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Old June 3rd, 2006, 05:23 AM   #1
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Default Exorcist the Beginning and Dominion reviews

This is the first time I've ever done a dual review, but then again, this is a specially warranted circumstance.

FILM: EXORCIST: The Beginning
MPAA RATING: R for Strong Violence and Gore, Disturbing Images and Rituals, and for Language including Some Sexual Content
RUNTIME: 1 hr 53 mins.

Story: 4.0/5
Acting: 4.5/5
Sound: 5/5
Visuals: 4.0/5
Endorphin Factor: 3.5/5
Big Screen Experience: (n/a since I did not see this in the theatre)
Scoring ystem:
Average: 4/5

MOVIES IT COULD BE COMPARED TO: The Exorcist, DOMINION: Prequel to the Exorcist

DETAILS: This is one of two films that was created along the same lines to be the prequel to (in my humble opinion) the scariest film of all time "The Exorcist". Taking place just after World War II, this story details Father Lancaster Merrin's (Stellan Skarsgard) first encounter with the devil. In this case, the evil is far more reaching upon an East African village where a mysteriously buried church from some 1500 years before had been discovered. Merrin has given up the priesthood after a treacherous incident in Holland compelled him to turn away from the cloth, and become an archaeologist. Eventually, the events surrounding the discovery of the recently excavated church give Merrin cause to return to God, to cast out the demon which plagues the village of Derati.

The acting was good in this film, and the sound effects were well done. The voice of the demon in this movie still doesn't quite resonate the way that the original voice as performed by the late Mercedes McCambridge did, and the face of the demon that Merrin finally confronts was a pale shadow of the face as shown on Linda Blair in '73. There were a few "send chill up your spine" moments in this film, but it too pales in comparison to the original film.

This film does try to emulate the original Exorcist in a few ways as far as its cinematography with scenes of workers around the archaeological dig, and even some of the iron workers. (One of them even looked like the one-eyed iron worker from the original).

The only visual references to the original film in this movie was the statue of the demon (which is still referred to as Pazuzu...ala Exorcist II: The Heretic), and the necklace we repeatedly saw falling in dream sequences in The Exorcist.

This version of the film is the one that made it (on a very short run) into the theatres. The next version I will talk about is the one that was orignally shot, but never got released except on DVD.

FILM: DOMINION: Prequel to the Exorcist
MPAA RATING: R for Strong Violence and Disturbing Images
RUNTIME: 1hour and 56 minutes

Story: 4.0/5
Acting: 4.5/5
Sound: 3.5/5
Visuals: 3.0/5
Endorphin Factor: 3.5/5
Big Screen Experience: (N/A)
Scoring system:
Average: 3.5/5


DETAILS: This movie, which did not get released except to DVD, is basically the same story, but it is a completely different shoot under a different director. If one were to look at the DVD box, one might think this was a directors cut of the theatrically released film, but it is not. As stated above, this film was shot under a different director, but was shot down for theatrical release because it didn't have the blood and gore factor that the studio was seeking from this film.

This film did have a few "chill the spine" moments. In some areas, it was a little more effective than Exorcist: The Beginning, and in others it was inferior...especially in terms of visual effects.

There was a tradeoff as to what homages were paid to the original film of The Exorcist. Instead of the demon Pazuzu statue, we see the face of the demon that we saw in flashes from the '73 film.

Also, it was a different person who was possessed in this film. The exorcism itself wasn't quite as spine tingling as Exorcist the Beginning...in fact, altogether, this was a very low key film. I can kind of see why the studio elected to go with a different director, and a complete reshoot. Regardless, it is nice that this film was completed and eventually released on DVD.

I think , if I were to rate the five films, it would fall in this order:

1. The Exorcist
2. Exorcist III: Legion
3. Exorcist: The Beginning
4. Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist
5. Exorcist II: The Heretic

BOTTOM LINE: Although the same basic story, these films are perfect for Exorcist series completists, and are a nice piece of history to hang onto. Although these films don't hold a candle to The Exorcist, they are somewhat enjoyable, and there are far worse purchases you can make for your DVD collection.
Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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