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Old July 8th, 2006, 07:44 PM   #1
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Default Review--POTC Dead Mans Chest

PRINCIPAL CAST: Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom. Kiera Nightley, Bill Nighy, Stellan Skarsgard
MPAA RATING: PG-13 for intense sequences of adventure violence, including frightening images.
RUNTIME: 2hours, 30 minutes

Story: 3.5/5
Acting: 5/5
Sound: 5/5
Visuals: 4.5/5
Endorphin Factor: 3/5
Big Screen Experience: 5/5
Scoring system:
Average: 4.3/5

MOVIES IT COULD BE COMPARED TO: Pirates of the Carribbean:Curse of the Black Pearl

DETAILS: First, allow me to express my disappointment with the crowd with which I saw this film. After a teaser trailer of Transformers, practically the whole theatre erupted in derisive laughter. Hopefully, a more detailed trailer might bring a few more oohs and ahhs instead of BWAH HA HAAAS!

Ah, but onto the movie subject for review.

Well, I'd have to say that although I enjoyed this film, I found it rather wanting as compared to the first film. Yes, there was humor, swashbuckling, romance, and even a ship battle, but one of the reasons I loved the first film so much was because it was frackin' hilarious. This film had its humor, and indeed, I got a few good laughs out of it, but it just didn't strike me with the same intensity that Curse of the Black Pearl did.

Visually, some great effects...especially with the Kraken.

Soundwise, well...everything sounded perfect for a pirate film, right down to Hans Zimmer's wonderful score.

All the actors were spot on with their characters....again, I just found the humor a wee bit less than I did in the first film.

The story was good, and directly leads up to the planned second sequel... I hope it comes soon. I don't think I want to wait two or three years for a third POTC film.

BOTTOM LINE: Saw it as a evening feature, and did not feel that my money was wasted. A good story, entertaining.

SIDE NOTE: I was amazed at one thing regarding box office. Never once, not even on the sneak preview nite for Superman Returns did that film get a "SOLD OUT" for any showing. Pirates on the other hand has had six SOLD OUT shows in a row. It saddens me, because I really want Superman to do well.
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Old July 9th, 2006, 08:50 AM   #2
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Yo Martok, how ya been doing?

DETAILS: First, allow me to express my disappointment with the crowd with which I saw this film. After a teaser trailer of Transformers, practically the whole theatre erupted in derisive laughter. Hopefully, a more detailed trailer might bring a few more oohs and ahhs instead of BWAH HA HAAAS!

Yeah heard and argued this on other boards. Saw the TF trailer last week at the London Comic Con convention. Was fine there and even drew out some conversations with people, guess in a cinema though people feel the need to act childish? Even a bad trailer doesn't usually draw Bwah ha ha's but moans instead. Hasn't Michael Bay and others already said that its merely an introduction to the CGI thats gonna be used and that all the "Mars probe" stuff won't be in the actual Transformers movie? Technically it isn't even the real teaser trailer for the movie in the first place.

Not good. But then again thats today's generation for you. They think thay know all about films. They hype them up but when they are released, they 'kack' on them practically. POTC2 might start of stong but i'm sure Superman's not a dead duck yet. It's yet to be released in other countries besides England far as i know cos of the World Cup tournament.

But blame Warners for wimping out here, don't know why they think a World Cup would stop people from seeing Superman but they held back and its costing them. Columbia/Sony didn't wimp out 4 years ago and released the first Spider-Man during the summer when the 2002 World Cup kicked off during late May and early June (take it from one who was there o.k. ) so whats Warners beef with the same scenario here?

Beats the you know what out of me, but its a stupid decision which is obviously costing them alot more money now.

I hope to see 'Pirates' during next week before Superman Returns comes out here, but first off i want to catch the first flick again on satellite just to get into the feel of things. I know hollywood's once again gone and filmed two films back to back, so i'll be expecting an A-usual "cliffhanger" at the end anyways. But is POTC2 any good far as sequels go?

I hope to find out for myself early this week!

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Old July 9th, 2006, 11:07 AM   #3
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Hey, KJ, mi amigo!

Yeah, hopefully when Superman does get released over in your neck o' the woods, the numbers'll really kick up a notch. Not that I wish ill toward POTC2, because I did enjoy the flick, I just found it wanting in some areas.

It kinda saddened me about Superman's numbers (thus far) because when I was watching what I could of an interview with Kevin Spacey, Brandon Routh, and Bryan Singer on CNN, one of the bylines read: "Superman Returns expected to be blockbuster of the summer" or something like that.

Some of the things I'd read on other boards expressed the notion that today's audiences (even some of today's kids) find Superman to be too "goody goody" of a superhero...thus the reason why they prefer darker superheroes like Batman, Hellboy, and such. Personally, KUDOS to Bryan Singer and the others in his crew for keeping Superman exactly the way he's supposed to be....a true American (and worldwide) hero! Always counted on to do what's right, every time...constantly at the risk of his own life, especially against the likes of Lex Luthor, who seems to always have Superman's weaknesses in mind.

Otherwise, you're in for two damn good movies, KJ, when they do come out over there.

As for the Transformers preview, again, hopefully when a more detailed trailer comes out, it'll make some people rethink their derision initially. Sadly, right now, everyone associates Transformers with a kids' cartoon show...I'm sure the movie will be a bit more "tuned up".

All I ever want a movie to do is entertain me, I don't care what themes it possesses. As long as I am entertained, the film has done its job.

Take care, my friend, and do let us know whatcha thought when these two great movies open up o'er there.

Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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