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Old October 31st, 2006, 06:37 AM   #931
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Originally Posted by spcglider
I put in a call to Michael as well and let him know you guys were on the board wondering where your kits were at. No answer, but M is usually really good about getting back to me.

Yes Gordon ad thank You. I've had disturbing problems, but all is well, and we are shipping more today. Thanks for speaking up for me.
Starbuck from Lost Planet of the Gods ( " I like the way you have'nt gone overboard on furniture.")
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Old October 31st, 2006, 06:39 AM   #932
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Originally Posted by CallsignRattler
I am waiting as well. I loved Mike's post about going to the post office and feeling good. He made it sound like he shipping dozens of kits out. Living room full of boxes etc. I thnk he was not telling the whole story there. Sadly I think he only shipped a few out.

No posts. No returns on phone calls. No nothing. I am also starting to think we were all RIPPED OFF.

While I hope for the best, and hope all is well over at Michaels, each day that passes with no communication and no box just makes me more irrate.

Still hopeful....but the idea of building the kit is becoming sour to me now.
You can think what you like, your head is playing tricks on you. We have had some problems, and this is not a self help board, so I' not bringing them up here. Now, go take some pills, have a drink and chill. You viper will be there soon.
Starbuck from Lost Planet of the Gods ( " I like the way you have'nt gone overboard on furniture.")
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Old October 31st, 2006, 06:47 AM   #933
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Originally Posted by CallsignRattler
So he has time to sell items on Ebay....but no time to take care of folks who sent him months ago!!! A little communication would go VERY far here. But I guess when you have someone's money you really don't need to communicate with them.

What I REALLY do not understand is why he is still pouring resin! I mean what was he doing while he was waiting for the parts from Gordon? Or while he was waiting for the parts from Coby?

Jeesh he made it seem like all the kits were boxed up and ready to go. Now he cannot pour resin because its raining?

Not hopeful at all.
Yeah I sell all day everyday, commissions, and I juggle many jobs and tasks each day. I' sorry for you not getting your viper sooner, I sincerely am, but you don't know what is going on, and sometimes your so busy that you forget to get to the computer. I know I am. And no, I don't answer all e-bay questions, 2 others also assist with that, so if there was a question, I hope they answered it correctly.
Your viper will be sent as we are going down the list. And back when I was waiting on Gordons parts buddy, I had enough casting, but the list grew. knucklehead.
Your getting your viper, sorry if your britches are in a wad, but leave the negative b.s. off of the fleets. Call me.
Starbuck from Lost Planet of the Gods ( " I like the way you have'nt gone overboard on furniture.")
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Old October 31st, 2006, 06:49 AM   #934
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Originally Posted by dilbertman
On another thread here Mike said he planned on doing the DeSanto Cylon Raider after the Viper was done. He has also talked about doing other DeSanto props.




Dilbertman, your a friend. I appreciate you and Gordon tremendously.
Starbuck from Lost Planet of the Gods ( " I like the way you have'nt gone overboard on furniture.")
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Old October 31st, 2006, 07:08 AM   #935
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Okay... Michael's back. A little brash, but he is back and laying it out for us. I just spoke with him via phone. Just now.

The rain is, in fact, causing him troubles with the parts he's casting. He's operating out of a garage-like structure with no fashion of drying the air out. He is also taking good heed of my advice on working with urethanes and is trying to maintain a safe workspace with plenty of ventilation and such.

I belive that he is working with all due diligence to get the kits done. But Mother Nature is throwing him yet another curveball. If you work with pouring resins, you'll know what the effect of excess moisture is on your casting. It comes out weird and lumpy and soft with masses of bubbles.

Bottom line: Michael WILL get your kit(s) out to you. He's not ripping you off. He's just cursed.

Liberal, Atheist, and just as Patriotic as you.
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Old October 31st, 2006, 11:42 AM   #936
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Originally Posted by spcglider
Okay... Michael's back. A little brash, but he is back and laying it out for us. I just spoke with him via phone. Just now.

The rain is, in fact, causing him troubles with the parts he's casting. He's operating out of a garage-like structure with no fashion of drying the air out. He is also taking good heed of my advice on working with urethanes and is trying to maintain a safe workspace with plenty of ventilation and such.

I belive that he is working with all due diligence to get the kits done. But Mother Nature is throwing him yet another curveball. If you work with pouring resins, you'll know what the effect of excess moisture is on your casting. It comes out weird and lumpy and soft with masses of bubbles.

Bottom line: Michael WILL get your kit(s) out to you. He's not ripping you off. He's just cursed.

Thank You for the kind words Gordon. We aprreciate them here at Lil" Apogee!
Starbuck from Lost Planet of the Gods ( " I like the way you have'nt gone overboard on furniture.")
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Old October 31st, 2006, 11:54 AM   #937
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Wouldn' t that be "Lil' Heartland"?

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Old October 31st, 2006, 12:08 PM   #938
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Originally Posted by spcglider
Wouldn' t that be "Lil' Heartland"?

NO! It would'nt.
Starbuck from Lost Planet of the Gods ( " I like the way you have'nt gone overboard on furniture.")
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Old October 31st, 2006, 03:16 PM   #939
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Thanks for the update, but not for the attitude. You caused the BS by not living up to your word and not keeping the folks who paid for kits updated on the situation.

A little communication goes along way. With no info, and no updates one can only make assumptions based on past experiences with other garage kit sellers who never made good on any promise.

And as for my britches being in a wad.....man...knock it off. Do you always have to have a condecending attitude? Put yourself in your customers shoes. You would think you would be a bit nicer considering the circumstances.

But hey...I am only a paid in full customer

Hoping they all shipped between today and Monday. EAGERLY awaiting to post good news that the viper has arrived !!!!

All the best......

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Old October 31st, 2006, 05:12 PM   #940
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Okay folks....

We've gotten communication from Mike as to the status of shipments, etc. which is fine.

As for the "tone" of the conversation on both sides, I feel it necessary to point out that this is NOT how we communicate with one another at Colonial Fleets. If Mike has issues with some of the messages posted in his absence, then he should either adress them in a more civil manner, or do it by PM if civility is not the order of the day. The same goes for everyone else - if they have gripes with how Mike is handling things on his end, that's not what this board is for.

Any further transgressions of this kind will not be rewarded kindly.

Play nice and now back to the conversation at hand (refer to the topic heading in case you've forgotten).


Colonial Fleets Moderator
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Old October 31st, 2006, 05:21 PM   #941
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You stole my thunder.
But, thanks because it wouldn't have been very pleasant.

The next comment is directed squarely at Mike:

Work on your people-skills. If I was one of your 'paid in full' customers and had to tolerate that barrage of self-righteous indignation that you exploded with a few threads back, I'd have told you where to go, what to do with it, and would have requested a full refund.

A simple heads up about the production delays and weather factors would have gone a long ways toward easing your customers' concerns and would have taken you no longer than a visit or 2 to eBay.
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Old October 31st, 2006, 08:50 PM   #942
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Originally Posted by BST

You stole my thunder.
But, thanks because it wouldn't have been very pleasant.

The next comment is directed squarely at Mike:

Work on your people-skills. If I was one of your 'paid in full' customers and had to tolerate that barrage of self-righteous indignation that you exploded with a few threads back, I'd have told you where to go, what to do with it, and would have requested a full refund.

A simple heads up about the production delays and weather factors would have gone a long ways toward easing your customers' concerns and would have taken you no longer than a visit or 2 to eBay.

For Mike,

As one who has spent many years in the customer service field I'd like to offer a piece of friendly advice. No matter what the manufacturers unforseen circumstances may be, the *customer is always right*. They come first, and paid in full customers go straight to the top of the list.
In other words, bending over backwards speaks volumes, irregardless if you cannot meet the demand then and there or not. If they are given the impression you do in fact CARE about their purchase, and are working to resolve the problem or delay on your end, they will be patient.

Courtesy works both ways, but moreso on yours. You have their money.

I hope you keep that in mind.


PS. Pete regarding your post. Right on the money.
Old October 31st, 2006, 11:03 PM   #943
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To the last three who posted here. (Moderators, and Administrators)

Very , very eliquently said.

And as one of the paid in full customers.... Thank you for your support.

And for CSR, a good and calm come back on your end my fellow Warrior.

Now, we go back to waiting for the postman to show up.
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Old November 1st, 2006, 12:51 PM   #944
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Originally Posted by Gemini1999
Okay folks....

We've gotten communication from Mike as to the status of shipments, etc. which is fine.

As for the "tone" of the conversation on both sides, I feel it necessary to point out that this is NOT how we communicate with one another at Colonial Fleets. If Mike has issues with some of the messages posted in his absence, then he should either adress them in a more civil manner, or do it by PM if civility is not the order of the day. The same goes for everyone else - if they have gripes with how Mike is handling things on his end, that's not what this board is for.

Any further transgressions of this kind will not be rewarded kindly.

Play nice and now back to the conversation at hand (refer to the topic heading in case you've forgotten).


Colonial Fleets Moderator
Thank You Bryan. I understand your point and except that. The truth is if someone fails to use common sense and throws acusations at me on a board that is a real honest and friendly board, they have problems coming that won't fade quickly. I have been late but never dishonest. All that have ordered from me have my number and personal e-mail address, I suggest that they use it. The newbies on here are the only ones posting such things and it would appear that they have nothing better to do than stir trouble. I'm late, so what. But I'm not dishonest. It's a proven fact.
Thank You again Bryan. I appreciate you.
Starbuck from Lost Planet of the Gods ( " I like the way you have'nt gone overboard on furniture.")
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Old November 1st, 2006, 01:03 PM   #945
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Originally Posted by tracyb144
For Mike,

As one who has spent many years in the customer service field I'd like to offer a piece of friendly advice. No matter what the manufacturers unforseen circumstances may be, the *customer is always right*. They come first, and paid in full customers go straight to the top of the list.
In other words, bending over backwards speaks volumes, irregardless if you cannot meet the demand then and there or not. If they are given the impression you do in fact CARE about their purchase, and are working to resolve the problem or delay on your end, they will be patient.

Courtesy works both ways, but moreso on yours. You have their money.

I hope you keep that in mind.


PS. Pete regarding your post. Right on the money.
Everyone that has ordered is a paid in full customer? Well of course they are, we don't have lay-away plans.
That a customer is "always" right, is incorrect. When a "customer" becomes agitated and makes the decision to falsely accuse someone of theft, no they are no longer right. I appreciate your opinion, but it does'nt work with me.
Thanks Tracy.
Starbuck from Lost Planet of the Gods ( " I like the way you have'nt gone overboard on furniture.")
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Old November 1st, 2006, 01:08 PM   #946
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Originally Posted by BST

You stole my thunder.
But, thanks because it wouldn't have been very pleasant.

The next comment is directed squarely at Mike:

Work on your people-skills. If I was one of your 'paid in full' customers and had to tolerate that barrage of self-righteous indignation that you exploded with a few threads back, I'd have told you where to go, what to do with it, and would have requested a full refund.

A simple heads up about the production delays and weather factors would have gone a long ways toward easing your customers' concerns and would have taken you no longer than a visit or 2 to eBay.
My people skills go out the window when falsely accused of theft. And I don't go to e-bay, your making assumptions. People that are, and this is ridiculous..."paid in full customers" are intitled to answers, and everyone that calls or writes gets that, and are met with kindness and friendly discussion. Those that falsely accuse, well, they are in for something else.
Nice talking to you, but I've got to work now.
Starbuck from Lost Planet of the Gods ( " I like the way you have'nt gone overboard on furniture.")
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Old November 1st, 2006, 01:12 PM   #947
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Originally Posted by CallsignRattler
Thanks for the update, but not for the attitude. You caused the BS by not living up to your word and not keeping the folks who paid for kits updated on the situation.

A little communication goes along way. With no info, and no updates one can only make assumptions based on past experiences with other garage kit sellers who never made good on any promise.

And as for my britches being in a wad.....man...knock it off. Do you always have to have a condecending attitude? Put yourself in your customers shoes. You would think you would be a bit nicer considering the circumstances.

But hey...I am only a paid in full customer

Hoping they all shipped between today and Monday. EAGERLY awaiting to post good news that the viper has arrived !!!!

All the best......

From here on out, conduct all communication with me personally. P.M. or private e-mail or by phone. I appreciate you ordering a viper, and I'm late, a lot later than I wished, but all said and done, you'll get a nice big pretty viper soon.
Ask questions off of the board, no more slinging accusations.
Starbuck from Lost Planet of the Gods ( " I like the way you have'nt gone overboard on furniture.")
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Old November 1st, 2006, 02:38 PM   #948
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People of the Fleets.........LOL! That's too funny.

I have to address this one last time, and no more.
This project as Gordon has put it has been cursed with being late, bad molds, death, lost parts in the mail, and bad weather, just to name a few.
All vipers are being shipped, all will get their orders. The 1st, will be 1st, and the last will be last. No thefts here, no need for accusations or slinging negative thoughts. Theres no room for it.
This project has also been a blessing and alot of them. Coming together with Cobywan, making friends with almost all who ordered and new contacts, as well as learning from the whole process.
The friends that have been 1st on the list are the ones that have the most right to "fuss" about where their kits are. And they have been kind and easy to communicate with. Thank You, you know who you are. Gordon, Peter Noble, Barry, John, Dilbertman, and the list goes on. You are friends and appreciated.
From here on out, this thread is about positive things. It should be about build-up questions and people wanting to post pics of their progress.
I'll not entertain another accusation, nor will I answer it. Save it. Those who have an order will get their viper, those that have not and are just posting their opinions are noted, but not taken seriously.
Further more, I'll answer each question placed towards me in a civil and friendly manner, anything other than that will usually be met with
Well LOL! You get the point. I'm not doing this for my health or sanity, because the latter is GONE!
I appreciate all that have ordered and rest assured you will get your order. They are late. And there is nothing to do about it, but ship them as fast as we can. Maybe in the next shippment, they will all be gone and all orders filled, if not, then the day after will ship more.
I'm done with the bickering, and business opinions. I'll handle it as it comes. If those that want to dish out opinions new me, they know all they have to do is e-mail or call and their answers will be there for them. I'm friendly, but I draw the line at telling me what to do.
Thanks to the fleet moderators. Mainly Brian. I respect you, and look forward to future communication. You have been kind.
Enough, now back to harmony.
By the way, if you have anything negative to add, save it. It'll be met with just nothing, I'm not wasting my time, and my time means cash. $$$$$
Starbuck from Lost Planet of the Gods ( " I like the way you have'nt gone overboard on furniture.")
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Old November 1st, 2006, 02:52 PM   #949
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Hi my name is Barry and I have pre-paid for my Viper way back at the end of Nov 05.
If any one has a right to complain it’s us guys that pre-paid immediately.
I’m really not a patient guy at heart but feel no need to complain, even though it’s been quite the haul.
I know it’s been a long wait for everyone that has been waiting for this kit to materialize and arrive on your doorstep.
I plan to wait and not sweat about it because I have so many other models piled up that this kit will only add to the “to do pile”.
As I wait I am busy with a lit R/M Raider that is nearing completion and a newly delivered Wishbone fighter (Y-Wing) from SSM.
I could go on and on with the kits that are waiting to be built, so if I have to wait a bit longer for a kit that is only going to be added to a host of other kits waiting, so be it.
I’ll just sit at my hobby desk and keep building what’s there.
Now that’s just me I don’t expect anyone else to feel that way or expect him or her to think the same way I do.

Mike and Terri are great people and I expect them to deliver on what they said they would.
Be it now or later, it’s no big deal to me, as long as I get it.
In my opinion, Mike should have a list that states who is waiting and who’s model is in current transit.
This way everyone knows where he or she stands and there’s no disputing it.

Old November 1st, 2006, 03:16 PM   #950
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My TWO cents

I have been in this one for the long hall. Mike told me I was the third person to order the DeSanto Viper. If any one should bitch it should be me. But, I know Mike, been to his place for a visit this summer. Him and Terri are good people. When he thinks he's being attacked he will attack back. Yes, this is later then all of us would like. But there is light at the end of the tunnel, lets hope it's not a train. Part of the is due the Tom DeSanto himself, he sent Mike the latest designs for the Viper which had Mike redo part of what he had started. Latest happens to everyone, when did a comicbook not come out late. Lets not forgot that Mike also lost his best friend this year to. Looking forward to getting my viper soon.

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Old November 1st, 2006, 03:18 PM   #951
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Originally Posted by BlueSquad2001
My people skills go out the window when falsely accused of theft. And I don't go to e-bay, your making assumptions. People that are, and this is ridiculous..."paid in full customers" are intitled to answers, and everyone that calls or writes gets that, and are met with kindness and friendly discussion. Those that falsely accuse, well, they are in for something else.

Nice talking to you, but I've got to work now.


I originally got involved with this because of difficulties folks were having contacting you. I was trying to avoid having a "lynch mob" mentality creep into here.

Then, you came back and responded to folks and pretty much treated them like they were at fault because they hadn't heard anything from you.

Read that again because THAT is the crux of the whole issue. If you had taken a couple of minutes to post a message, all of this could have been averted.

Your problem is that you don't feel the slightest remorse .. you seem to have all of the answers .. well, good luck to you.

I'll be reviewing, with the rest of the Staff, whether we're going to continue providing this type of service going forward. Don't interpret that as a threat, just a statement of fact.

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Old November 1st, 2006, 03:25 PM   #952
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Originally Posted by dilbertman
My TWO cents

I have been in this one for the long hall. Mike told me I was the third person to order the DeSanto Viper. If any one should bitch it should be me. But, I know Mike, been to his place for a visit this summer. Him and Terri are good people. When he thinks he's being attacked he will attack back. Yes, this is later then all of us would like. But there is light at the end of the tunnel, lets hope it not train. Part of the is due the Tom DeSanto himself. He sent Mike the latest designs for the Viper which have Mike redo part of what he had started. Latest happens to everyone, when did a comicbook not come out late. Lets not forgot that Mike also lost his best friend this year to. Looking forward to getting my viper soon.



I appreciate this but, like I mentioned, all folks wanted, was to hear something. I think most could have accepted the fact that there may be a delay, regardless of the reason but, no one heard anything. THAT was the problem and things were exacerbated when Mike came back and reacted in the manner that we've seen in this thread. Folks may have been out of line for being accusatory and Mike was out of line for blasting off at them. In other words, wrongs were done on both sides.
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Old November 1st, 2006, 03:28 PM   #953
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Originally Posted by BST

I appreciate this but, like I mentioned, all folks wanted, was to hear something. I think most could have accepted the fact that there may be a delay, regardless of the reason but, no one heard anything. THAT was the problem and things were exacerbated when Mike came back and reacted in the manner that we've seen in this thread. Folks may have been out of line for being accusatory and Mike was out of line for blasting off at them. In other words, wrongs were done on both sides.

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Old November 1st, 2006, 03:31 PM   #954
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It is a perrennial problem with this medium of communication.

One cannot always determine the tenor of a posting or a response and smileys don't always make good bedfellows.

Mike, I gotta say, as a friend, you jump to offense very quickly. And you waste no time bringing all guns to bear. But on the other hand, patience can be a premium commodity for others as well. Especially when an investment of real $$ is involved.

Frankly, I have to agree with BST. Communication is the ONLY thing that would have headed this off. We all have lives outside of this community and I know that it's not always convenient to post every step of the way, but sometimes it is necessary. That's my two cubits.

So...who's for a game of pyramid?

Liberal, Atheist, and just as Patriotic as you.
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Old November 1st, 2006, 03:32 PM   #955
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Mike and Linda are great people and I expect them to deliver on what they said they would.
Mike and Linda are good people. Mike and TERRI are also good people.

Personally, I don't have any concerns about Mike's integrity or his intent to fulfill these orders.

Mike, I may suggest that until everyone gets their orders, a weekly update will alleviate a lot of fears and keep some from filling in the blanks for you.

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Old November 1st, 2006, 03:48 PM   #956
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Like Mike said and has been suggested in this thread (I think I said it pages back), if you've got a concern, take it to email, telephone or PM.

CF wasn't set up to be a site for commerce, it's here to discuss Battlestar Galactica. I'd suggest if anyone wants to sell anything in the future, whether it be model kits or their BSG collection, they do it in the merchandise section with their contact information and then the mods close and sticky the initial post and put a disclaimer in there to say that all matters pertaining to the post are the responsibility of the original poster and not CF.

This project's had more than its fair share of bad luck, but even so I still haven't had to wait on this project as long as one kit I ordered from another seller, and another where the kit was cancelled completely!

I really think it's going to be worth the wait for everyone.

I also think everybody involved as learned something from the experience and things should run much more smoothly for project two.

Keep the (DeSanto) Vipers flying!


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Old November 1st, 2006, 05:45 PM   #957
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Sorry Terri, I was thinking of Linda over at SSM.
To many boards and to many models in my head.
Old November 1st, 2006, 05:52 PM   #958
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Originally Posted by z28barry
Sorry Terri, I was thinking of Linda over at SSM.
To many boards and to many models in my head.
Linda Evangelista?

Christy Brinkley?

Kate Moss?

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Old November 1st, 2006, 09:00 PM   #959
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Originally Posted by Dawg
Linda Evangelista?

Christy Brinkley?

Kate Moss?

I am
ooohhhh, aaaahh.
I'll never tell.
Old November 2nd, 2006, 12:15 AM   #960
Viper 1
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Originally Posted by BST

I originally got involved with this because of difficulties folks were having contacting you. I was trying to avoid having a "lynch mob" mentality creep into here.

Then, you came back and responded to folks and pretty much treated them like they were at fault because they hadn't heard anything from you.

Read that again because THAT is the crux of the whole issue. If you had taken a couple of minutes to post a message, all of this could have been averted.

Your problem is that you don't feel the slightest remorse .. you seem to have all of the answers .. well, good luck to you.

I'll be reviewing, with the rest of the Staff, whether we're going to continue providing this type of service going forward. Don't interpret that as a threat, just a statement of fact.


I have to chime in on this...... BST is absolutely correct!!!!
The entire problem was the lack of simple comunication.
And as for Mike himself saying that all we needed to do was to call him or e-mail him....... well, I personally called him at least three times, and left messages everytime asking for nothing more then some kind of update on what was happening. CSR did the same thing and unfortunately had a phone # that did not work. There were e-mails sent. And there were pleads on this very thread by myself and CSR for the smallest of posts to at least let us know what the delay was.
Everything went unanswered.
The phone calls were not returned, the e-mails were not answered, the posts were not addressed.
Until the Moderator and Administrator sent thier own PM to Mike...then we finally hear from him.
What would anybody start to think with that level of non-comunication?
And then for Mike to come back on here and go on the attack, instead of just saying..... Ok guys...I know I've been out of touch, and I'm sorry, but here's what's going on...and here's what held us up.
We are all understanding people in this GK community. All we need to remain understanding is simple communication.
I pour resin. I know and understand what the inherent problems are. And if I was told that, then that would have been ok.
But I was never told that. My calls were not returned.
So, to put this all to rest...... I am glad we know ...now.... what is going on, I'm glad the kits are going out again. And I'm glad to be getting mine....(still watching the post)
But, to reiterate the Moderator and the Admin..... communication goes along way.
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