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Old March 1st, 2004, 03:25 PM   #66
CrysWimmer's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Gaelen
[size=2]]Ah my favourite subject… I very much agree with Dawg, the scene can’t just be plunked down for the sake of throwing in a sex scene then it just bores me. I do like the occasional very romantic and sweet scene but only in a movie it would bore me if it was a week to week occurrence. In a week to week programme I love tension filled, but I don’t want the will they won’t they stuff either. I never want the pair to be married or engaged, makes it too safe for me (I know in reality it’s different).
Let me preface this by saying it's ONLY my opinion, and not intended to offend anyone...

Hmmm.. interesting question. Frankly, I need the romance more than the sex. Example in point - that first clinch between Boomer and Tyrol - honestly, it was useless. They took out the explanation of it being fraternization and its involvement with the plot from that end, so it just seemed... well, useless.

Now... when Boomer comes back - and you've had those few subtle lines like when Kara asks about Sharon - suddenly this reunion isn't about sex. The second clinch is actually much less intense then the first: clothes stay on, folks are watching, pretty innocent kisses compared to earlier. But as far as.... importance. There's no contest. Here you have a relationship - not just sex. That makes it different. I could watch that scene over and over (and have) because of that chemistry... well, that and Tyrol's sweet smile before that last kiss...

Then we have Lee and Kara - nothing sexual there. Well, nothing mentioned (he does have trouble keeping his eyes at eye-level, but maybe that's my interpretation). Anyway, the scenes between the two of them fascinate me, and they barely touch, much less kiss. Hell, half the time they're ready to brawl <g>. The characters hae chemistry though - they work well together. Even if there's never anything romantic there, the relationship of the characters has my interest.

I loved many of the shows y'all have mentioned, and many others, that relied on sexual tension based on friendship (or antagonism, they're pretty close sometimes) - Moonlighting and Beauty and the Beast... but also Scarecrow and Mrs. King, Lois and Clark and many many others. What I like had nothing to do with the sex... mostly nothing to do with the romance... it was the RELATIONSHIP that fascinated me. Still does.

I've written loads of fanfic - in many different fandoms - and while some of it is more "explicit" than the rest, all of it is relationship based. If that's romantic, then fine. But sex for the sake of sex.... sorry, that's just porn, and I can do without. I found no meaning at all in the Baltar/Six scenes. I fast forward them every time <g>. There's no point. Just... no point. At least not for me.

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