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Old June 4th, 2005, 07:23 PM   #1
Colonial Story Teller
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Good morning, Nuggets. My callsign is Martok2112, and I will be your CAG through this war.

You need to familiarize yourself with your Viper flight controls.

LEFT THUMBSTICK: PITCH and YAW (in other words: up, down, left, and right movement)

RIGHT THUMBSTICK: ROLL and CAMERA (CAMERA works in all modes EXCEPT first person with no cockpit)

TRIANGLE: Multipurpose. TAP it to lock onto a target that is directly in your sight. HOLD it to locate PRIMARY TARGETS. (If there are any PT's they will be bracketted by a white circle. You might have to use your camera controls to locate these bad boys. If you are in one of the first two POV modes, your camera will AUTOMATICALLY swing in the direction of the PT's. If you are in POV mode four...FIRST PERSON with COCKPIT, your camera will only track so far in the PT's direction....you will have to bring your Viper about fully to physically see your PT.

CIRCLE: Multipurpose. HOLD to configure your missiles' attributes which are AGILITY, SPEED, BLAST RADIUS, and POWER. DOUBLE TAP to match speed with a selected target.

X: Laser cannons. TAP to fire single shots. HOLD to fire rapidly.

SQUARE: Multipurpose. TAP fires a missile in blind fire mode. HOLD allows you to get missile locks on any enemies that are in sight, and in range. For best results, make sure your enemies that you wish to lock onto are in the rectangular brackets of your HUD ( That's Heads Up Display for all you nuggets that ain't learned what your flight stick is just yet).

L1: Multipurpose. HOLD: Decelerate Viper. DOUBLE TAP: Inverse thrust.
L2: Cycle through targets in reverse order.
R1: Multipurpose. HOLD: Accelerate Viper. DOUBLE TAP: Kick in the burn....TURBOS.
R2: Cycle through targets in order.

SELECT: POV controls. There are four Points of View in this Viper. Your right thumbstick can be used as a lookaround camera in the first three modes only. Far Chase (third person), Close chase (third person), Cockpit view (first person), and finally Full First Person mode.

Awright, nuggets. Now that we've familiarized you with the flight ops of your Starhound Vipers...let's get down to one last order of business....your MISSILES.
Your missiles have four attributes. AGILITY, SPEED, POWER, and BLAST RADIUS. For your first missions, you will want to emphasize POWER and BLAST RADIUS. In later missions, your missiles will get stronger in their attributes, and you can adjust them accordingly. For now, POWER and BLAST RADIUS. Special Note: Depending on how you configure your missile attributes will determine the number of missiles you can carry in your load out. If you focus more on speed and agility, you will carry a lot more missile armament. However, if you're going for the big punch like power and blast radius, you will carry far fewer missiles. It's a real balancing act boys and girls. You can configure your missiles in each mission, and to each situation...so use your own discretion.

Also, doing the following consumes your reserve power.
Kickin in the burn (goin turbos all the way), Going rapid fire with your laser cannons, firing your missles with lock on. Your reserve power is REPLENISHABLE over time....just make sure you don't get caught underpowered in a bad situation.

Your hull is also reparable as long as you have FULL reserve power. If you are in a bad furball, and your hull is severely damaged, I recommend you disengage from battle (if the opportunity allows), replenish your RESERVE power to FULL, so that your hull can start repairing itself. Once you are back to full health, don't wait for a personal invitation to get back into battle.

Martok2112 CAG
Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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Old June 4th, 2005, 07:24 PM   #2
Colonial Story Teller
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Default Mission One Part One:

Simple enough. Engage Cylon Raiders. Set your missile configuration to emphasize BLAST RADIUS and POWER You will only be able to lock on to so many ships with your missiles.

It is best if you use Cockpit View (use SELECT to get into this mode) This enables you to have a first person view (my personal favorite) and it allows you to use the right thumbstick as a camera button when you are searching out Primary Targets.

IF you wish to engage with lasers, make sure you fire at the small blue circle that is around the highlit enemy target....this is your weapons lead reticle.

When you get a few enemy ships within missile range, hold down your missile button usually SQUARE, until you get targetting circles over a few of them, then release the fire button...the missiles will shoot after them. SInce your missiles will be relatively weak, you might have to do this one more again. NOTE: You might get more than one lock on a single craft, that simply means that more missiles will be devoted to that target, thus meaning you can fire multiple missiles at that target.

Then, you will hear an urgent message from Commander Magus, stating that the CYlons are targetting Galactica's bridge. This is where your Primary Targettting button (TRIANGLE) comes into play. When you hold down the PT button, a directional indicator will pop up, showing where your primarty targets are. Well, what are you waiting for, nuggets?! A written invitation?! Bring that fighter about, and start shooting the PT's down with your missiles. Best use your camera (right thumbstick) and start looking for white circles around certain enemies. THOSE are your primary targets. When you've eliminated all PT's you will be given your next mission.

Martok2112 CAG
Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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Old June 4th, 2005, 07:42 PM   #3
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Default Mission One Part Two:

Alright, nuggets, you've proven you got some mettle in ya' to defend the Big G...now let's see how you do a little further away from home.

We've been ordered to take out a fueling base in a dense asteroid field. (Leave it to the tinheads to have us go chasing them through a rock quarry, for Sagan's sake!)

Your first orders will be to take out the five transmitter stations. These are your first PT's so hunt 'em down quick!

After you've eliminated them, your flight leaders might get into a bit of a hangup, so it will be up to YOU hotshots to get 'em outta trouble. Use your PT button to lock onto the pesky Raider Leaders that are giving our flight leaders so much felgercarb, and blast 'em outta our skies.

After you've taken care o' them, you will be ordered to lock onto the shield generators themselves. They are MOVING targets folks, so chase 'em down, and take 'em out quick.

Once the shield generators are down, target the tylium deposits on that big hunk o' rock whose bubble we just burst. They're easy enough to spot...big orange pits. Blast those golmonging fuel pits. There are many of them, so use your PT button if you have trouble sortin' 'em out. Once you've blasted the last of the tylium deposits, escape to minimum safe distance, or else, you'll be a black smudge in a blacker sky....in the middle of a rock quarry no less. Haul turbo's, warrior!

Ok...so now we've blasted that rock to Hades' Hole, and.....uh oh....what's this?!
Alright folks....Galactica's gonna have to do without us a little while longer. We are picking up a distress signal on the Colonial Emergency Band. Kick in the burn...we cannot ignore a distress signal. MOVE IT!

Martok2112 CAG
Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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Old June 4th, 2005, 07:44 PM   #4
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Default Mission Two:

Whoa....that distress signal is coming from the Battlestar Atlantia....and that warship packs the BIGGEST gun in the Fleet. How did she get herself into trouble?!

First objective, start wiping out Cylon Raiders.

Uh oh, that basestar that the Atlantia's been slugging it out with is locking on her weapons systems. Cain will fly recon around the basestar, and start painting your Primary Targets, which are her capital ship cannons. Take 'em out.

Hey, that Cain did it...he's found the basestar's main generator. Take it out as soon as the Atlantia reports that the main generator vent is vulnerable. Use your PT indicator to locate it, and blast that sucker. Then escape to minimum safe distance before you become a part of that basestar's stellar graveyard.

Martok2112 CAG
Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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Old June 4th, 2005, 08:21 PM   #5
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Default Mission Three:

Looks like the Big G's gotten herself into yet another snag. No time for the Atlantia's CAG to buy us a round. Well, we'll take him up on it later. Right now, we gotta haul turbos back to Galactica.

Looks like there are some troopships getting ready to board the Galactica. We gotta take 'em out before they latch onto her hull like a bloodsucking leech. These are your PT's boys and girls. Take 'em out.

After we've eliminated the troop ships, we gotta clean up the skies of remaining Raiders.

Good job, folks, now we'll just...whoa...wait a minute. There's a shuttle escaping Galactica, and it has an infiltrator on board....it looks like somehow they've captured Commander Magus. Disable that shuttle, target her engines...and use your LASERS ONLY. Do NOT use missiles!

Kewl beans...let's bring 'em in and the first round's on me.

Martok2112 CAG
Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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Old June 4th, 2005, 09:01 PM   #6
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Default Mission Four:

What the frack!? They still captured Commander Magus...that shuttle was just a decoy!

We have to get him back!

We have tracked the cloaked Raider to a convoy in the Hades Nebula. We will have several tankers to take out, as well as the Crimson Elite Raider that is carrying Commander Magus. (This particular Raider is a hard target to hit, boys and girls. This won't be a walk on the Agro Ship.) It will be the only PT that is a fast mover...all other PT's are the slow moving fuel tankers.

(NOTE: In past attempts on this mission, I have NEVER been able to rescue Commander Magus.)

You will be given three opportunities to damage the Crimson Raider. In the first two opportunities, use your missiles. After it has sustained so much damage, it will fly away to the next segment of the mission. On the third opportunity, you are to use your lasers only. So keep that Crimson Raider bracketed as a target. Do not select other targets...or you might lose him in this hellish red sky. Fire at him hard.

If any o' you nuggets manages to rescue Commander Magus...I will personally buy you a life time supply o' fumarellos....or ambrosa..or mushies, whichever the case may be.

Martok2112 CAG
Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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