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Old October 23rd, 2005, 01:10 AM   #1
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Default Review of SOCOM 3 for PS2

RATING: M (Mature) for Blood and Violence

Graphics: 3/5
Sound: 5/5
Control: 4/5
Story: 5/5
Endorphin Factor: 4/5
Frustration Factor: 4/5

Scoring system:
Average: 4/5


DETAILS: This is a preliminary review, and I've got to say that SOCOM 3 has thus far scored serious points in a major way. With prior SOCOM installments, if you fracked up a mission, or ended up dead..dead..dead..you had to start the mission from scratch. With SOCOM 3, a checkpoint system has been implemented, so that if you frack up a mission element, or end up dead...dead..dead...you can restart from your last checkpoint. However, if you still long for the realism of doing the whole mission over, that option is available. With the implementation of checkpoints though, the frustration factor eases off considerably. (Ever spend 45 minutes on a mission from the start, and all is going smoothly, until one little faux pas costs you a vital mission objective? Or worse, your life? And then yo think: "FRAK, now I have to start the whole mission over!!!") Those days seem to be gone with SOCOM 3.

Graphically, the game is marginally better than previous SOCOMs. I think the game actually sacrifices some graphical power in order for the game play to be spot on. Having the opportunity to consult with Navy Seals, Zipper Interactive always manages to deliver powerhouse performances, wrapped in taut stories of potential real-world scenarios.

Sounds. The game is perfection with sounds. No sensationalist gun blasts, or explosions like in the Rambo movies. Things go BANG quickly and sweetly. The dialogue and voice acting are also very convincing. Jester, with his Southern drawl, has the funniest voice in the game. And the use of the Arabic, African, and other foreign languages is beautiful, and adds to the realism.

The use of vehicles takes a little getting used to, as does the voice command. Sometimes, it just doesn't seem like your team always wants to listen. Of course, if you tell the team to hold fire, and they are already in hold fire status, you get a quizzical, and sometimes (respectfully) sardonic response. "Respectfully, sir, but, what the hell are you talking about?!"

Weapons configuration is much more in depth with SOCOM 3. For example, if you pick the SR-25 sniper rifle, you have the options to add on a bipod, your choice of scopes, and hopefully suppressors later in the game. You can outfit your entire unit uniformly, or individually by trooper.

Another nice touch to the game is visual waypoints this time. Instead of constantly having to consult the map (during first or second runthroughs) to determine where waypoint Able, Bravo, Charlie, India, etc are, you can now see the waypoints appear (with distance in meters) on your screen, so you always know in which direction to go.

There is still the sweet effect of shooting through two bodies if you have them both lined up in your sniper scope. That is just a priceless moment right there. The game has plenty of "Holy Frak" factor to it, especially when you pull of slick moves like the double kill with a single sniper round.

I am anxious (after a bit more practice) to see how vehicles figure into the multiplayer game. SOCOM 3 also supports up to 32 players online....a sharp rise from 8 players with SOCOM, and 16 players with SOCOM 2. I bet the online games are frantic. You also have the respawn options so that your SOCOM games have more of the traditional deathmatch feel.

BOTTOM LINE: If you are a fan of the SOCOM series, this game will not disappoint. Some new aspects take a little getting used to, but with minimal training, you oughtta be anti-terrorizing like a pro in no time. A must buy.

I will post a follow up later on when I've gotten through more of the game.

Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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