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Old January 4th, 2004, 06:25 PM   #109
Darth Marley
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Default Insightful question 2BC

It would be interesting for a trek historian to chime in about the old Save Trek efforts.

What strikes me as strange about the ongoing BSG controversies is the effort to downplay the "enemy side" of the argument.

Clearly,by the various petition drives,the are tens of thousands of outraged BSG fans rebelling against the RDM version.This is most likely the vocal minority,and by this I mean there are likely many thousands that share that view but are not activist fans.

It is hard for me to judge just how many RDM fans like myself are out there.Best test of that would be ratings for an RDM series.

I imagine with Trek,there were some "focus group" types of surveys.And of course,there was the animated series.I am sure there is someone in "the business" that can come forward with a brief on how these decisions are reached from a production point of view,and I bet you would know just who to ask among your contacts in the biz.

I have my own reasons for favoring the RDM effort vs an original cast continuation.Others seem to share that view,but I am at a loss about how to gauge that support short of ratings for a new series.
May've been the losing side. I'm still not convinved it was the wrong one.
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