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Old May 15th, 2005, 08:07 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by BST
Time for a B U M P
You should probably have that looked at.....

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Old May 16th, 2005, 01:39 AM   #32
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Thumbs up What kindled my interest?

Wow, what a question!! , "What kindled your interest?" in BSG.

Well as with many fans here, I first saw BSG as a young boy (others here where older but kids still at heart) it was soon after we saw StarWars in Ireland, Star Trek was on BBC on Saturday mornings after SwapShop with Noel Edmonds and I could watch it.

We as kids loved the visions of Star Trek and the excitment of Star Wars, our young eyes where open wide in exceleration of the movements of both shows and where hungery for more.

Announcement:: Then came on RTE TV (an Irish station) an add for the latest Science fiction spectacular at your local cinema house, In bold letters Battlestar Galactica followed quickly by the first images of the G herself , then in quicker follow ups the cast, Vipers, Cylons, Raiders, Apollo and Starbuck, new and fresh stars, then older well known star Lorne Green whom I have watched in Bananza for what seems forever (we loved Cowboy shows then..I still do) then the Gorgeous ladys of BSG. Athena and Cassi (I had the hots for both of them
even before I knew what the hots where ).

Well I wanted to go. I ran to my mother (as one does when your 8 or 9 ) and begain to beg and pleaded to go to see the BSG.. No !! as was then in Ireland money was tight (not like now). My mother and father could not afford to
go because if I went my Brother and Sister would want to go. dad had the Idea of going and earn the cash myself.

We had a petrol lawnmower and Dad carried it through the house and we got the petrol and off I went and cutting the Lawns of every house I could ..(Profit were given to my Parents as all I wanted was to see the BSG and eat some junk food and McDonels had just opened in Ireland Perfect match) By the way I earned enough so that my Bro and sis could come, they are younger than me.

So I went and watched I loved the story. I loved the effects, I loved the Galactica
design Starbuck was my Fav, he is cool to a 8 year old and to be honest a 35 year old too. looking back the loylty the friendships . the feelings of the show had me buzzing.

well in closing what Kindled my intrest, mostly what you all have said already. but to me it was I earned it. I grew up a little more over those days and understood a little more.

Thanks for listening

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Old May 16th, 2005, 03:38 PM   #33
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I was a kid who loved Star Wars (I was born in 1980, the same year as Katee Sackhoff and Grace Park), and proably tuned into it one day and fell in love
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Old May 25th, 2005, 05:04 PM   #34
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Default Got a hold of my best friends copy of the

paperback and read it during anatomy-physiology class. did wonders for my gpa. But the paper back sparked my interest and the original TV Movie was so great, that I was hooked.
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Old May 27th, 2005, 02:10 AM   #35
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Exclamation Battlestar Galactia

Well Now... Back in 1980 Battlestar Galactia (Movie) was Released in the U.S. Theatres ... It Was Done Shown in Sensor Sound (1st Try at Suround Sound)... Scenes Showing them in the Ships were Nomoral Sound, But then When they Were In Space having a Fight... Real LOUD!!! Big Speakers in the Back of the Theater & Postioned Around as well Pretty Cool if You're a Kid & Loved Space Battles!!

Anyhow, it was Showing at the Theatre on the Far West End of the UA Cinema 6... at Our Local Mall of Abilene (They Started Construction in 1977 & Were Pretty Well Complete By Then) The Theatre had to Give Refunds to All the Other Shows, Because People Couldn't Hear "their Movies" over Battlestar Galactia!! It was Glorious!! You Could Hear the Space Scenes... Complete With the BIG Rumble of Galactia'a Big, Powerful Engines... They Even Had Complaints from other Merchants out in the Mall... the Rumble was that Awesume!! I haven't Thought about that is Years... Guess I was really Brought Back Around By this Thread.

I have alwas Been interested in Space... laying outside on a Blanket, just watching the stars and seeing a satalitle as it passed overhead... (back in the 70's) watching Star Trek Reruns on TV... Capt. Kirk was always Cool: with his Cowboy Diplomacy... But Hey, Guess We All Had to Start Somewhere....

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Old May 27th, 2005, 02:48 AM   #36
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We had a new cinema that opened in our area that was closer to home than going into the city, so I was allowed to go with friends without having to have an adult.

We saved hard and went and saw lots of movies, but SciFi and fantasy movies were the best, so we saw Star Wars lots , and then this new one "Battlestar Galactica".
My best friend and I just loved it. Loved the story, the actors, the fx, the costumes the 'life out there' premise, the whole lot just clicked and we discussed it for hours.
Then we couldn't believe our luck as it was coming to TV: prime time Saturady night, no less!!.

Parents wanted to know what our 'crush' was all about.. and got hooked too.
Everyone waited for the next ep, and didn't miss a single one.

I vaguely remember we entered a competition and won promotional material, including posters and cast photographs.

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Old June 28th, 2005, 01:21 PM   #37
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Default I Always liked the Vipers

And the Galactica, and just about everything about the show.
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Old June 28th, 2005, 02:33 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Lara
Parents wanted to know what our 'crush' was all about.. and got hooked too.
Everyone waited for the next ep, and didn't miss a single one.

Remember that well - even going back to '78! My Parents watched the show because of Lorne Greene (kept reminding me he was in Bonanza!)

The love of Sci-fi probably really came about because of Star Wars - and what was going to fill the gap between after that??!! The answer came in BSG - and boy, what an answer.

Loved the X-Wings in SW, but there was something about the Vipers - they were somehow 'cooler' - although that appeared to be a major sin back in those days! - to say a Viper was better than an X-Wing!! But I stuck to my guns, and I still do - The Viper looks more like the sleek fighter it's supposed to be! So there!!!

They say you adulthood is built from the experiences of your childhood - and a large chunk of my childhood was spent watching BSG - An experience I can now happily re-live thanks to the complete BSG original series boxset and the 'new' series (which for me happily lives up to all expectations and beyond!!)

No-one ever truely grows up, and why should we! Happy Days!!

Nice touch having Richard Hatch in the new series as well.
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Old September 7th, 2005, 01:38 PM   #39
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Well, ok my turn. What brought me to scifi worldom, something girls like me arnt supposed to like, was the idea of a strong female figure playing Starbuck, but then I got more interested in TOS, wondering what the big deal was, it all happened before I was born, so I had no clue about it. So then I see Starbuck as a guy (cute ass) and Richard Hatch (great smile) and I thought, wow heres something neato. Well, honestly Im more of a new series girl than TOS, but I respect them both, they did the best they could with what they had back then. I figure the origional series would probably have been much more like the new one IF they had the CG abilities back then they do now. After all, when the budget says ONE cut scene of combat for the whole series, you go with that, and hate you have to but thats the way it goes. The new series, they can generate as much combat footage as they want, the computer just stays up all night doing what its told to do.
Also, the idea of big crome toasters is kewlies because it would be possible for a human to mascarade as a cylon to sneak about on a base star, but the new version, thats gonna be a real bitch. Also the human cylons, great idea, inspires a sense of paranoia that TOS didnt inspire in me. Im sure that the TOS would have done something like that eventually to get the sense of fear and paranoia that SHOULD exist in a situation that graphic. I mean, when I read the back of the DVD box, it was like, yeah, humans running, planets destroyed.. blah blah blah... but then the new series actually showed more of the effects of the attack, showed the losses. It hit me like a flash back of 9-11. That scene where Cami was playing with her doll and the nuke goes off. Man, that girl could been me, I could see myself there, feel the fear, the loss. Left behind because of bad luck, wrong ship, wrong time. TOS made it sound like all the survivors were all found and loaded into the fleet, the new series made it graphically clear that only a portion of them were able to get away, the rest were left to die. Oh God what a reality check that was. IF they can someday make the TOS over, and incorporate some of the graphic imagry and the sense of loss and sorrow, I would love that series more than either of these two. Maybe Im off base, this is favoring neither TOS or New Series, its just my humble opinion. Maybe someone out there feels the same and Im not alone? Dunno.

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Old September 12th, 2005, 03:03 PM   #40
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Hello all. First post.

I'm a long time fan of the first Battlestar Galactica series and I'm glad there's a community of people that still have a love for that first show. I can honestly say that I've tried to like the new series, but I've never been able to enjoy it much. Maybe it's because it's all so different from the original show. I was a boy when Battlestar Galactica had its network run, and I can remember eagerly looking forward to each episode. I always tended to love stories about heroes, and the characters of Battlestar Galactica seemed like heroes of the highest order: defending all that was left of the human race against mechanical foes that felt nothing and wanted to destroy mankind. The story captured my imagination as much as the first Star Wars film did when I was a boy, and I still love the stories and characters to this day. Maybe it's the fact that I like rooting for the underdog, or just love stories of heroes fighting against incredible odds. Whatever, the first is a classic, and I never get tired of it.
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Old September 12th, 2005, 03:51 PM   #41
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Welcome Creegan...............
There are a lot of us here who love TOS........It was a wonderful show that was inspiring and hopeful. I have the DVD's which are very cool.
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Old September 14th, 2005, 10:43 AM   #42
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That TV Guide cover of Maren Jensen..........Star Wars didn't have a chance with me.
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Old September 26th, 2005, 04:15 PM   #43
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Well here comes a long winded way to explain what got me to Galactica and why a continuation would work.

Part 1

What first got me

I remember the adds on TV up here in Canada for Battlestar on the big screen
and it even out sold Star wars up here. My older brother begged my mom and dad to let him
go see it with a friend and because I was the little brother, I was not allowed to tag
along but after finding out that Galactica was going to be on TV, It sort of made my
disappointment go away. I remember all the adds on TV and how they could really sell a show
back then by making it look like the biggest thing since sliced bread. All the kids were
talking about Galactica back then and when it aired, it didn't disappoint.

What got me right off the bat was the musical score. The music was so strong and emotional
that it took me to another time and place before I even had a chance to see any of the actors
On Screen. I could list each of the things that made this show so special to me but it was a
combination of everything that made this show so special.

The best complement I could give any show is by saying that when you watch it, You end up
getting into it so much that you forget that your sitting in front of a TV watching a TV
show. Battlestar Galactica has that effect big time and it's an effect that it still has
on me and many, many others Today.

A year Later I found my self writing some letters at the ripe old age of 9. I was part of
the campaign to bring this great show back that only got the axe due to money. A fact that
still manages to be ignored today.

When Galactica came back, I along with millions, were freaked out and ready. At first
it was (Ok so they found earth, that's kind of cool but where is Starbuck and Apollo?)
Flying bikes to a 9-10 year old was kind of cool too but once again, where is starbuck
and Apollo? and while we are at it, where are the rest of the missing? Did they die from
fighting the Cylons? If they did then that sucks. I lost interest because after a few
Episodes, I realized that it wasn't Battlestar Galactica any more and like many others,
I thought Starbuck was dead and stopped watching long before The return of Starbuck aired so
I never had the chance to see it.

Fast forward 15 years and you have a 23 year old with access every once and a while to a
year old awesome channel called the sci fi channel. I seen some adds for Galactica and
remembered that it was my favourite show but forgot all of it's magic and even though I seen
some adds for the Galactathon that was to air, I couldn't be there in front of the TV for
when it aired.

A week later, A good friend of mine shows up with some VCR tapes and says, here ya go, the
whole Galactathon on tape. I thanked him and at the time, my soon to be wife and I didn't
Even have cable. Just an old floor model color TV and a borrowed VCR so the tapes were very

We sat down and decided to do a marathon because just like the Galactathon, it was meant to be
watched Back to back. What took place next was very over whelming. All of a sudden that Magic
came flooding back. I've watched lots of shows again that I use to really love when I was
a kid but non of them had this big of an effect on me. I have never been a fan boy of any
thing but at that point I became one and when we were done watching the Galactathon, My
soon to be wife at the time looked at each other and said (How could they let such a great
show die off like that ) From that point on, I was collecting all that I could find, reading
every sci fi mag looking out for this great show and any news.

There has been highs = Richard Hatch continuing the story with books, Richard Hatch doing
a continuation trailer that we all thought would for sure convince Universal to bring our
show back as an upgraded continuation, Meeting many great online friends, Getting an online
petition for a continuation to hit the 10.000 mark in just one week, letter writing campaigns,
Adds placed in two major Magazines plus many other things that I was and still am very
proud to have been a part off. We even had 2 of the Biggest behind the camera names in
Hollywood ( Brian Singer and Tom Desanto) take the reins and even they new how much a
continuation could do for making this a huge franchise.

There has been lows = Universal sitting on a huge money maker for way too long. Richard Hatch
being turned down for his proposal to bring Galactica back, Larson announcing his version
with walking vipers. People going out of there way to clone internet handles and pretend
to be others they were not just to cause trouble for a fan base that fought very hard to
get there show back as something that would stay true to their favourite show, Coming within
weeks of finally getting what they worked so hard for, for many years and waited for over 25
years only to have it taken away and given to some one who would Ultimately do the total
opposite of every thing we worked so hard to achieve over so many years.

It was heartbreaking and to add insult to injury we had others come on line and call us
names and put us down just for venting our disappointment after working so hard and coming
so close but they did teach us something. We learned that it's better to ignore that, that
has nothing to do with what we still might get and addressing it only gives more publicity
to something else when we could be using that time and energy towards what we want in a new
Battlestar Galactica that stays true to the original.
Desanto and Larson, Larson and desanto.
Did you see that? I think the Giant just opened an eye.

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Old September 26th, 2005, 04:16 PM   #44
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Part 2

Reasons for a new Battlestar production as a continuation.

The first reason would have to be the fans that stayed true to the show for all these years.
They worked very,very hard to get the show back in the lime light so if you give them something
They feel they can support, they will work Damn hard to keep that show on the air. It's true
that you can't satisfy everyone but once the dust settles, little changes are not so hard to

I give credit to Ron Moore because He proved that you can start a show off in the
middle of a story with some back story to bring you up to date. This was one of the reasons
given why a continuation wouldn't work but I have always said that every story has something
That happened before it so for this reason, there is no reason why a new continuation couldn't
be done in a way to make new fans. I also give him credit for proving that as long as the
writing is good for the most part, that you can build a fan base while keeping on budget.

All of which could be done in a continuation too.

A continuation would sell more original box sets too and here is why.
Most fans want a complete collection of what ever they are fans of. No die Hard fan of a new
Galactica that ties into the original, would want to just buy the new continuation box set
with out having the whole story if it existed on DVD.

It has been said that a continuation would not work because Disco is dead and the actors are
to old but no one has asked for a new Galactica with disco the same way disco didn't make it's
way into the new star wars but it did in a new hope because that was the sign of the times
and updating means just that. Many shows have older actors in it in supporting roles so
That in so many ways is just ridiculous as are many other things said against a continuation
that are to self explanatory in why those arguments don't make sense.

The main thing being said now is that another Galactica that differs with Ron Moore's Galactica
will confuse the viewers. With all due respect to those in charge, if you have the original
that is still airing off and on, on the sci fi channel and space the imagination station
plus many other stations in the world and a Box set of the Original that sold very well,
Then you come out with a re-imagined different show and that doesn't confuse the fans in the
first place, then another version isn't going to confuse them.

In my opinion, for the most part, Galactica fans can be put into 3 groups

Group 1. So we have factors that draw new viewers and in my view they are Cool effects,good writing,
well acting, Likable actors and an on set chemistry between the actors.Cool music is also
a bonus. I'm sure I'm missing a few things that fall in line with those above.

Even though we can argue over which of these aspects are better in the re-imagining, original
or would be continuation, I think it's safe to say that the first two have all these aspects
for the most part and the latter would also need this.

Group 2. From what I have been seeing and reading over the last year, Fans of both Ron Moore's
Galactica and original Galactica agree with most of the above but to add to that, They in general
like that the Battlestar Name is back, they like the story in general coming back, they like
just about anything that points towards the original and are not so solid on any new
Galactica having to be true to the original as long as it's a well done show. If asked, most
will say that they would have preferred a continuation but can see Moore's version as a
different show and appreciate it for what it is.

Group 3. Those who are still holding out for a continuation like me are usually the ones who are just not interested in anything
with the Galactica name unless it takes place within the Universe already established. We
feel that Galactica 80 was just a cheap way to cash in on our loyalty for this show and we
feel that we are still waiting to see what happened to all those characters that we came
to know week after week. The possibilities are endless and if two who are so big in
Hollywood can be interested in what we are interested in then that somewhat justifies our belief
That this show can truly be a giant. Some of us are only interested in a continuation as a
way to add to the Galactica story but many others are also interested in a prequel or
side story but prefer the continuation.

Group 1 and 2 can be achieved as a fan base for any well done re-imagined Galactica but
all 3 groups can be achieved as a fan base for a well done continuation Galactica and this
means more people. More people means more viewers. More viewers means higher ratings and
Fans spending money on merchandise and once again we come back to the fans and how they
come first.

Desanto and Larson, Larson and desanto.
Did you see that? I think the Giant just opened an eye.

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Old October 7th, 2005, 04:24 PM   #45
Centurion Draco
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I saw Battlestar Galactica at the cinema when it first came out, and then 'Mission Galactica' when that arrived a year or so later.
We didn't get the TV series version of it until some years after that, and in fact I had no idea it was a TV show until then!

In 78 (I think it hit the cinemas over here in 78?) I thought it stood up very well with the other sci-fi films of the time, and in fact I actually preffered it to Star Wars Ep4 and Star Trek TMP.
I think the FX and props were what attracted me to it as a kid. I really loved the ships, and the Cylons were an absolute revelation after the usual boring monsters/aliens of previous films.
The whole 'feel' of the show was perfect! It was like everything was thought through properly, from the unintelligable units of measurement, the clothing, the weapons, the steam catapults to launch the vipers, the little clues hinting at connections with ancient civilisations on Earth, it was all just perfect.
Rather like the casting!
I think it's the only show/film ever that I really can't find a 'weak' performance in.
It was just Class!
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Old October 19th, 2005, 08:51 AM   #46
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I was a kid....

I liked ANYTHING sci-fi and "fantasy based" back then. I even watched Automan for pete's sake. But what drew me in was the cylons, spaceships, and laser fire. That's all I needed to see and I was instantly hooked.
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Old October 19th, 2005, 10:00 AM   #47
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I think, for me, it was the fact that I wasn't going to get to see Star Wars anytime soon back then (since my parents were trying to break me of my intense sci-fi fascination...and of course, citing money reasons). However, I saw these previews for this show called Battlestar Galactica, and it looked a heck of a lot like the trailers I'd seen for Star Wars. I thought "Wow, a Star Wars show for television!" I had to be on my best behavior because I knew that my parents would find ANY excuse they could to prevent me from seeing this show, at the first opportunity.

Well, Sunday, Sept17th 1978 came, and I had to secure special permission from my parents to stay up so late to watch this three hour premiere (which would go off at 11:00PM). My parents simply said: "You can watch the show on one condition: You DO NOT come out of your room telling us how great it is, because we aren't interested! That's your show, so just keep it to yourself."

I obliged them. They didn't need to know about the greatness of this show anyway.

I was hooked, and then I saw that 11 PM was closing in fast. The movie was about to end.

What I didn't know was that the show was going to become a series. When I saw the epilogue, Baltar's stay of execution, I was thinking: "What the--? You mean, the movie's not over yet?"

And then when I heard "This is Lorne Greene. Here are some scenes from the next episode of Battlestar Galactica." I jumped out of my bed for joy. Of course, I kept it quiet...didn't want to risk trouble with my parents.

I was a happy camper. I was gonna have Star Wars TV every week.

A week later, we went to go see Star Wars in the theatre.

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Old October 20th, 2005, 09:00 PM   #48
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WOW! Thank you for keeping this little rant of mine alive! Had I known it would still exist in 2005, I would have spelled better!!! I think it may be my turn.

My mom had just entered into yet another marriage. This one was a real winner. I had four years of seeing alot of straws, mirrors, and razor blades. My life essentially sucked and there was not real father figure save brief visits with my grandpa.

Then for a short time, there was this Star Wars like show in my living room once a week. But there was something more. There were absolutes, heroes, a desperate struggle, and hope. Some of these were things I could relate to and others were things I wished I had in my life.

On the outside I loved the battles and the good guys winning. Underneath, I wanted as Adama in my life and I felt my own life was desperate. Well, here I am, Sox are still in first, Jeff Gordon still ends up in the wall, my daughter is now five and in school, I am broke and broken from a messy marriage, and I am now the good and loving father who takes in an occasional stray and I have never lost hope. Misplaced it once in awhile, but never lost it.

BSG was a bright spot in the life of a dark young man. Did it alone change my life? It is a tv show...but it gave me some fond memories, heroes, and ideals to cling to. In today's homogonized world of strip malls and the amalgamization of good and evil, a little black and white is downright refreshing to pop in the DVD player.

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Old October 20th, 2005, 09:02 PM   #49
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One more thing....no matter how hard I try to be Starbuck, I am eternally stuck as Apollo or Boomer..........sigh.

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Old October 21st, 2005, 11:10 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by CaptainTux
WOW! Thank you for keeping this little rant of mine alive! Had I known it owuld still exist in 2005, I would have spelled better!!! I think it may be my turn.

My mom had just entered into yet another marriage. This one was a real winner. I had four years of seeing alot of straws, mirrors, and razor blades. My life essentially sucked and there was not real father figure save brief visits with my grandpa.

Then for a short time, there was this Star Wars like show in my living room once a week. But there was something more. There were absolutes, heroes, a desperate struggle, and hope. Some of these were things I could relate to and others were things I wished I had in my life.

On the outside I loved the battles and the good guys winning. Underneath, I wanted as Adama in my life and I felt my own life was desperate. Well, here I am, Sox are still in first, Jeff Gordon still ends up in the wall, my daughter is now five and in school, I am broke and broken from a messy marriage, and I am now the good and loving father who takes in an occasional stray and I have never lost hope. Misplaced it once in awhile, but never lost it.

BSG was a bright spot in the life of a dark young man. Did it alone change my life? It is a tv show...but it gave me some fond memories, heroes, and ideals to cling to. In today's homogonized world of strip malls and the amalgamization of good and evil, a little black and white is downright refreshing to pop in the DVD player.
I've been in some what of the same boat growing up. Although my Mother and father never split up, there were different reasons why my childhood wasn't the greatest and Galactica was that once a week escape from what the world was to me at the time.

Today they want to see doom and Gloom in their sci fi because it reflects the dark side of our planet. this is suppose to be realism although there is plenty of good in this world too that's just as real.

I can't understand why anyone would want entertainment that makes them feel crappy inside and if all doom and gloom makes them feel good , then I really can't understand it but at the same time I respect the difference in opinion and just because I don't understand it, It doesn't mean it isn't valet.

I'm sure there are those who would question why I would always want to suround my self with good vibes and that may be a very good question but that kind of question made me feal silly even typing it when the answer should be so obvious. At least to me anyway.

Desanto and Larson, Larson and desanto.
Did you see that? I think the Giant just opened an eye.

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Old October 21st, 2005, 01:15 PM   #51
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For me it was because I wanted to be an astronaut. The cool ships and lasers brought me to the show. The realism was facinating.

Once I started watching, the whole Eqyptian, "what if" thing hit me very hard. I was fascinated by the idea of us having evolved from another world. I had already long believed (at my insanely young age) that we were not alone in the universe. Now I had a new concept to work with. My brain was spinning! I even wrote grade school themes on it.

Regardless of what science tells me now, part of me still believes that it all might have happened. The more I read about the Spinx, the more I have to wonder who really built it.

Am I gulible or is that good story telling? I like to think that it is the story.

BTW - The cute guys in the tight pants did not hurt!
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Old October 24th, 2005, 10:19 AM   #52
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Cool My Little Essay . . .

Okay, there are some that know where I posted this before . . . and this version is . . . slightly edited . . .

I still watch the RDM Series . . . late at night when my family is asleep. . . I like the tech . . . but the best story for me will always be TOS!

Why I like Battlestar Galactica
(or where I stand on the issue of TOS)

In 1978, I was eight years old. I was the first of three children of a Jewish father who became a member of the LDS faith in order to marry our mother. Things were ok. Battlestar Galactica premiered in September of that year and my family sat down to watch. We were all entertained and life went on. I became attached to the show because I likened myself to Boxey in some ways, Apollo in some ways and Starbuck in some ways.
I was drawn to Cassiopia more than the other female characters, but I wouldn’t know why for about 4-6 more years.

I was sad to see my new favorite show cancelled, and when I asked my father about it, he consoled me saying that he learned to deal with it because he went through the same thing with Star Trek. I watched Star Trek, liked it, but not as much as my beloved BSG.
I watched G80 as a ten-year-old, but it did not hold the same appeal for me as the original show . . . except for “The Return of Starbuck”. As I grew up, I held on to the memories of BSG and my lessons in life became parallel to the many storylines and details of BSG.
We were an LDS practicing family and the parts of doctrine that Glen Larson weaved in to the plot were highlights for me. Apollo and Serina were married, by the authority that Adama properly and worthily held, for eternity. LDS doctorine includes eternal marriage and the importance of families. There are many others, but I found the ones I did, and appreciated them. Later on though, BSG became more meaningful. I attached myself to the plot of a hand full of people who escaped certain doom. My father’s family is all Jewish Holocaust survivors. I have been to many Holocaust memorials including “Yad Vashem” ( www.yadvashem.org ) in Jerusalem. I once wondered why I was . . . chosen . . . to survive and to live at this time. I likened myself to BSG thinking that others who survived would like my friendship and maybe my help sometimes.

On the other side of the coin, my mother’s family has a long LDS (Mormon) history including relatives that were persecuted and driven out of the state of Illinois and Missouri. There was, quite literally an “extermination” order on the Mormons in the state of Missouri. I can even visualize in my imagination the governors of Missouri and Illinois at the time (approx. 1844) standing around a burned down place in Nauvoo, Illinois talking to some Cylon . . . . Okay, that may have been a little harsh, but I have an imagination . . .

My parents, with their respective histories . . .were my Apollo and Serina. Even when my parents got divorced in ’87, the character Boxey inspired me to deal with my situation and move on with my life.

Now, I am married. We have a son who will be eight years old in April. He is close to the age where I will let go of him as a young child and will have to treat him as one who is learning the difference between good and bad. Instead of at infancy, in the LDS faith, a child does not need to be baptized until they are at least eight years old (at least he doesn’t have to wait until he’s thirteen to have a bar mitzvah). This is because a child generally begins to have a grasp of the concept of choosing between right and wrong at approximately this age. LDS doctrine holds that a child is innocent beforehand, and therefore has no need for baptism (and therefore is a responsibility of the parents in all aspects).
My son Joseph and I have watched BSG (TOS) all the way through three or four times. His favorite episode is “Gun on Ice Planet Zero” (mine was “The Long Patrol”, the effects of C.O.R.A. I guess).

He has not seen however any of TNS. I won’t share it with him. I had a copy of the mini until recently and did not share that with him either. Frankly, if any of my Mormon friends saw me watching TNS at this point, I would likely die of shame right after they told me to repent. My son reminded me a few days ago that he now can reach the DVD player and knows how to put one in . . . I can not imagine what I would have to explain if he put TNS in . . .

The next day I got rid of my copy of the mini (TNS).

My son is now my Boxey. What kind of father do I want to be? Shall I be Lee the son of William, or shall I be Apollo, the son of Adama? To me, the answer is clear.

I want to support a continuation of the original one and only BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, in a family oriented form. In my opinion, Zac died honorably trying to warn the fleet of impending doom, Sheba’s father, “the legendary Commander Cain”, was the greatest tactical genius of all time, and my son, . . . Boxey, . . . still wonders if and when he will become a Jedi Knight ( . . . oops, another thing he has seen on TV lately . . . )
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Old October 28th, 2005, 04:25 PM   #53
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Battlestar Galactica 1978

Okay, I got a few hours.

I can add my own nostalgia to the pile.

I grew up in a small town called Elk River, MN. It was generally a farming community back in the 1970's, but I was one of the "odd" ones. I loved sci fi. Didn't care about being in 4-H or shooting skeet or bailing hay or riding motorcycles.

I liked Star Wars.

My social awakening happened in the Elk River Theatre on the last night that Star Wars was scheduled to show. I had to literally throw a tantrum to get my father to take me to see Star Wars. It actually changed my life.

When Galactica first started to be promoted, I was like just about everybody else. I thought it was a cheap rip off of SW. Even so, there was something really attractive about it. Something of the undergog vibe that drew me to it. By the time the show hit the air in it's initial telemovie, I had read all he articles and scrutinized all the grainy black and white photographs in all the two-bit sci-fi and horror magazines.

I watched the initial movie (interrupted by Jimmy Carter and some nonsensical press conference about world peace). And guess what? It WASN'T Star Wars at all.

It was cooler.

Why? Well first off, I couldn't be Han Solo or Luke Skywalker. I didn't look like either of them. Even if i could make or et a costume, I still wouldn't look like them. But Colonial Warriors, on the other hand... THAT I could be. And I could be on that looked just like ME. That's cool.

The other thing about Galactica was it's availability. I knew there was another action packed episode coming up in a week or two. Star Wars was out of reach. I couldn't go back to the theatre again and again and get a new SW thrill every week. Hell, this was before the VCR revolution so SW wasn't even available on tape. It would be quite a while before cable TV made Star Wars boring by playing it to death. But Galactica was FRESH and NEW.

It took me a long time to understand it, but Galactica isn't SCIENCE FICTION. It isn't even Science Fantasy or Space Opera. Its actually EPIC LEGEND.

The best comparison is Jason and the Argonauts. When Jason sails his ship up to the giant rocks that clash togehter in the middle of the ocean, and then decides the only way to get to where they're going is by sailing right through the middle even though they will certainly be crushed in the attempt, Its JUST LIKE Gun On Ice Planet Zero.

Yes, the Galactica could have simply waited for the planet Arcta to spin away from the fleet and avoid the firing arc of the laser.. but that isn't the point. Just like Jason could have simply sailed around those clashing rocks. But to quote Sir Didymous in "Labyrinth", "If that is the way it is done, then that is the way you must do it." That's what legend is about. You don't scrutinize legend. You take it in as the lesson, morality play, or social rite that it is meant to be.

The trappings that the storyteller sets about his story are basically unimportant. The fact that galactica was a space show is almost superfluous. Its not the artificial flavor of the vitamin that's good for you. Its the vitamin itself.

I dunno...maybe i'm just waxing "deep" and not making any sense at all.

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Old October 29th, 2005, 01:20 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by spcglider

I dunno...maybe i'm just waxing "deep" and not making any sense at all.

If you are, many more of us are as well!!

Its got a resonance that goes deeper than you think it should. But its real, and I think its a very good thing..

"No warrior should be weak, and no female warrior can be.."
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Old October 29th, 2005, 08:26 AM   #55
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Hokey Smokes, Bullwinkle!!

I didn't think anybody read these things!!

Liberal, Atheist, and just as Patriotic as you.
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Old December 30th, 2005, 06:01 PM   #56
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Time to dust off this thread.......

For those who may have missed it the first few times around and also, for our newer members, please share your thoughts about what made the original Battlestar Galactica special to you.

Lay down
Your sweet and weary head
The night is falling
You have come to journey's end
Sleep now
And dream of the ones who came before
They are calling
From across the distant shore .

Children are a message that we send
to a time that we will never see.
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Old January 13th, 2006, 02:28 PM   #57
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Default Interest

When the series first aired, I was in highschool, and the show was a welcome change from what else was on at the time.

With two primary interests, science and history, the show appealled to me because of the 'ancient astronauts' of mythology and legend.

And best of all, there was no Mr. Goody-Goody Kirk running around. I am sorry for insulting the trek watchers, but come on, with the exception of Capt Janeway, the rest of the Startrek series captains, were, without testicles.
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Old January 14th, 2006, 09:15 PM   #58
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I am new to the group, but loved the Original series. However, I think Sci Fi has done great things with the new series and I accept it as its own entity now. It was hard at first, but once I watched a few episodes I loved them.

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Old January 21st, 2006, 01:01 AM   #59
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im a star trek fan and thats how i stared likeing bsg the tos came out b4 i was born and i watched it after have seeing the new i like them both but i dint lik galatcia somthing where they found earth i thoght it was kinda lame
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Old January 25th, 2006, 10:21 AM   #60
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I loved the original as a kid and now I think the new series is so amazing. Overall one of the best Sci-Fi series ever. Intelligent, political, complicated and all that great stuff.
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