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Old June 29th, 2006, 07:25 AM   #1
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Default Brief interview with BG comic writer

There's a brief interview with the writer of the upcoming classic BG comic at this link:


Interestingly enough, the stories will take place between episodes of the series--exactly what the comic based on the Sci Fi BG series is doing. I sure didn't see that coming.
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Old June 29th, 2006, 08:26 AM   #2
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JLHurley you've out done yourself this time.

Rick Remender: Yeah, I was a fan of the show to be sure. I think as a kid in the mid seventies all you could think about wasStar Wars, so when Battlestar Galactica showed up, it was on. Though the series is very different from Star Wars in many aspects, it's hard to argue that it's at least mildly derivative - but with it's own voice. However, as a kid I recall recognizing that the designs of the ships, though similar, were in a lot of ways cooler. The mechanical designs for Battlestar Galactica tend to fall somewhere between Star Wars and Star Trek, or at least I thought they did in the late seventies when the show was on the air. Battlestar Galactica's machinery is a bit sleeker than the original Star Wars and a bit more industrial than the original Star Trek -- a perfect medium.

I recall feeling for the plight of the characters a bit more than I did for Captain Kirk or Luke Skywalker. Only in that it's more desperate and the stakes higher. The convoy in Battlestar Galactica is all that's left of humanity and if they make a wrong turn-- bye-bye human race. That connects on a few levels and it's the core to the drama of the series.

Beautifully put!

Kinda got high hopes for the series now being a clearing thinking fan of this calibur is doing it. Lets pray he's true to form and does the new comic book proud.

If they are doing stories set within the original series i hope Dynamite finally covers most of the unfilmed scripts and adapts them with fantastic art pages in comic book once and for all. Cos its about time some company doing a Galactica comic book series would actually attempt to translate the script into a comic book storyarc so BG fans can enjoy those stories all the more in a graphic art adaptation form.

Think Dynamite will be presently surprised when people pick up the Classic Galactica comic this September. Another thing i wonder is, how many of us will write in and send e-mails in the letter pages talking about the book's upcoming stories and covering anything else pro-continuation Galactica. maybe when the book takes off (hopefully) we can ask Dynamite if they'd do anything beyond the original series and maybe with permission somehow and do stand alone "oneshot" stories based on Richard Hatch's Second Coming Battlestar Galactica story or Tom DeSanto's version of an updated BG, i.e. based on his 2001 pilot script for the continuation series etc.

I'd like to think that the door to many things here are possible o.k.

A fan's mind suddenly boggles at what an opportunity we have as BG fans to put our energies into something TOS Galactica based for a change rather than sit back and wait for a studio to listen to our 'pleas' ("Universal Studios/executives") about what we want from them, that a comic book company handling the title of Galactica might do instead. And deliver us the stories we've always envisioned from the Battlestar Galactica universe.

Yeah like i said when this thing kicks off, i want to read the letter pages and see the reaction from all over the world and what exactly the fans from all over genuinely have to say in regards to a comic based on the classic Galactica being released.

And if OWD and others are listening, perhaps finally some kind of offer/deal can be made to get the "Colonial Warrior's Manual" out 'via' Dynamite Press? If Realm Press couldn't do it in the past then maybe Dynamite Entertainment can do so now!

Alot of 'Food For Thought' here me hopes.

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Old June 29th, 2006, 08:44 AM   #3
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Is there a way to order these comics or are we just going to have to hunt them down in the stores???
When Commander Adama sees these, he's gonna go crazy!

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Old June 29th, 2006, 08:47 AM   #4
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Someone suggested to me that I should call the local comic shop and pre-order....but I don't know when to pre-order by....
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Old June 29th, 2006, 09:10 AM   #5
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I've already told my comic book dealer to get this when its out and available so i guess mine is already on the cards somewhere far as pre-ordering the title goes.

Like i said though, i can't believe its late June of 2006 already so i guess September will be here faster than you think it'll be. So i reckon by that time all your pre-ordering worries will be over more or less. But thats if Dynamite Entertainment puts the Galactica comic out on time that is.

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Old June 29th, 2006, 10:37 AM   #6
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I hate to sound a sour note, but the idea of doing stories set "between" episodes rather than building off HOG is IMO a terrible idea.
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Old June 29th, 2006, 11:33 AM   #7
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The show itself implies the passage of quantities of time, not just days or hours but what could equate to weeks or months between the episodes. Adama notes time passage several times in his log. You can assume nothing of note happened between, or you can assume there were adventures besides them in between. Neither would necessarily be incorrect, 1970s TV being what it was. Take Long Patrol for instance: that viper didn't just appear one week, obviously there had been a breather time where such a machine could be outfitted or completed with the colonials limited resources, yet it's set in the first 5 weeks of the series.
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Old June 29th, 2006, 12:30 PM   #8
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Maybe taking place between episodes will help continuity. It's a good way to start and then it can continue from where the original left off.

And I don't want them to do some of Larson's second season ideas like the Pegasus replicants and the killing off of Sheba and Tigh. I liked how BSG is being continued in Virtual Second Season and hopefully DE will keep the original's charm and spirit too. Maybe BSG can skip around in time periods like Red Sonja and Dark Horse's Conan do? One story between 2 eps, another after HoG and once in a while a story pre-Destruction?

I like the Red Sonja books. Unfortunately I ordered every issue and am missing many of them. Like the 4 issue mini Red sonja vs. Thulsa Doom; I only have issues 1 and 4. Reminds me, I have to talk to my dealer about that tomorrow.
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Old June 29th, 2006, 01:10 PM   #9
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I just would much prefer to see a new set of stories start from a clean slate of building off of where we were left hanging. I'm just not that interested in what happened in between episodes.

Besides, doing stuff in-between episodes means there can't be anything of what I'd like to see most, which is further developing character relationships from where they were at the end of the show. The writer inevitably has to be hamstrung into making sure that at the end of the story he isn't jumping the gun on matters that's going to screw up the credibility of an actual episode that takes place later, or worse still he doesn't have any awareness of the sequence of the episodes and writes a story that couldn't possibly be reconciled to the events in-between (plus there's the fact that in an in-between story, there's not much in the way of suspense to grip me since I know where everything is supposed to be at which point).

That's just my take. I think frankly going this route saps whatever enthusiasm I might have had for this, because it means I'm not going to see a story in an official publication I can latch onto.

Oh, and thanks Pegasus4 for the kind word on the VS.
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Old June 29th, 2006, 01:23 PM   #10
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The between-the-episodes technique is a double-edged sword. It has all the detriments you note, Eric, and does tend to tie the hands of the writer to keep the information in line with what was shown on the episodes.

But on the other hand, that very situation provides a very strong framework within which the writer works. You know, going in, how the characters act and what they can and can't do. It's a writer's bible, if you will. You're work must be contained within these parameters - none of the girls get pregnant, Starbuck doesn't lose a limb or get horribly scarred, they can't encounter a Ship of Lights before War of the Gods (although a story told from the perspective of the Beings of Light could be told at any point along the way), Adama's heart issues can't surface before Fire in Space...

Most of the TOS Star Trek books tell stories that fall within the 5-year mission - including some that are intertwined with the filmed episodes. Those can be quite entertaining stories. They don't detract from what is canon, rather they enlarge the ST universe. If handled correctly (and from what I read it sounds like they made a good choice), these comic books can do the same thing - and, then, perhaps, do exactly what you (and I, and a whole bunch of other people) want to see - a continuation after HOG.

I'd better get back to work now.

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Old June 29th, 2006, 01:37 PM   #11
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If the Dynamite Comics were to later take up a second season storyline arc like Realm Press comics tried with Battlestar Galactica. Then hands down they should blatantly without a shadow of a doubt; do Adam Stacey's second season of Battlestar Galactica.


Doing somebody else's fanfiction might create problems, but if the people over at Dynamite Entertainment are Galactica fans like us and know everything from the original series to fanfics on the web, then at least we can hope they know the kinda of stories we're envisioning here along those lines.

Maybe my imagination for this thing is wayyyyyyyy to high to begin with and i've got my hopes up too high. But i see so many avenues where a Galactica comic book series can go you can't help but to stop and ask 6 dozen questions like we're doing here as to where a new comic series direction "SHOULD GO".

I'm glad this is coming out finally as then the fanbase here for the original BG will have everybody talking and discussing the comics based on Galactica, which will be a new experience for a change being many of us haven't truly debated the previous BG comics by Marvel, Maximum Press and Realm Press (Realm Press went 'bust' more or less before many members of today were posting online back in 2000?)

Surely a new ongoing series will generate so many new conversations that'll see a few more new theories on Galactica even we didn't see possible. I want the writers of the comic to at least give us a new spin on the BG universe even we haven't thought of nor have approached yet. Who knows they might just blow us all away with what they're planning, we'll be hearing later on of fanbased BG projects based on the Dynamite comic series if they're that damn good enough so who knows keep your options open and be open minded.

Ya know? We might have to sign up to Dynamite's website to support the new BG classic series comic and show that we're actually ARE buying it as well! By regularly posting on their boards too. We don't want the book to be cancelled just after it comes out and all do we? Comics and the industry itself are a little more interactive than they used to be in the past, so sitting back and mailing the artists and wrtiers isn't enough posting on message boards and sending e-mails today are considered a strong sign to the comic book industry folks that a comic the comics they produce month after month, has got its fair share of readers and fans whether they'd be a small or large community of people who read what they put out each month.

Think if we're true fans. We won't bitch and whine about what we should get at first. Support the book to the point where's it becomes popular then ask what the writers and artists SHOULD be giving us in terms of stories we've always wanted from the Galactica universe to be adapted in one form or another.

If anything i think my first letter to Dynamite would be to congratulate them for bringing the classic version of BG back in comic book form once more. However; to also inform them to please learn the mistakes of the past from Maximum Press and Realm Press attempts at doing a BG comic series and don't just offer up classic BG to run along side the Sci-fi Channel remake BG comic adaptation, but to fully invest their time doing a series MANY fan would appreciate.

Thats all i'm seriously asking for here!

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Old June 29th, 2006, 05:36 PM   #12
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I think the difference between Trek TOS and Galactica, Dawg is that since Trek was self-contained to begin with, and you never could always be sure just what really took place before what based on stardate info (all you could be sure of is no Chekov the first year, but then again even Wrath of Khan forgot all about that!), so that way a Trek writer has far more flexibility to do those kinds of stories than a Galactica writer does. What it comes back to though, is that ultimately everything is just going to be far too predictible for my tastes, and that means a minimum of months to a year perhaps before there can be any story that would interest me, to see what someone else is going to do in contrast to what I'm doing right now in the VS project.

IMO, I think its cheating the audience to start with this approach. Save between episode stories for flashbacks later on. Besides, what kind of orderly flow is there going to be from one issue to the next if this is all in-between? You might as well then just adapt some of the original series episodes to begin with because if Issue #1 is before Living Legend, and then the next storyline is before War Of The Gods, then what you've got is an awkward flow. I'm then getting depicted stuff with gaps in-between i.e. the actual episodes themselves.

Again, I'm sorry if I'm sounding such a sour note, but the details of this project are just not impressing me at all. And maybe that's become a conditioned reaction of sorts after too many years of disappointments, but it just frustrates me that I never see anything happening in the realm of something TOS that can truly excite me.
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Old June 29th, 2006, 07:32 PM   #13
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Ya know, i think i more than put alot of effort into what i put down when i make a very serious point here.

Like i said before Paddon, if we consider ourselves true fans we'd at least supoort the book until its firmly established before we'd could ask of them any conflicted and rather complex Galactica stories meeting anybody's high standards of storytelling first off.

If however you aren't going to buy the comic then don't bitch about what you're not going to buy then. no one's forcing you to buy it nor encouraging you either.

Just cos you didn't like Richard Hatch's Galactica books or have been very vocal about any other attempt to do Galactica is no reason for you to put down every adaptation coming our way certainly not even a comic book series that hasn't even been released yet?

How can you put down that even?

We're fortunate enough to even get a comic series based on the classic Galactica TV show. Lower you ego nd show some respect there and at least be glad your getting anything TOS BG period like the rest of us.

Wait until the new comic book series is out before you go on and on and judge it, with your downer attitude and "higher than thou" opinions all the time huh?

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Old June 29th, 2006, 09:47 PM   #14
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I'm only registering my own heartfelt opinion in an ongoing discussion on it. Nothing more. If you disagree with me, then fine, I'm happy to have a nice dialogue about the matter, but there's little need to make it personal with cracks about "higher than thou" opinions. In any kind of discussion forum, one opinion is as valid to express as any other.

But let me clear the air on one thing. I don't "look down" on something just because I've been writing fanfic for so long and have formed my own perceptions of what future TOS stories should be like. If I'd never written a single fanfic story, I'd still have the same standards of what I'd like to see happen in any kind of Galactica project and wouldn't hesitate to express my hopes that any project measure up to something that I can truly appreciate.

While I think it's nice there's going to be a comic book, the fact is that this is not the first time there's been a TOS comic book, and I think after three failures in the past, it isn't asking a lot to hope that there'll be a particular standard employed that above all addresses the nub of what for me and many others (though I would never presume to speak for a "majority" or anything like that) would like to see most, and that's an officially commissioned project that continues an interrupted storyline and is willing to branch out. And I am sorry, but a comic book that isn't even going to fulfill that basic premise of forward momentum in the storyline is from my own subjective standpoint (which I do not proclaim to be "better" than any other person's subjective standpoint of judging things) not going to be something that I think represents something I can appreciate. And yeah, maybe after having to see one comics series that started great and then fell apart (Max), one that was largely stillborn and that I never had a chance to get acquainted with (Realm) and a novel series that was impossible to connect with, maybe I have come to think that a higher standard should be asked for in the next "official" project that comes down the pike. In my case, it only represents a desire to see something *active* in the realm of TOS creativity that I can find myself looking forward to on a monthly basis where I can be excited about what might happen next, and I don't think that's a horrible position to take in regard to that.

If there are some people who want to fall down in over-optimism about what this is going to represent, fine, that's their perogative, but those of us who are a little less than thrilled by the description of what's looming on the horizon in this and just want to sound off about that, aren't ruining anyone's life just for having a dialogue on the matter in a friendly forum like this.
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Old June 29th, 2006, 10:39 PM   #15
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Reading through your last comments to Eric I think you need to step back a bit.
Some of your comments to Eric were out of line.
I don't see any evidence to warrant your personal comments, so please take a breath first before you hit the keys next time.
There is no fight here to be had that I can see.

Thank you.

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Old June 30th, 2006, 03:30 AM   #16
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I pick up comics regularly at a local comic store but here are some on line sites you may be able to pre-order BG from. I've never dealt with any of them, however, so I can't especially recommend them--and it may still be a bit early to pre-order the first issue; I did a quick search at the first site and didn't come up with the debut of the classic BG title, only the Sci Fi version.




http://www.milehighcomics.com/ (I've actually ordered quite a bit from Mile High but it's always been back issues)

I'm sure there are a LOT more sources for ordering comics on line. If you have a local comic store, however, I'd advise you to just go there and see if you can pre-order.
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Old June 30th, 2006, 03:55 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Tracyb144

Reading through your last comments to Eric I think you need to step back a bit.
Some of your comments to Eric were out of line.
I don't see any evidence to warrant your personal comments, so please take a breath first before you hit the keys next time.
There is no fight here to be had that I can see.

Thank you.
Speak for yourself! You might want to stop assuming another person's moods before you get fresh and put that down. See thats always the trouble with people making wild unsupported guesses about me. Thinking i'm in some kinda of mood.

Well surprise surprise, I'M NOT and never have been.

Seems you're both unable to take a rather strong and fair straight direct questions without assuming the worse from my end of things.

Who's fighting, not me.

Originally Posted by Eric Paddon
While I think it's nice there's going to be a comic book, the fact is that this is not the first time there's been a TOS comic book, and I think after three failures in the past, it isn't asking a lot to hope that there'll be a particular standard employed that above all addresses the nub of what for me and many others (though I would never presume to speak for a "majority" or anything like that) would like to see most, and that's an officially commissioned project that continues an interrupted storyline and is willing to branch out.
And go back and read my last post from last night and you'll see i easily adddress this did i not.

Yeah i agree about the failures part from the previous comics with you. And i don't presume to speak for the majority, but tend to feel what they themselves want which shares my own personal feelings on the same subject matter.

Sorry but when i read your comments on here on CF, they always tend to be speaking for 'everybody else' and you've always maintained a constant dig at Hatch's novels or anybody else's opinion or attempt to envision the Galactica universe in some manner or another. Not having a go at you just stating some facts is all.

Originally Posted by Eric Paddon
If there are some people who want to fall down in over-optimism about what this is going to represent, fine, that's their perogative, but those of us who are a little less than thrilled by the description of what's looming on the horizon in this and just want to sound off about that, aren't ruining anyone's life just for having a dialogue on the matter in a friendly forum like this.
And i stopped myself from going all overly-optimistic all in the same post and all. If you want the forums to be friendly then don't go all off half cocked about it then.

Originally Posted by Eric Paddon
And I am sorry, but a comic book that isn't even going to fulfill that basic premise of forward momentum in the storyline is from my own subjective standpoint (which I do not proclaim to be "better" than any other person's subjective standpoint of judging things) not going to be something that I think represents something I can appreciate. And yeah, maybe after having to see one comics series that started great and then fell apart (Max), one that was largely stillborn and that I never had a chance to get acquainted with (Realm) and a novel series that was impossible to connect with, maybe I have come to think that a higher standard should be asked for in the next "official" project that comes down the pike.
Once again i feel i addresed this myself in my last post on here? Did i not address this fact that a new comic series should learn from the previous ones mistakes?! I truly get the feeling that i've always been underestimated in this fanbase, if people would take a gander at what i say and not hold any grudges hey'd actual hear from somebody who understands a hell of alot more of BG and what exactly goes on within it's fandom than they'd naturally like to give me credit for.

Paddon? That last part sounds like you don't connect with it, not everybody else. However i assure you that for other fans we don't even know or associate with online, that the previous BG comics and Richard Hatch novels were their only source of alternative Galactica adventures that gave them a sense of continuation of the classic series. Something they would prefer over "Gin...er You know what 'hint-hint'?" *wink* etc.

Originally Posted by Eric Paddon
But let me clear the air on one thing. I don't "look down" on something just because I've been writing fanfic for so long and have formed my own perceptions of what future TOS stories should be like. If I'd never written a single fanfic story, I'd still have the same standards of what I'd like to see happen in any kind of Galactica project and wouldn't hesitate to express my hopes that any project measure up to something that I can truly appreciate.
We all have those standards and have those pre-conceptions of what Galactica should be in a epic revision/revival to some degree more or less. But come on more than anybody else you put yours out there more than anyone else does 24/7. Maybe you can't see it but i'm sure others do, once again not an attack just a rather strong statement is all don't be offended by it.

Anyways arguing aside, look forward to the new comic rather than put it down o.k. news of Dynamite's new Galactica series certainly would indeed lure me back into BG's fandom full time once again. And i for one wouldn't want it to be quickly cancelled cos of mis-management, late shipping, weak sales etc. I too have my standards as i said, but i won't put a downer on it cos a few things dont agree with me, heck i few things i heard about the Maximum Press, Realm Press comics and a few thing we heard about in DeSanto's Galactica continuation script i just didn't go for or like at all (Boxey/Orin being Commander, hybrid human-ish Cylons etc). But i still showed my love of Galactica regardless cos the spirit was always there in some form or another and each of those brought back Galactica in a much bigger intended vision.

As i said before, Adam Stacey's BG fanfic second season should be used if they were to adapt a second season premise like Realm Press comics tried out. However there are tons of directions Galactica can go in and hopefully the comics can explore that potential to the extreme if given a chance much akin to Dark Horse comics doing the Star Wars expanded universe and DC/malibu doing Star Trek. Even if those are based on far more established and popular series/movies and whatnot.

At least see that before sounding off at me prematurely or thinking your opinion reflects the fanbase wishes.

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Old June 30th, 2006, 05:51 AM   #18
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As far as I can see, Eric's only stated his own opinions, which he does have a right to. He idntified them as such: just his own opinions. I can understand his disillusionment with what the comic folks are doing, having read some of the failed comics and in light of that other thing we no longer speak of.

I'll not divide a fan of TOS off just because he decides not to support one merchandise line: I've only bought the JoyRide and Majestic figures that interested me. (I'd have more of the Majestic if I had limitless cash, but that's beside the point.) We all support TOS within our limits (time, financial, interest) and that's fine, it's what fans do.

You've made good points about reasons why to support this comic line, he's made good points about his disappointment with the story timeline (and he answered my question really well, I thought.). Please let this drop as gentlemen that have different opinions.


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Old June 30th, 2006, 08:37 AM   #19
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I think we can sum this up with "we'll hope and pray for the best for this comic series." Hopefully, it will contain enough different and new ideas to capture the minds like Eric and be filled with the good old days of the TV show spirit to keep us traditionalists drooling as well!

Ultimately, it is our job to let them know what we want, but it is their final say as to what gets put out there for us. So, we hope and pray that this new series will do everything we want it to: bring back TOS!!!!
When Commander Adama sees these, he's gonna go crazy!

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Old June 30th, 2006, 09:06 AM   #20
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Exactly Charybdis. While we should wait and see, we can hope for the best and only debate here and now how it all might go down come September 2006 (BG's 28th anniversary no less).

You gotta to say on the other hand, its quite incredible for a nearly 30 year old TV series to be generating enough interest in producing yet another comic book series despite previous failures eh?

For better or worse, i've yet to see a "Space 1999" comic book series or "U.F.O.", Buck Rogers In The 25th Century, the Irwin Allen sci-fi shows, or The Invaders comic book being produced. Yet they were all popular sci-fi shows of yesterday weren't they? Only goes to show that the original BG series was and is STILL something else to be getting folks to revive yet another comic book run in this day and age. Not a bad legacy if you ask me, to keep having revival attempts of all kinds through the comic books every now and again, sure shows the interest is still there in the classic Battlestar Galactica and it hasn't ever faded away.

Galactica's lasting effects within pop culture certainly captured a generation of fans from the original 1978 run and repeat cable/satellite airings throughout the years who still want to see more adventures happening from this classic cult sci-fi series.

Lets hope for the best. Cos this new comic will put a stamp of TOS Galactica's strength as a sci-fi classic that just plain refuses to lay down in defeat to its current remake "twin" with the same/stolen name? Hey there's no bad blood actually, they have their comic don't they. But more importantly we'll have ours won't we.

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Old June 30th, 2006, 09:11 AM   #21
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Thank you Tracy and Jewels for recognizing what my remarks have been in this thread.

If someone else prefers not to recognize them for what they are, that ultimately can't be my problem.

I certainly would not take a backseat to anyone in terms of hoping this project can mean something nice for TOS appreciation in general, BUT for me it's no longer enough for a comic book or a novel series to just exist. It has to start showing its worthiness to last a long time and so far, it's adopting a standard that right now in its embryonic state makes it less interesting to me than either Max or Realm, which at least tried to start with a clean slate and move things forward.
"They hate us with every fiber of their being. We love....freedom, independence, the right to question. To them it is an alien way of living."-The non-myopic wisdom of Commander Adama, "Saga Of A Star World"

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Old June 30th, 2006, 09:25 AM   #22
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And if someone were to recognise my comments for what there intended, you'd be a little more enlightened as to what i was getting at.

Originally Posted by Eric Paddon
I certainly would not take a backseat to anyone in terms of hoping this project can mean something nice for TOS appreciation in general, BUT for me it's no longer enough for a comic book or a novel series to just exist. It has to start showing its worthiness to last a long time and so far, it's adopting a standard that right now in its embryonic state makes it less interesting to me than either Max or Realm, which at least tried to start with a clean slate and move things forward.
You make it sound so easy?

If thats the case then, why don't you ring up Dynamite Entertainment and ask to be on the writing team and see how long your envisioned Galactica stories last in comic book form eh?!

Be like the rest of us and just wait and see and appreciate what they might have to offer us all. Your comments whether they'd be valid opinions or not are still way too premature Eric!

Now i'm dropping this like the gentleman i am now that i've made enough logical points whether they're seen or not. I'm off to watch a World Cup Game between Germany and Argentina.

Have fun folks.

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Old June 30th, 2006, 10:02 AM   #23
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Hell, they couldn't go wrong if they *did* recruit the VS writing staff of myself, Senmut, and two other fine people who aren't CF members. But if my attitude was so out of line, I'd be taking the petty route of not wanting to accept any kind of story that wasn't like my own or the ones I'm presently involved with. What I welcome though, is the chance to see people who are lucky enough to get an official sanction try to apply the same vision of continuing things according to a base set of standards that any writer should be able to follow if he or she wants to take up the mantle of writing a new TOS story.

None of us shirked from saying what we thought of a conceptual idea before a certain unmentionable program hit the airwaves. I think in the case of a comic book, we can make an equally valid judgment of the conceptual idea if it fails to live up to what the *best* standards truly can be, no matter what the specific plotline happens to be.

I'm past the point where I can just knee-jerk support something for the sake of it being TOS when it's not a filmed/continuation project. For *that* I'm more willing to take a bigger step back and be happy something's finally happening, but a comic series is not a novelty in Galactica anymore than fanfic writing in general is, and I think there's no harm in giving us the leeway to register our feelings in response to the information that comes out ahead of time.
"They hate us with every fiber of their being. We love....freedom, independence, the right to question. To them it is an alien way of living."-The non-myopic wisdom of Commander Adama, "Saga Of A Star World"

"How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."-Ronald Reagan
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Old June 30th, 2006, 03:18 PM   #24
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Let me preface this with the following:

This thread seems to have simmered down a bit so the following may seem to be a little overboard but, I AM posting it as a friendly reminder to ALL concerned:

(From the CF Rules of Conduct)

1. Use common sense and common courtesy when in discussion with other members

This should be fairly self-explanatory. We certainly don’t want to deter anyone from having or expressing a view that is different from another’s, but we expect you to post your opposing view in a courteous manner that does not take away from, belittle or otherwise denigrate the other members "beliefs" or opinions.

One thing we DO NOT allow on these boards is attacks on an individual, be it by way of direct affront or snide comments about his/her opinion or belief. Feel free to discuss your differences, but take pains not to be insulting about it.

Now, I realize that there has been NO attack on anyone and I'm not accusing anyone of such; however, when the remarks drift from the topic and toward the member posting the remarks, it can be interpreted or perceived as an attack. That is where special care needs to be exercised. That is for ALL to remember.

The point that I'm trying to make with this is that the most damning element of forum environments is "perception". None of us can "see" the other person so the only thing that we have is the written word. Take care with that and there should be no problem and issues will not get "out of hand".

Finally, and once again, this is for EVERYONE --> When a Moderator steps into a thread, in an OFFICIAL capacity, and prescribes or suggests a particular course of action, they are acting in accordance with the wishes of the Owner and Administrator of Colonial Fleets and have the support of same. No outward defiance of a Moderator's "suggestion" will be tolerated. If there is a disagreement with that "suggestion", the issue may be escalated to ME and I will investigate it with due diligance. Otherwise, the Moderator's ruling will stand.

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Old July 9th, 2006, 01:45 PM   #25
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Default Order your comics!

Order your comics NOW for the Battlestar Galactica original series. If you subscribe to, or order comics from a local dealer or online through Previews magazine, it now has the first issue available now for pre-order to be released in October. Do it if you fall into the following categories:

1. Want to support the new BG comic based upon the ORIGNAL series
2. Collect comics and are a BG fan
3. Have a mild interest in comics and support the original series

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Old July 30th, 2006, 03:40 PM   #26
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Pages of the Battlestar Galactica comic book are coming in.

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Old July 31st, 2006, 07:38 PM   #27
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Not bad, not great. Time will tell.

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Old July 31st, 2006, 10:19 PM   #28
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Passable. The story will be the crucial thing on this (as we all know from prior experiences).
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Old August 1st, 2006, 07:46 AM   #29
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Whoa! Those shoulders are downright taking over their jackets!!!!
When Commander Adama sees these, he's gonna go crazy!

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Old August 3rd, 2006, 04:55 PM   #30
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Its not that bad, is it?

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