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Old August 20th, 2006, 08:09 AM   #31
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I really support David's work on these special editions.

An idea if I may.

If/When creating new CGI of the destruction of the Battlestars, and Base Stars attacking the colonies, as well as the Saga S.E. please can you also edit these together as a stand-alone piece.

I would LOVE to include it on my site. I can't include the special editions for obvious copyright reasons, but a stand-alone fanfilm of the rest of the battle of Cimtar and Colonies would be a great addition.

If you're doing the work already, please consider this further idea - I'd love to showcase it on my site !
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Old August 21st, 2006, 12:10 PM   #32
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I'ld like to see the others you’ve done, like “Return of starbuck”.
I’ve gone so far as to register and was able to download “Hand of God”.
When I went back I couldn’t download anything and they still haven’t sent me my registration info.
Is this normal or did I mess up somewhere?

Later, Barry.
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Old August 21st, 2006, 03:46 PM   #33
David Kerin
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I know at times their registration is closed. However if you were able to register they should send it to you. Aside from hosting the files there, I am not to knowledgable of their "inner workings."

Maybe check back and try registering again.
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Old August 27th, 2006, 03:09 PM   #34
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You know, the other day i was thinking about what Baltar said in Lost Planet Of The Gods. About himself being trapped between the president's Battlestar and his own. Not that it was ever made clear in any Galactica episode but isn't the rumor in fandom that Baltar was from Picon? (Thus it was the Picons who made false progress reports from the mining experdition about Carillon) And his Battlestar may have been the Battlestar Pacifica?

I don't suppose on the bridge you could add a hologram showing the ship commander's names of the other Battlestars and their status. You know made up generic names of the other commanders next to Adama, Adar and Baltar etc?

A readout showing the other vessel's progress via hologram

* Battlestar Atlantia. Commander - President Adar - current status "Destroyed"

* Battlestar Galactica. Commander Adama - current status "Active"

* Battlestar Pacifica. Commander Count Baltar - current status "unknown" reports of massive hull breach near edge of scanner range?

* Battlestar Titon. Commander [Insert generic Commander's name?] - current status "destroyed" due to engine implosion!

* Battlestar Acropolis. Commander [Insert generic Commander's name?] - current status "ship abandoned due to heavy onboard fires"

* Battlestar Solaria. Commander [Insert generic Commander's name?] - current status "power loss and suffering heavy damage"

* Battlestar Columbia. Commander [Insert generic Commander's name?] - current status "destroyed" last reported ramming a Supercylon Basestar!

* Various names of the escort ships and their commander's names and current status etc.

* Colonial shipyards destroyed. 8 Battlestars obilterated! Survivors regrouping.

* Colonial starbases 1 to 8 destroyed by Cylon invasion armada!

* Holographic readout showing Cylon Raider squadrons performing multiple "Cylon Pinwheel" attacks on bases, cilvilian ships, home planets in massive numbers. Perhap show a whole squadron of Raiders doing the spin wheel attack one after another (more then just 3 Raiders etc).

Then add a made up casualty list afterwards etc.

A shot or two of Baltar's escape pod/shuttle going to the Battlestar Pacifica, only for its "hyperdrive" to fail (i.e. Baltar's crew paying a heavy price etc) and visual signs of ship's 'hull breach' or whatever you envision its fate to be David Kerin, would be a nice touch. Forcing Baltar to make alternate plans and escape altogether from the battle.

Just a few more minor attention to detail ideas from me chief. Figured making the colonial holocaust epic in every way and covering all bases would help out. If your CGI and editing programs are advanced enough, i guess i'd be crazy enough to ask if you can add the alternate designs of the Viper Helmet ornaments to the other Viper pilots from the other Battlestars and home colonies bases. but that all depends whether or not you have most of the designs from various BG books and fan interpretations etc. And time to make all those minor additions (perhaps for a later SOASW edit eh?). I was watching some CGI transitions on DVD of various effects filmmakers put on several effect scenes in a movie last night that i was watching. Minor stuff i'm sure anyone make given enough time and practice if they were to do that for their own movie, so i thought i'd be good to bring it to your attention is all.

Adding all new sound effects, new visual effects, Stu Phillips BG music cues and colour corrections to the deleted and possibly restored in your cut, scenes would be challenging enough anyhow. Guess before this gets out of hand i'll call it a day and say you've got enough on your plate. but i thought i'd hand out this last one anyways for completion sakes.

I wish you good fortune doing your 'fan-edit' cut David.


P.S. Don't forget to add alots of hologram effects to the Battlestar bridge and Imperious Leader's Chamber scenes. Via taking footage, making it "cubed" and transparent and placing it around a character while taking/viewing something onscreen. Ya know, game cutscenes, several shots from DeSanto's Foundation clip and other fan movies might make for good expansions on reports being viewed by several characters in the pilot while watching a battle take place or being advised on current regular updates etc. And a few alterations of colour timing, audio and sound effects with your additions would certainly be interesting to add up here. A solar flare ( via computer effects) showing the glint of sun light reflecting off the viper cockpits' glass or as a ships passing by in a "beauti-pass" by the camera, would be a nice touch to show some background effects adding some favor to the scenes now.

Along with spicing up the background of the 'space field' by adding in all kinds of colours and particles of matter floating out there besides just having plenty of stars in space.

I also hope its possible to make the laser effects look as "cel shaded" as possible so they blend more easily with the older "cel-shaded" laser SFX of 1978. Even if you add huge gigantic "Babylon 5 style" pulsar lasers to the Colonial Battlestars and Cylon Baseships.

Kneel before Zod!!!
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Old August 28th, 2006, 05:30 PM   #35
David Kerin
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I was thinking too about Baltar and the Battlestar line. In the world of Galactica, I think Adama was the only council member to also be Commander of a Battlestar. He is the only one in uniform, marking the others a pure politicians. I believe the other Battlestars all had Commanders of their own which we did not see. The Atlantia was (in my mind) not commanded by Adar. There would have been an (unseen on screen) commander over the military battlestar. Since they were on the peace mission they were carrying the political delegates of their colonies which would technically out rank their commanders. So on the Atlantia, Adar, as the president, had final say over the actions taken on the battlestar, as would the other council members on their homeworld battlestars.

This would also add to the explanation on only Adama launching Vipers in time as he was both the council member and military commander. The others would have been forced to follow the orders of their council leaders, no matter what their colonial commanders wanted. And the other council members would have followed Adar no matter what. You hope some of the commanders would have eventually ignored the politicians and launched.

As for the re-edit, thinking of how to work in Baltar's escape. Don't know if that would take away from his entrance to the IL chamber later on. Thinking about it though.

Progress wise have most of the additional colony destruction in. Have to still do sound and editing, but most rendered out.
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Old August 28th, 2006, 07:25 PM   #36
Aussie Warrior
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It would make sense that the Council members would be in command of the Battlestars over Colonial commanders because the Civilian Government can take over Military directives...........for example President Bush is in charge of the United States armed forces, what he says goes the military has to follow

Sounds like the editing is going really well, i can't wait for it since i always wanted to know what force destroyed almost the entire Colonial Fleet and the wiped out the defences of all 12 colonies
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Old August 29th, 2006, 12:47 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by David Kerin
You hope some of the commanders would have eventually ignored the politicians and launched.
Well eventually they did considering Rigel's line to Colonel Tigh about the surviving Viper squadrons after the Battle Of Cimtar! But its a pity Colla and Larsen didn't feature any bridge footage of the other Battlestar commanders confering with each other and blowing off their governing colony's officials telling them they're under attack when the Cylons came storming in. During peace negociations sure civillian councilors are in command no matter what. But then the Cylon's attack you can bet military commander's are in charge no matter what, after all that is what they're trained and live for: "warfare" the treaty wasn't genuine as all fears were confirmed, and most Battlestar commander's were totally unprepared and thus were probably cursing their civillian leaders as the flames spewed around them as Cylon bombs and lasers bombarded their ship's hull etc.

Thus that bring us back to Rigel's line about Vipers from other ships landing on the Galactica! Surely some brave fortunate souls did launch from the Pacifica, Triton, Atlantia and Acropolis (and possible escort ships) besides the Galactica's pilots, survived and landed later on the Galactica? If David's cut shows the Solaria and Columbia's Viper and shuttle survivors and all, then thats even more that all flocked to the Galactica afterwards.

Originally Posted by David Kerin
As for the re-edit, thinking of how to work in Baltar's escape. Don't know if that would take away from his entrance to the IL chamber later on. Thinking about it though.
Well you could have Baltar being launched in a Viper after he killed a warrior and stole it to get away from the Atlantia, and its reported via radio transmission i.e. 'fleet com alpha' to the other ships. Although i'm not a fan of audio fan dubs added to existing work as it sounds way out of place? Although if you took existing words used by characters and re-edited them, you could have a minor line stating Count Baltar's shuttle's is fleeing the battlefield, the Cylon's aren't attacking his shuttle, picking up radio chatter, Cylon transmissions being communicated through Baltar's transmitter etc...

Stuff from the series re-worked for a minor line of dialogue here?

Originally Posted by Aussie Warrior
Sounds like the editing is going really well, i can't wait for it since i always wanted to know what force destroyed almost the entire Colonial Fleet and the wiped out the defences of all 12 colonies
Same here Aussie Warrior

Great minds and fans think alike. We're a little bloodthirsty i guess asking for more destruction with human life and all. But i think we've all wondered that same situation for years about the pliot episode and it needs a more realistic re-paint job here 'special edition-wise' and it could very well extend the drama of the colonial holocaust and increase the need for these characters to pick up the pieces and to search and begin a quest for a new home. Names of the other ships, what exactly happened on the other colonies etc. Stuff an official BG special edition of the pilot should've emerge from Universal round about now nearly 30 years onwards. David Kerin won't add all the suggestions in, that i can live with (i hope) but i'm damn sure of one thing.

Dave won't disappoint, i'm sure we'll be blown away with whatever he's got planned for everybody who's ever enjoyed Battlestar Galactica to begin with on some level. As the other fan edits he's done have already testified to. Saga Of A Starworld made even more longer, epic and grand?! oh boy.


P.S. Hope the Ovians are made to be more scary? And the Cylons wayyyyyyyyy more aggressive and evil (better aim and piloting skills) (see earlier list )
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Old August 29th, 2006, 03:51 AM   #38
Aussie Warrior
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The Vipers from the other ships indicate that the battle must not of been a swift victory for the Cylons.............the other Battlestars probably didn't have any Vipers in their launch tubes because there was no alert status and no doubt it would of taken some time to get some squadrons fueled, armed and into the launch tubes unless in desperation some taken off without being properly armed and fueled

I seen in a deleted scene from the episode "Gun on Ice Planet Zero" that Adama introduced an officer who lead a rear guard action against the Cylons, i wonder if Galactica assisted in the battle for Caprica or just arrived to evacuate people................i know it wouldn't fit anywhere but it would be nice to see some action of a air battle with Colonial Shuttles and various craft taking off while being covered by Vipers and ground fire perhaps just before Adama's narration of the ships evacuating or something

Something that has gotten my attention while doing all the reading on the original movie is that the Galactica and the fleet went on an alert when Athena and Adama were on a shuttle returning from the gathering that President Adar held on Atlantia then as we know Adama after being refused permission to launch Vipers to assist Zac and Apollo, ordered a battle drill when he became convinced it was Cylons coming....................so i am very curious if any action was taken when the alert came in
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Old August 29th, 2006, 04:43 AM   #39
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While I will certainly try what I can, some things are hard to create from what is or is not there. Making Cylons better aims when the live footage has little people being hit, that may be difficult. Maybe there are misc shots of people being hit I can work through, we'll see. Ovions more scary, have to think on that one. You mentioned the Drakk blur effect, but I was not partial to that effect in B5, and it looks like the producers dropped it shortly after. Will try something with them.

Other emblems on Viper helmets, would be cool, but far beyond me. That would be tracking and masking a 3d element on an actual person with their natural movements. Could make one fly over a coo-coo nest. But it does have my mind wondering of other ways to represent the other surviving pilots. We'll see. No guarantees.
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Old August 29th, 2006, 11:33 AM   #40
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Yeah i kinda figured that Drakh effect would be perfect for the Ovions, making them move in a more alien like fashion and skipping a few frames might make'em more creepy. For the record i think there were more than one kind of Drakh in B5, the first was a large warrior type or scout. The others were more slender in appearence but i take it there were others of their kind.

As for the Viper helmet ornaments, heh perhaps in another cut i suppose. But surely the Cylons can get a visual targeting system like the Vipers. The R1 BG DVD does have unique unused shots of Vipers and Raiders though, abeit without sound and in some cases with a voiceover in the documentaries. And just like your recut of "The Return Of Starbuck" you could add your own effects in there. I'm in agreement with Aussie Warrior although the pace of the pilot has us believing the Cylon victory was near flawless, its wasn't without its huge drawbacks. They didn't expect the Galactica to launch their fighters, and surely even some of the unprepared ships finally launched Vipers that fought and survived the Battle Of Cimtar.

To destroy a fleet then a dozen colonies with billions of lives? on each one, with of course home defenses, bases, space stations etc. The Cylons had to have been very aggressive in their assaults and invasion to do all that.

Cylons with a 'killer edge' to them would definitely be a head turned!

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Old August 29th, 2006, 05:49 PM   #41
Aussie Warrior
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Heres an interesting thing........in the Hand of God, Starbuck mentioned that the mission had better odds than they had fighting at Caprica to which Boomer said that they lost at Caprica so i assume that the Galactica got to Caprica and Starbuck and Boomer had engaged the Cylons in combat

There are so many holes that we could go into and we know Dave cannot fill them all in but the admirable thing is that he is trying and i hope many people will get to see the results............i'll be doing my best to ensure that happens maybe a article will reach Trekunited since alot of productions are covered and a fan edit would be a first for us to cover and expand the reach into more Science Fiction
Still working on BSG: The Colonials Desperation after 6 years and a million stumbling blocks
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Old August 29th, 2006, 06:26 PM   #42
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Well I'm definately going to try all I can. Albiet, as I work through the story, I don't want to take away too much from the pace of the original story as I think it works pretty well. But where possible, I do want to flesh out the "scope" of things happening. However I must say, that as much as I added to the destruction of the colonies, I don't know if enough would ever really show the destruction of a civilization.

I have basestars firing high energy beams from orbit, in conjunction with the raiders, but it still seems like alot for them to wipe out 12 worlds. As with the original, and although showing more, it may still come to the extent of accepting the story, because there will always be room for doubt about the attacking force.

I do have an internal reason as to why these basestar energy beams were not used against the Pegasus or Galactica in later eps. They actually require an atmospheric body in a close proximity to achive the proper energy peak and release of the concentrated energy beam. Any battle between two capitol ships in the vacuum of space would have to happen without these energy beams. Although if a smaller class Colonial war ship was in a high atmospheric orbit and caught between the planet and the attacking basestars, then it may be taken out by these concentrated energy beams. Hint, hint.

Once I get the sound effets edited in, then I may put the segment on youtube. Not sure if I should though as I don't want to show everything of the re-edit.
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Old August 29th, 2006, 07:14 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Aussie Warrior
There are so many holes that we could go into and we know Dave cannot fill them all in but the admirable thing is that he is trying and i hope many people will get to see the results............i'll be doing my best to ensure that happens maybe a article will reach Trekunited since alot of productions are covered and a fan edit would be a first for us to cover and expand the reach into more Science Fiction
Great to hear of Aussie Warrior!

May i suggest other places like http://www.fanedited.com/ to get any major promotion of Mr Kerin's 'fan-edit' work out there to film fans and sci-fi buffs!

Wanna see this project with its own DVD cover and extras. Although as Dave says, not for this one but perhaps for a updated fan-edit version cut of 'Saga', i.e. v.2?

Originally Posted by David Kerin
Well I'm definately going to try all I can. Albiet, as I work through the story, I don't want to take away too much from the pace of the original story as I think it works pretty well. But where possible, I do want to flesh out the "scope" of things happening. However I must say, that as much as I added to the destruction of the colonies, I don't know if enough would ever really show the destruction of a civilization.
Only goes to show that Larsen and Colla's vision of Galactica was so big that even they didn't think about covering all their 'bases' far as plot goes, at the time. Don't worry about it, long as you attempt to cover most things i'm pretty sure people will appreaciate your efforts here David!

However, far as other elements of your re-edit of 'Saga' goes. I wonder if you'll add a nod to Star War's very own 97 special edition and put in a "fiery ring" as Carillion explodes as the Galactica and fleet 'Warp' out of harm's way! (see my list )

I could never understand how the Galactica could be so close to an explosion of a planet, that Adama didn't order it out of harm's way along with the fleet. would be nice to see the ship jump out of the way as the debris destroys the remaining Cylons nearby. While the Galactica fleet and two Vipers that got stucked in the hyperspace-jump? got away just in time.

I think the end of the pilot is just as important as the beginning of mankind's fall, don't you?

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Old August 31st, 2006, 03:29 AM   #44
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Does anybody know while we're on the subject about fan edits who made the Direct-to-DVD trailer on CFF?
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Old September 1st, 2006, 03:02 AM   #45
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In a way i think its a damn shame some sequences from the pilot that were said have been filmed at on time or other didn't turn up on the Battlestar Galactica DVD deleted scene section at all.

1) Like the scene with Adama and Athena before the mission to pass the Nova Madagon inwhich Adama corrects Athena's choice of words putting her concerns of Starbuck with whom she broke up with, over her own brother's, Captain Apollo. They also refered to the Cylon Alliance in their conversation, much Adama did in one of his monologues during the colonial exodus.

2) Another scene thats said to have existed was a scene on Carillion after both Cassiopea and Athena ditch Starbuck after their arguement. A female Boray was supposed to have seen and given Starbuck the 'eye' thinking she had a chance with him next!

3) And of course one of the most talked about scenes not on the DVD discs when the BG DVD hit nearly 3 years ago. Was Starbuck storming the Galactica bridge demanding to know why Adama pulled out from the battle. which was basically an extension of Tigh and Omega's scene finding out the Galactica was the sole remaining colonial Battlestar left after the Battle Of Cimtar? (before the scene in the finished pilot movie actually cuts to Starbuck's Viper in trouble coming in for a crash landing etc)


We don't know why some of the other we've heard about aren't on the DVD's of TOS Battlestar Galactica. But either they no longer exist or they were in pretty bad shape and possibly couldn't be remastered to be placed on the DVD's, as we've all long gone over this in discussions for the past few years of how just about nearly everything every scrap of footage must have been put on the Galactica DVD's that was found more or less? If they still do, its a pity they weren't put on the DVD's at the last minute, cos for a recut such as this, they'd be sweet to see reinstated back into 'Saga Of A Starworld' and expand upon the pilot a little more!

Especially hearing of how Starbuck stormed the bridge confronting Colonel Tigh in a dramatic demanding manner and being shown the footage of the 'colonial holocaust' for himself and his fellow pilots to witness. This probably was one of the unseen deleted scenes the 2003 DVD release should have had the most out of all things! As it might have been cut and left out of the 2003 DVD cos it featured more horrific images of the Cylon's assault on the colonies which Colonel Tigh was showing the pilots.

In truth, we've heard alot of things over the years about how Richard Colla's vision of Galactica was pared down by Glen Larsen a considerable lot. And how so many changes we made to the pilot. Alan Levi took over filming from Colla after 28 days didn't he, due to disagreements and differences of opinion on how the saga of Galactica should be set? The scene is practically the full longer version of a scene started in the pliot which was not only pared down but for unknown reasons altered in editing (scene cuts to Starbuck's viper in trouble?) and placed before said character (Starbuck) actually lands to confront Colonel Tigh to begin with. I take it, this was Alan J Levi's decision to redit stuff Richard Colla had done when he came onboard under Glen Larsen's orders or even by the ABC execs etc. Colla only directed the pilot which leaves enough room of doubt on the issue right there. Although its certainly was a surprise to see Colla talk so candid and happily on the DVD documentary of BG and on how he enjoyed filming it none the less. His memories of filming John Colicos saying he literary had to be pulled down from the sets cos he such a dramatic theatre performer and actor, certainly was a joy to behold and listen to on the DVD documentary of the series.

Kneel before Zod!!!
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