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Old April 7th, 2003, 08:54 AM   #10
You old war daggit!
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(Cue Stu Phillips music. The same music that was at the start of the original)
(Camera shot coming down threw the sky until we see the back of a boy and his grandfather standing in front of the great pyramid so that we don’t get to see their faces)

(Boy) Grandpa Where did people come from?

The Grandfather thinks for a minute and decides to give his Grandson a broad answer because he wants his Grandchild to make his own decisions with out the interference of his own beliefs.

(Grandfather) Well, there are many different views on this subject.
Some believe that God made man in his own image right here on earth.
Others believe that we are the end result of evolution.

And there are those who believe that life here began out there. Far across the universe with tribes of humans who may have been the four fathers of the Egyptians, or the Toltec’s, or the Mians. That they may have been the architects of the great pyramids or the lost civilization of the Miriam or Atlantis. Some believe that there may yet be brothers of man who even now fight to survive far , far away amongst the stars.

(The voice sounds familiar and as the camera circles the Grandfather, We see the devilish smile of Patrick Mcnee. Then the screen goes black and we here him laugh with a bit of an echo on his voice.)

(Then we have Stu Phillips starting music for the credits as the black screen fades in with stars to let us know that we are traveling to that far away place.)

(Credits end with a fade in to a shot of a huge hall and it soon becomes apparent that we are at a grand funeral for some one. Looking at the front of the room, we see Tigh decked out in full uniform. We see a bit of a tear in his eye as he begins to speak.)

(Tigh) Adama My friend, my dear, dear friend. You were there for me through out my life and now for one last time, I’m here for you.

(As Tigh continues, we see the back of someone with dark hair; leave the room in a bit of a hurry. When the funeral is over, we see some people in the corridor talking down about what will happen to the fleet now that Adama has passed and they are also talking down about how Apollo didn’t even have the stomach to stay for the whole funeral .How no one can find him on the Galactica. Then they look up to see some smoke roll from around the corner. At first we see the end of the fumarello, then the smile of Dirk Benedict.)

(Shuttle Pilot) Captain Starbuck, we didn’t see you there.
(Starbuck) Looks like you boys just stepped in to some deep felgercarb.
and Ah.... yes, don’t worry about Apollo. I know exactly where he is.

(Camera shot zooming in to the Galactica and as we get closer, we zoom in on the celestial tube on top of the Galactica. We then see someone sitting in there and as the camera zooms in on Richard Hatch sitting in a bit of a dark shadow, we here him say.

(Apollo) Father, why is it that I should feel the closest to your spirit, here?

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