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Old June 28th, 2006, 11:07 AM   #1
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Unhappy when it rains, it pours lately

my life has gone completely nuts in the last week or two! Recently my hubby and I have bought a house, we're just getting the last of the formalities done on the purchase. I started doing some minor packing, so that it all isn't going to have to be done last minute as we move at the end of next month. On top of this, we are going away for a week starting next Friday to Williamsburg, VA.

If that wasn't bad enough, my mom called me last night to tell me that my baby brother had sent her and dad an email from Korea where he is stationed currently in the Army. She told me after reading a part of the email at the bottom was some further info that he was in the field so if we did not hear from him in the coming weeks, that was why. Where he is in the field I cannot say for sure as he could not tell us but I have a pretty good idea where it is and its rather close to North Korea because of his job description. Needless to say, it upset me as I have been keeping tabs on the situation with North Korea through the news and its been worrying me a great deal since the news about they want to test that fracking missile. It was not what I needed to hear at this time.


Cheese: [has tinfoil on his teeth] I have braces!
Mac: You found that on the ground, didn't you?
Cheese: Garbage can.
-episode "Mac Daddy"Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends"
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Old June 29th, 2006, 10:21 PM   #2
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Hang in there bsg1fan1975,
I know that moving can be a stressful time. I can identify with you on this. I may need to move in six mos. or so because the apt. complex I'm in is raising rent and feeing us to death! Moving is something I'm not really looking forward to.

About your brother, I do hope nothing comes of the situation over there. If this is any comfort to you, consider this. I had a friend who was in the Army about 20 years ago. While he was in, his unit was sent to S. Korea for several weeks as part of a joint field excercise that took place on an annual basis. They do this to test how troops and materiel function on a fairly moderate scale every so often for evaluating how everything works together. Since you said that he wrote this at the end of his correspondence, and depending on his MOS, this could simply be the case. As I recall, they are away from any outside communication for that time. It sounds like he was trying to give you all a heads-up so your family wouldn't worry if they didn't hear from him. I certainly understand your concern though. I hope all is well too. My thoughts and prayers go out to you in this rough time. Wishing you and your family all the best.
With Respects,


"You're gonna need a bigger boat..." Chief Brody - Jaws
"Kind of a bummer gettin' your butt kicked by a dead guy" - Col. T.C. McQueen, S:AaB-(Ray Butts)
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Old June 30th, 2006, 04:30 AM   #3
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his MOS is a Heavy Artillery Repair Specialist, in layman's terms, he works on the Howitzers. My hubby and I figured that he was probably sent out to the field as a precaution in case something does happen with North Korea, just hope it don't come to that.

sorry to hear that you are getting buried in fees by your apartment complex.

Cheese: [has tinfoil on his teeth] I have braces!
Mac: You found that on the ground, didn't you?
Cheese: Garbage can.
-episode "Mac Daddy"Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends"
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Old July 1st, 2006, 12:18 AM   #4
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I appreciate your support on my rental situation. Yea, this lease cycle they now REQUIRE that we have proof of rental insurance! That's a new one on me. On top of that, they are raising the monthly parking fee for a second parking placard by 160%(I rent a 2B,2B apt w/ roommate). They have been wanting to start charging a water/trash fee on me as well. (been here 7 yrs and I'm grandfathered in on a number of things and I think that sticks in their craw! ) Add all of this with the obligitory hike in the overall rent, and it's getting REAL expensive to live in this part of the woods. Was born and raised in San Diego and it's damned frustrating, I tell ya. Just can't seem to get ahead these days. Sorry, didn't mean to rant.

Well, I hope you hang in there with your move. I think things will be OK for your brother. Funny thing is, it wouldn't suprise me if he were more concerned for his family back home than for himself. After all, he's had the training to be able to take care of himself if a situation should arise. Let us all hope that doesn't happen. Best wishes.
With Respects,


"You're gonna need a bigger boat..." Chief Brody - Jaws
"Kind of a bummer gettin' your butt kicked by a dead guy" - Col. T.C. McQueen, S:AaB-(Ray Butts)
"A kind word and a 2-by-4 is better than just a kind word" - Marcus Cole, Babylon 5
"WIVES...uh...aren't we getting a little ahead of ourselves?" Starbuck - Living Legend
"Every creature in the Universe is out to exterminate us and YOU want to hire a vocal group." Boomer - Saga of a Starworld
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Old July 1st, 2006, 12:53 AM   #5
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bsg1fan1975 I am so sorry to hear about your woes. The whole packing/moving thing is hard even when it is easy.

I will keep you and your brother and family in my prayers.

Steve buddy, bummer! San Diego must be EXPENSIVE to begin with. To be nickled and dimed like that is just not cool. I hope your situation gets better.

Group hug,
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Old July 1st, 2006, 01:09 AM   #6
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(((BSG1FAN1975))) I pray for the best. That N. Korea situation is indeed scary. I also pray for your baby bro's safety.

Steve, we're getting our rent jacked up in our apartment complex here in New Orleans too. My friend (and neighbor) had his rent jacked up by $425. That's fracking ridiculous. My rent only got raised by $85....but I cannot believe that they jacked my friend's rent up THAT much.

Best wishes to all of you,
Martok2112 (Also a Steve )
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Old July 1st, 2006, 01:25 AM   #7
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Accomodations worries always suck... shelter, like personal safety and the provision of clean water and food are all basic needs and seem to hit deeper than many other worries (tho the 21st century is definately adding to the list!!). My sympathies to you all..

The situation in North Korea is making a fair amount of news down here. We are involved because we are a defense partner with the US, and a trade partner with Japan. Our diplomats have sorted things in NK on earlier occasions and I hope they can soothe the saveage beast once more. I bet it was a topic of talk on our Prime Ministers very recent lightning trip[ to China.
I wish brother number one would drop of the twig and let his country out of the dark ages...we've all moved on from this old sh*t of nuclear brinkmanship instead of sound international policy!!

Good health and safety to your brother, Bsg'75.

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Old July 1st, 2006, 11:44 AM   #8
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Hey Dy, Good to hear from you. It is on the expensive side here. I'd hate to move to another city or state, with family and roots that I have here. The real trick would be to find a place where wages are commensurate with the cost of living and close to family. Trying to keep a positive outlook though.

Hello Martok2112 (another Steve, awesome name! ), can't believe your friends rent is getting that jacked up either! Seems like an aweful lot to me. He aught to have that checked out. Great to be able to finally talk to you. BTW, I read "Dark Exodus". I enjoyed it emensely. Great story, interesting premise. Looking forward to reading future stories from you. Keep up the good work.

Thanks to you all. I do appreciate your well-wishes and concerns. I'm hanging in there.
With Respects,


"You're gonna need a bigger boat..." Chief Brody - Jaws
"Kind of a bummer gettin' your butt kicked by a dead guy" - Col. T.C. McQueen, S:AaB-(Ray Butts)
"A kind word and a 2-by-4 is better than just a kind word" - Marcus Cole, Babylon 5
"WIVES...uh...aren't we getting a little ahead of ourselves?" Starbuck - Living Legend
"Every creature in the Universe is out to exterminate us and YOU want to hire a vocal group." Boomer - Saga of a Starworld
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Old July 1st, 2006, 02:02 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by CBSG4ever
Hey Dy, Good to hear from you. It is on the expensive side here. I'd hate to move to another city or state, with family and roots that I have here. The real trick would be to find a place where wages are commensurate with the cost of living and close to family. Trying to keep a positive outlook though.

Hello Martok2112 (another Steve, awesome name! ), can't believe your friends rent is getting that jacked up either! Seems like an aweful lot to me. He aught to have that checked out. Great to be able to finally talk to you. BTW, I read "Dark Exodus". I enjoyed it emensely. Great story, interesting premise. Looking forward to reading future stories from you. Keep up the good work.

Thanks to you all. I do appreciate your well-wishes and concerns. I'm hanging in there.

We Steve's are popular.

Yeah my friend is already looking into just buying a house. Cheaper and more freedom.

Glad to hear you liked Dark Exodus. I am currently working (rather snail's pace-like) on its sequel, Reciprocity, and my own retelling of the original Galactica story called The Last Battlestar.

Best of wishes to you on an improved situation, Steve.

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Old July 5th, 2006, 08:37 AM   #10
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My hubby and I have to have renter's insurance in our current place too. Its becoming quite commonplace.

Have stopped packing for now as I have run out of room to put things. Getting ready for my big vacation in two days. picked out paint colors for the house last week.

mom and dad have heard from my baby brother, he's back from the field. they had him out in the field on a rotating basis. He was able to tell them that he was close enough to the DMZ that if he threw a rock over at the N. Korea side he would have hit them! But on a separate matter, I'd like to give him a swift kick in the keester for playing head games with his on/off girlfriend. My dad told me that she had called them and told them what my brother had said to her on a voice message on her cell and it instantly p'd me off at him!

on top of this the heat is killing me slowly as we have just windows in the front of our condo, so no air circulation. I'll be glad when we get in our new house.

Cheese: [has tinfoil on his teeth] I have braces!
Mac: You found that on the ground, didn't you?
Cheese: Garbage can.
-episode "Mac Daddy"Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends"
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