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Old August 25th, 2005, 06:41 AM   #181
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Did catch the last half of last night's show. And I'll admit, it is getting better as it goes along. A good sign.
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 02:17 PM   #182
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Default the season premiere

The one comment in the season premiere that made me laugh out loud was Hurley's list of all of the bad things that happened to him after he won the lottery. He mentioned a new one. He said that a meteorite struck "the chicken joint" where he worked. I thought that was pretty clever.
As for the rest of the premiere, I kept thinking of the movie "Blast from the Past."
I enjoyed the episode, but it wasn't nervewracking or anything.

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Old September 22nd, 2005, 02:34 PM   #183
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Default my theory about the island

I don't know how I came up with this, but this is MY theory regarding the island:
We learned last night that one of the previous inhabitants had been quarantined. So maybe the entire island has been quarantined by one government or another. You will notice that once a person lives there for a while, he or she starts to go nuts: The Others, Danielle and her troup, Ethan, the new guy Desmond, and now it seems like John Locke is beginning to go off the deep end.
Okay, so this is what I came up with. I know it's kinda gross, but perhaps there is some weird strain of syphilis on the island. It doesn't affect people sexually (these people all seem pretty randy to me), nor does it affect their skin or other organs. But it definitely is affecting their brains.

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Old September 28th, 2005, 07:22 PM   #184
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Another episode, and they still can't move chronologically past Jack's, "You're......" regarding where he knows this mysterious hatch-dweller we now know is named Desmond.

I'm glad I didn't subject myself to the slow pace of week to week waiting a year ago and just didn't start watching the show until the DVD came out, but now alas, I am hooked too much and must suffer in the week to week waiting!
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Old September 29th, 2005, 05:38 PM   #185
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I'm so hooked that I'm watching "Canadian Broadcasts" of the series even though the series is up to about episode eight in the UK.

Just watch the second episode of season two and loved the bits between Sawyer and Michael on the remains of the raft.

Next week's ep looks like a humdinger!
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Old October 6th, 2005, 02:22 PM   #186
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Default stupid episode

I thought last night's episode was SOOO stupid! I have three complaints:
1. It's obvious that John Locke is going mad and becoming a megalomaniac. He's apparently getting the "sickness" many others have gotten. Why has no one else on the island decided to defy him? It's not like he has henchmen protecting him.
2. That whole thing with the button was very annoying. If I'd been able to walk into my TV and onto the set I would have pushed the darn thing myself.
3. The worst thing is the fact that the writers are ignoring the 30 or so survivors from the center of the plane. The producers keep introducing all these new folks and "others" on the island and yet not doing anything about these 30. I find it insulting to our, the viewers', intelligence, and I know that if I were one of the extras playing these survivors, I'd have given up by now on getting any attention.
If all these new people keep showing up, pretty soon we're going to have an island with a population the size of a major metropolitan area!

What did the rest of you think?

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Old October 6th, 2005, 08:53 PM   #187
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Well one thing's for certain. We're not going to learn more about the woman who kept stubbornly insisting her husband was still alive until the actress playing that part becomes available again! (The DVD commentaries said she was doing a play which made her unavailable, hence her inexplicably disappearance along with the other 30 survivors you allude to).

I'm not at the point of being disenchanted yet, because I didn't start watching the show until I got the DVD set so this is a new experience for me to go through the week to week wait, but I can imagine those who've been in that mode from the beginning would be more apt to be frustrated right now.
"They hate us with every fiber of their being. We love....freedom, independence, the right to question. To them it is an alien way of living."-The non-myopic wisdom of Commander Adama, "Saga Of A Star World"

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Old October 7th, 2005, 06:21 AM   #188
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Ok, some thoughts that my coworkers and I discussed:

1) The people that Sawyer, Michael and Jin ran into are people from the back of plane (where Ana-Lucia was sitting). However, they have had it much harder than the people in Jack's group because they didn't have even the limited supplies that Jack's group has. They've probably had run-ins with the 'Others' already too, so it's made them overly cautious.

2) I wouldn't have pushed the damned button at all. I wanted Jack to just let it count down. The stupid button is annoying.

3) As for the others - you can only lead us on so much about it, you know? We need some glimpse of who/what the others are.

4) The boat that took Walt is short range therefore it probably came from the island, therefore, Walt probably is somewhere on the island.

If you want to read tons of ideas on the show head to http://www.oceanicflight815.com - it's got tons of information!

By the way, there is a write-up out there of the significance of the numbers (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42) - including the number of times each number has come into play in the show...

I'm still hooked!

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Old October 14th, 2005, 03:34 PM   #189
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Originally Posted by Eric Paddon
Well one thing's for certain. We're not going to learn more about the woman who kept stubbornly insisting her husband was still alive until the actress playing that part becomes available again! (The DVD commentaries said she was doing a play which made her unavailable, hence her inexplicably disappearance along with the other 30 survivors you allude to).

Well it only took one episode for me to be proved wrong on that! Nice to finally see some advancement on Rose's situation at long last, but once again I think the problem that's cropped up in these early S2 episodes is that the flashbacks have really outgrown their usefulness. We know the stories of these characters to the point where the flashbacks just stop the action cold completely and don't give us any meaningful insight that we didn't already have.
"They hate us with every fiber of their being. We love....freedom, independence, the right to question. To them it is an alien way of living."-The non-myopic wisdom of Commander Adama, "Saga Of A Star World"

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Old October 20th, 2005, 09:41 AM   #190
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I'm starting to get VERY bored by this show. It's becoming obvious that the writers are just making things up as they go along and don't have a coherent idea of what this all heads to eventually, and bogging down an episode with another meandering flashback is a way that gives them more time to stretch things out. And now they're going to abruptly kill off a character in three weeks when the next episode airs (I already know who it is) in what seems more like another gimmick rather than something meaningful to advance the storyline.
"They hate us with every fiber of their being. We love....freedom, independence, the right to question. To them it is an alien way of living."-The non-myopic wisdom of Commander Adama, "Saga Of A Star World"

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Old November 16th, 2005, 04:21 AM   #191
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Default disappointed in this season

A coworker and I have been disappointed in the second season of Lost, and I am wondering if we are the only ones who feel that way.
1. The show debuted 14 months ago, and only 48 days have passed?! How slow can you get?!
2. The writers keep killing off the original characters, and introducing new ones. How many people live on this island, anyway?!
3. Except for Bernard, I hate the new characters.
4. I still want to know about the extra 30 or so people--the ones who live with the original 15 characters yet never get any attention. The original 15 or so all have some "pasts" and never talk to each other about things they've learned because they don't trust anyone. I am wondering if the additional 30 people have had normal lives and talk to each other.
5. The writers keep adding new mysteries, yet don't solve the old ones.
6. I don't care about "clues," numbers, the Dharma Inititative (I keep wondering if there's a Greg Inititative) or the main characters' various psychoses. I just want the story to move forward!
P.S. I think Lost's problems are part of the reason I've gotten attached to Surface. At least that story is moving along.
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Old November 16th, 2005, 10:17 PM   #192
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Well tonight's episode was one of those bring us up to the moment of last week by giving us the back-story of the rear section survivors. It was an interesting episode, but I still have this sense of stopped momentum overall that I don't like. And I also didn't appreciate reading about the TV Gudie interview where the show's co-creator is saying that fans are "reading too much" into these episodes regarding clues and that he and his fellow creators have no idea what those numbers they use all the time mean. Well if that's the case that my friend is what I call ROTTEN WRITING. You can not give us a premise like this show has given us and just make up things as you go along with no coherent idea of how they will play out. I never do that when writing a story, and this is the kind of story that should have a definable ending to it from the instant they started writing. But there alas are some things that I guess are just never going to get addressed and this show is just going to be all about more tease, less resolution all the time.

But will I keep watching? I'm afraid I will.
"They hate us with every fiber of their being. We love....freedom, independence, the right to question. To them it is an alien way of living."-The non-myopic wisdom of Commander Adama, "Saga Of A Star World"

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Old November 18th, 2005, 10:50 PM   #193
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I feel pretty frustrated with this season as well. There seems to be a very distinct change in the quality from the first season. I get a sense that things are just sort of drifting now and the show has lost its focus. My guess for why is because the show doesn't actually have its creator and show runner this season, J.J. Abrams. He's been spending his time making Mission Impossible 3, I think it really shows.
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Old November 24th, 2005, 05:03 AM   #194
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Default nov 23 episode

Last night's episode was MUCH better! At last, something happened and the story moved forward! And I noticed that the whole hatch storyline was pretty much ignored and no one seems too concerned about it, other than the fact that there are medicines and clean clothes stored there and that one of the guys went and pressed the countdown button. I guess the writers discovered that viewers thought that whole countdown idea was stupid.
I still hate Ana Lucia and really don't know what the purpose of her storyline is supposed to be. She seems to be nuts, and it's still not been made clear why everyone is so intimidated by her. Yes, she had the gun, but there were a bunch of people around her, including several large men, who could have easily overpowered her, so why didn't they?
I was SOOOO glad that Bernard and Rose were reunited. I was getting concerned that the writers would kill off one or the other just before they got together, and if that had happened, I would have stopped watching then and there and never returned to the series.
I noticed that you could see the back of Scott/Steve during the reunion scenes, so I am glad he is still around.
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Old November 24th, 2005, 07:01 AM   #195
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I think what I'm not liking is how these writers are inventing plot devices meant to tease for a long time and then suddenly they degenerate into forgotten irrelevancy. Are we never to get resolution on the matter of monsters (there is a very dead pilot that can't be forgotten on that point), polar bears etc.? Is that "Desmond" guy who was in that hatch for three years and then ran off when he thought no one was going to push the button, never to be seen again?

And yes, I too HATE Ana Lucia. She's the worst idea the writers ever came up with IMO.
"They hate us with every fiber of their being. We love....freedom, independence, the right to question. To them it is an alien way of living."-The non-myopic wisdom of Commander Adama, "Saga Of A Star World"

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Old November 24th, 2005, 07:43 AM   #196
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I hate the character of Ana-Lucia, too. However, I think that's a testament to the acting abilities of Michelle Rodriguez as well as the writers/producers for coming up w/the concept. Not everybody is going to be the perfect candidate to be stuck on an island with - look at Michael and the attitude that he's very quick to cop or Sawyer w/his martyr complex. Lots of folks have issues that might not come out in day-to-day living, but when put under extreme stresses overflow to the surface. Ana-Lucia is a perfect example of that.

I, too, am a bit tired of them occasionally doling out the answers to mysteries while giving us another handful, tho! That's been getting old since the last three episodes of the first season. I'm hopin' that they'll give us something more concrete about what The Dharma Initiative is before too much longer.

BTW, I've not read thru all the pages of this thread (plan to at some point) so don't know if this has been mentioned previously, but have ya'll seen this website before? The Hanso Foundation If not, check out the various links. Specifically, the "Active Projects" link. There's info on the link for the "Life-Extension Project" (all the others have a "You're Not Authorized" Page that pops up), and then hold your mouse directly under the last item on the list to see "Dharma Initiative" as a "hidden" item. Can anybody get that link to work...?
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Old December 1st, 2005, 09:42 AM   #197
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Default nov 30 episode

I LIKED last night's episode! Parts of it were kind of fun to watch, and weren't very stressful. I liked the fact that the characters are beginning to get more relaxed and start to talk to each other. That whole secrecy storyline was quite old and annoying.
The one thing I didn't believe was that Michael was so calm about his missing son. I thought for sure he'd be organizing a hunting party.
However, I had a hard time following the flashback storyline involving Kate. I couldn't figure out when and where it took place in relationship to the robbing of the bank and the death of her boyfriend. And was Wayne her boyfriend who died?
And the ending was quite clever. I hope that in the next few episodes (which I know won't be until January) that the two groups from the plane get their act together long enough to go hunt for the missing children. I also think they need to locate Desmond and Danielle and get them together because the two of them together could probably provide some answers. But I guess those are too obvious of storylines....
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Old December 1st, 2005, 11:01 AM   #198
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You know your interest in a show is waning when the airdate happens and you don't remember it until the next morning!

That now makes me through with the show for the rest of the season until these episodes get released on DVD though I'll be reading the spoilers. Frankly, I think they haven't gone in a very well-thought direction this year after the hatch revelation took place.
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Old December 1st, 2005, 01:13 PM   #199
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Originally Posted by skippercollecto
I LIKED last night's episode! Parts of it were kind of fun to watch, and weren't very stressful. I liked the fact that the characters are beginning to get more relaxed and start to talk to each other. That whole secrecy storyline was quite old and annoying.
If you're talking about those scenes w/the Tail Survivors and Ana-Lucia not wanting to share any info with Michael, Sawyer and Jin, then I wholeheartedly agree. Talk about paranoid!
The one thing I didn't believe was that Michael was so calm about his missing son. I thought for sure he'd be organizing a hunting party.
I think he realizes that it's probably best to get a group together to try and find Walt. If he goes it alone, he's likely to fail in getting his son back. Basically, I think he finally "gets it".
However, I had a hard time following the flashback storyline involving Kate. I couldn't figure out when and where it took place in relationship to the robbing of the bank and the death of her boyfriend.
It was well before the bank robbery. I'm a bit confused, tho. By "boyfriend", are you referring to the guy who was her childhood friend who worked at the hospital and helped kate get in to see her Mom? If so, she killed her birth-father prior to her boyfriend being killed and I believe that the bank robbery occured sometime after the boyfriend was killed.
And was Wayne her boyfriend who died?
Wayne was her birth-father.
And the ending was quite clever. I hope that in the next few episodes (which I know won't be until January) that the two groups from the plane get their act together long enough to go hunt for the missing children. I also think they need to locate Desmond and Danielle and get them together because the two of them together could probably provide some answers. But I guess those are too obvious of storylines....
I'm hoping we'll see those things, too! Especially the part about trying to get the kids back. There's also the mystery of Bunker 3 and the Dharma Initiative that I hope they won't drag out all thru the remainder of this season and on in to the 3rd season.
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Old December 1st, 2005, 05:06 PM   #200
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I knew I would miss it again!!!!!

I just took control of the TV to watch Lost and I did it again.......It was on last night!
So I'm watching Joey instead......LOL
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Old February 9th, 2006, 03:23 PM   #201
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Default feb 8 episode

Last night's episode of Lost was the worst one of the series. I hated it! And I was soooo disappointed because I hadn't seen a new episode for several weeks.
Why I didn't like the show:
1. We already know Sawyer is a con artist, so why did the writers have another flashback episode about another one of his stings?
2. The story didn't move anything forward at all. The show has been meandering for weeks and I am losing interest. And it was so good last year.
3. Many of the characters went out of their way to be unlikeable in this episode.
I felt like I had wasted an hour.
The only thing that made me really laugh was when Sayid and Hurley picked up that 1940s music station. Hurley's comment raised a potential issue, and then he laughed, and then I laughed too.
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Old February 9th, 2006, 03:57 PM   #202
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I'm glad I stopped watching for now (until the next DVD release) because it looks like this show hasn't a clue of how to do meaningful forward momentum and would rather just tease us endlessly and waste time with more redundant flashbacks.
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Old February 14th, 2006, 12:10 PM   #203
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The Island is either literally or figuratively Purgatory. If it doesn't end up being that, I'll be so completely surprised that I'll probably faint. If it does end up being that, I'll write it off as yet another ham-handed writing job by a second-year psychology student. The whole use of so many Christian Mythos tell-tales is really boring.

Since none of these people are secret agents and haven't been assigned numbers for the Village, we can asume that it isn't THE Island.

Liberal, Atheist, and just as Patriotic as you.
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