown (I've been told black, but that's just scary)
6) Hair color/style: Black, with varying styles. I usually wear a medium length with the hair sligtly styled. The ladies love it.
7) Righty or lefty: Righty, but I am fairly capable with the left, as well.
8) Your greatest accomplishment: A work in progress (College)
9) Something you'd still like to achieve: It's silly, but I'd like to get on the field tickets for a World Cup game. As I age and mature, I'm sure something more relevant will fill this space.
10) Your fears: Extreme heights, bugs, loosing those closest to me
11) Your weakness: A good song, holding on to money
12) Your bedtime: An average of 2 AM. It's college, what can I say?
13) Your perfect evening: Spending the entire night with my friends, goofing off and just making memories.
14) Your perfect first date: A night out, preferably dancing, or a movie.
15) Your perfect friend: Sense of humor required, but a great of introspection as well. Good thing I already have these friends!
16) Your perfect pizza: Sauages, onions, and peppers.
17) Your best feature: My voice. In any given day, it can change pitch, tone, and just altogether make me a different person at the drop of a hat.
18) The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Lips.
19) The shoes you wore today: Converse Chuck Taylors. Comfortable shoes.
20) Your dream car: Nissan Skyline imported straight from Japan.

Do you:
21) Smoke/Drink alcohol: Smoke only when I drink an excessive amount. And I do drink. Again, college.
22) Have a job: Not currently. Probably in the summer, so as not to interfere with studies.
23) Cuss: Constantly
24) Go to school/college: Currently, yes.
25) Want to get married: Yes, but I'm still very young. I need to consider having fun right now.
26) Want to have kids: Yes, but again, still young.
27) Get along with your parents: Yes, but there are still those rough spells.
28) Get depressed: Not often. When I do, it's when I get my heart broken. Been happening more recently as of late...
29) Have a sense of humor: A great one. I haven't met a person who I can't make laugh.
30) Keep a journal: Yes, but I'm very bad at it.

Have you:
31) Been drunk: Often.
32) Taken drugs: Yes.
33) Been called a tease: Never.
34) Been beaten up: Not unless the other guy was worse than me.
35) Beaten someone up: Yes.
36) Shoplifted: No.
37) Have a medical emergency/surgery: My spleen was lacerated last year for 5 days, and I didn't know it. I played football as I was internally bleeding. As soon as we learned of this, I was pulled out of football, the day of our school's first ever playoff game. I cried.
38) Fired a gun: No.
39) Danced around the house naked: Often.
40) Laughed and shot milk out of your nose: Never.

'Fess up!
41) Number of people you have kissed in your life: 4.
42) Number of relationships you've had: 0.
43) Number of people you could trust with your life: 6.
44) Do you have piercings: No.
45) Do you have tattoos: No, but one is being contemplated. Something modest.
46) Have you been dumped: Never.
47) Have you dumped someone: Never.
48) What annoys you the most: Lack of concern for others feelings.
49) What makes you cry: Nothing. It takes alot.
50) What makes you laugh: Anything remotely funny. I still laugh at burps.
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Old February 24th, 2005, 01:17 PM   #22
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Ok, I'm always a sucker for a questionnaire..

About you and only you:
1) First name: Sue
2) Birth date: 24 April 65
3) Current location: Adelaide, South Australia
4) Height: 5'4"
5) Eye color: Hazel
6) Hair color/style: brown, shortish, curly when weather is humid
7) Righty or lefty: Right (but highly ambidextrous as I came from a family of all left handers)
8) Your greatest accomplishment: being thought cool by my 13yo neice (remains to be seen if I'll continue to be cool thru her teenaged years)
9) Something you'd still like to achieve: Financial security fro my senior years (I want to TRAVEL)
10) Your fears: the common human insecurities of not being liked, losing close relatives, losing control or independence
11) Your weakness: chocolate, working too hard
12) Your bedtime: 10 pm - ish
13) Your perfect evening: night in with hubby and a few friends
14) Your perfect first date: isn't the first date by definaition terrifying? therefore, a first date where I felt comfortable
15) Your perfect friend: someone who knows you better than you do,
16) Your perfect pizza: deli style supreme
17) Your best feature: eyes
18) The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes
19) The shoes you wore today: will wear: steel capped industrials
20) Your dream car: Ford XR6 in metallic blue

Do you:
21) Smoke/Drink alcohol: no
22) Have a job: yes
23) Cuss: try not to
24) Go to school/college: once upon a time
25) Want to get married: already am
26) Want to have kids: no
27) Get along with your parents: yes, and with the in laws
28) Get depressed: sometimes
29) Have a sense of humor: oh yes.. twisted and offbeat
30) Keep a journal: used to

Have you:
31) Been drunk: no
32) Taken drugs: only the legal kind
33) Been called a tease: yes, but only as a joke
34) Been beaten up: yes. Schoolyard bully
35) Beaten someone up: no
36) Shoplifted: no
37) Have a medical emergency/surgery: yes
38) Fired a gun: yes
39) Danced around the house naked: not quite
40) Laughed and shot milk out of your nose: no, but come close

'Fess up!
41) Number of people you have kissed in your life: The passionate kind: 3 The family affection kind: at least 20
42) Number of relationships you've had: capital R relationships: 2
43) Number of people you could trust with your life: 8
44) Do you have piercings: yes , but only the boring stuff
45) Do you have tattoos: no
46) Have you been dumped: no
47) Have you dumped someone: no
48) What annoys you the most: intolerance and ignorance in the same person: its a bad combo
49) What makes you cry: excess of emotion, whether it be happiness, sadness, frustration or joy
50) What makes you laugh: good times with friends, Garfield, the Goodies, Gary Larson's stuff
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Old February 24th, 2005, 03:11 PM   #23
Spike The Cylon
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About you and only you:
1) First name: Devin
2) Birth date: 8-15-1975
3) Current location: Ohio
4) Height: 6'6"
5) Eye color: Blue
6) Hair color/style: Sandy
7) Righty or lefty: righty
8) Your greatest accomplishment: Not sure
9) Something you'd still like to achieve: running for office
10) Your fears: beign alone, snakes
11) Your weakness: food
12) Your bedtime: when ever
13) Your perfect evening: spending time with Jenn
14) Your perfect first date:
15) Your perfect friend:
16) Your perfect pizza:
17) Your best feature:
18) The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: face
19) The shoes you wore today: nike's
20) Your dream car: '57 chevy belair

Do you:
21) Smoke/Drink alcohol: sometimes
22) Have a job: just lost it
23) Cuss: yes
24) Go to school/college: no
25) Want to get married: maybe
26) Want to have kids: yes
27) Get along with your parents: yea
28) Get depressed: yea
29) Have a sense of humor: yea
30) Keep a journal: yea

Have you:
31) Been drunk: yea
32) Taken drugs: yea. but it ws dumb of me to do so
33) Been called a tease: no
34) Been beaten up: yea
35) Beaten someone up: no
36) Shoplifted: no
37) Have a medical emergency/surgery: yea
38) Fired a gun: no
39) Danced around the house naked: no
40) Laughed and shot milk out of your nose: yea

'Fess up!
41) Number of people you have kissed in your life: Is there a numbre that goes that high?
42) Number of relationships you've had: 8
43) Number of people you could trust with your life: 1
44) Do you have piercings: no
45) Do you have tattoos: no
46) Have you been dumped: yea
47) Have you dumped someone: yea
48) What annoys you the most: peopel who don't take the time to consider other people's viewpoints
49) What makes you cry: thoughts of being alone
50) What makes you laugh: depends on my mood

Fleeing From The Cylon Tyranny, The Last Battlestar, Galactica, Leads a Rag-tag Fugitive Fleet On A Lonely Quest. A Shining Planet, Known As....Earth!
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Old March 1st, 2005, 01:23 AM   #24
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Very Cool you guys thanks for sharing!!
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Old March 12th, 2005, 10:38 PM   #25
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Since Rowan asked, I just have to do it... Plus Julix and Amber filled this out, so its bonus! Oh yeah and you other guys! LOL

About you and only you:
1) First name: Mike
2) Birth date: May '75
3) Current location: Bay Port, MI
4) Height: 6.0
5) Eye color: Blue
6) Hair color/style: lt. Brown, short
7) Righty or lefty: Right
8) Your greatest accomplishment: Starting My Own Business, Having 2 Beautiful Kids
9) Something you'd still like to achieve: World Peace (Seriously!), At least sharing with others that life should be attacked optimistically, with a good heart, not negatively.
10) Your fears: My life will be cut too short.
11) Your weakness: SEX... Oh did I mention Sex???? Pizza, Ice Cream, Sports
12) Your bedtime: 2 AM
13) Your perfect evening: LOL.... Hmmm, a great dinner, play time with the kids, a great episode of BSG, making love to my wife.
14) Your perfect first date: Its been so long....
15) Your perfect friend: My business partner Casey
16) Your perfect pizza: Pepperoni & Ham... Or Shrimp, Onion & Sweet Peppers... Its good trust me!
17) Your best feature: My eyes
18) The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: legs, butt, eyes, breasts, hair
19) The shoes you wore today: none
20) Your dream car: Lamborgini Countach, 78 Pontiac Trans Am, Cadillac CTS-V

Do you:
21) Smoke/Drink alcohol: Smoke - Never, Alcohol - From time to time
22) Have a job: Yes
23) Cuss: Sometimes
24) Go to school/college: GMI '98 BS - Management
25) Want to get married: Already am, Can I have a second? Wait I don't live in Utah...
26) Want to have kids: Have 2, wouldn't mind more...
27) Get along with your parents: Yes
28) Get depressed: Not lately
29) Have a sense of humor: Yes
30) Keep a journal: Sometimes

Have you:
31) Been drunk: Yes
32) Taken drugs: Never
33) Been called a tease: Often
34) Been beaten up: No
35) Beaten someone up: Once
36) Shoplifted: No
37) Have a medical emergency/surgery: Left knee reconstruction
38) Fired a gun: Yes
39) Danced around the house naked: Always.... My wife says I'd make a great nudist!
40) Laughed and shot milk out of your nose: Yes... Pop is the worst, it burns!

'Fess up!
41) Number of people you have kissed in your life: 15 or so....
42) Number of relationships you've had: 3 serious / lengthy
43) Number of people you could trust with your life: 5
44) Do you have piercings: Nope
45) Do you have tattoos: No - May get one...
46) Have you been dumped: once
47) Have you dumped someone: Yes
48) What annoys you the most: Negative people, people who think they are superior or there view is always right, hypocrits
49) What makes you cry: thought of disappointing or losing my kids for whatever reason. People who embarrass themselves and don't realize it. I just can't watch it...
50) What makes you laugh: My partner Casey.... Our recent solicitation in a parking lot by two younger girls who seriously asked to take us (married guys) to the "Candy Store". We laughed about that for hours!
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Old March 12th, 2005, 11:49 PM   #26
Darrell Lawrence
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About you and only you:
1) First name: Darrell
2) Birth date: 11/16/64
3) Current location: Home
4) Height: 6'
5) Eye color: Brn
6) Hair color/style: Brn
7) Righty or lefty: Both
8) Your greatest accomplishment: Saving a few lives at various times.
9) Something you'd still like to achieve: Earning millions (that is not a joke! )
10) Your fears: Dying alone
11) Your weakness: Women and chocolate milk
12) Your bedtime: Whenever. Seriously. Bad sleeping habits here!
13) Your perfect evening: Picnic in front of a fireplace with the woman of my dreams.
14) Your perfect first date: Dinner, movie, walk somewhere romantic.
15) Your perfect friend: One who doesn't stab you in the back, even when the chips are down.
16) Your perfect pizza: Pepperoni, sausage
17) Your best feature: Strong convictins and loyalty to those close to me, be they family or friend.
18) The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Face features.
19) The shoes you wore today: I didn't. Went barefoot.
20) Your dream car: 67 'stang. Have owned a few in my life. best car ever.

Do you:
21) Smoke/Drink alcohol: Smoke yes, drink occasionally, and even then barely.
22) Have a job: ATM, no.
23) Cuss: Rarely. Only when real mad or exasperated.
24) Go to school/college: Past life.
25) Want to get married: Again? Only to the right person.
26) Want to have kids: Been there, done that. But if Ms. Right does, I'd glady help.
27) Get along with your parents: Father is deceased, get along with mother very well.
28) Get depressed: Not severely.
29) Have a sense of humor: Doggon left.. .errr I mean right!
30) Keep a journal: No. No one would be interested in reading it after I die.

Have you:
31) Been drunk: In younger days, yes.
32) Taken drugs: Marijuanna in younger daze.
33) Been called a tease: Many times.
34) Been beaten up: No.
35) Beaten someone up: In the line of duty.
36) Shoplifted: Nope.
37) Have a medical emergency/surgery: Does a broken heart... err I mean foot count?
38) Fired a gun: Yes.
39) Danced around the house naked: Strutted too!
40) Laughed and shot milk out of your nose: Can't say I have.

'Fess up!
41) Number of people you have kissed in your life: Too many, yet too few.
42) Number of relationships you've had: 4 solid ones, too many flirtatious types to count.
43) Number of people you could trust with your life: Probably 5 or 6.
44) Do you have piercings: No.
45) Do you have tattoos: No.
46) Have you been dumped: Yes.
47) Have you dumped someone: Yes
48) What annoys you the most: People that twist things for their own advantage, not caring about the others that affects, and disrespect for the past.
49) What makes you cry: At this point, nothing. I suppose if I lost someone close to me, that'd do it.
50) What makes you laugh: Fun loving people.
LoneWolf Grafix- Web Design and CGI
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Old March 13th, 2005, 05:18 AM   #27
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Angry Survey

OK..since I'm about as good at copy and paste as I am to launching a viper you're going to have to read the answers by number and the go look up the questions... Sorry

9)have a family
10)being alone
11)small fuzzy puppies,children,eldery
12)what's that?
13)lbeing with friends
14)fixing dinner ,watching a good movie or taking a long walk
15)someone i can confine in and i can always trust
17)my eyes??never really thought about it
18)their eyes...they are the heart of your soul
22)yes..manage a kennel
23)all when really mad
24)all done with that
25)ONLY if the right person comes along..once burned
26)would have loved to earlier now i wouldn't mind adopting
27)mom's deceased..dad,has second family now
28)not often
29)i better with this group
32)only when required by Dr.
33)not hardly..
35)yes..my X..LOL Long story
37)yes...ruptured appendix
38)yes..many times
41)not counting my family....really kissed..ah...2
42)1...that's also a long story...LOL
43)very few
47)Your're D*** right
48)people who are not honest and upfront
49)sad movies, missing people I love, not being able to help people who are hurting
50)All of you guys..you make me feel warm at and at home at last.

So there you go.
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Old March 13th, 2005, 06:37 AM   #28
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Superman/Smallville Respect.


8) Your greatest accomplishment: Saving a few lives at various times.

This statment puts anything I have ever accoplished into perspective.
Doc. I'm from the future.
I came here in a time machine that you invented.
Now I need your help to get back to the year 1985.....
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Old March 13th, 2005, 06:41 AM   #29
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Thumbs up Welcome

Hello Breea.

Thanks for sharing, and welcome to the Fleets.
Doc. I'm from the future.
I came here in a time machine that you invented.
Now I need your help to get back to the year 1985.....
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Old March 13th, 2005, 06:50 AM   #30
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You know after reading all of these wonderful answers ..I think I need to change my call name to " Granny"..I'm old enough to be most of you guy's mom... ARGGGGGG
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