Thread: Aliens 5 and 6
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Old July 21st, 2003, 12:33 PM   #8
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Default Not Exactly

Originally posted by emerita
ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu, the Cylons vs the Gou'ald.... Two

The Centurions continued to track their human prey. A platoon of them remained behind after many of the other transports departed the planet. They hardly noticed the small ship that landed or it's passenger a six foot humanoid male that stepped out. The male raised it's binoculars and began to scan the entire area. The elusive figure used the darkness to his advantage.

Centurion#1: I have something on my scanner.

Centurion#2: What is it? Does it appear to be human?

Centurion#3: I believe that it deserves further investigation.

The group of mechanoids began to approach their target with utmost confidence.

Centurion#1: Tracking the ............................

The Centurion's facemask suddenly disintegrated and both halves fell away as the Lightsabre blade made contact.


The group of Centurions began to pick up their pace. They grew closer and closer to the human who was now opposing them. Their opponent however was masterful and had many tools on his side. Darth Maul ignited both ends of the ----------Lightsabre---------- and reached down inside of himself. Hatred and anger were his weapons. Maul quickly swung the weapon around and caught another centurion. The Cylon didn't know what hit him and quickly fell backwards. Others began to rush him and the dark lord jumped into the air and quickly felled another one with a swift judo kick. Maul quickly pivoted and lunged at another. The hum of the blades penetrated the quiet surroundings. Another group of cylons made a charge but were flung back as Maul stretched out his hand and sent them flying backwards. The dark lord was an excellent fighter who was just getting started.

Centurion: Human it is useless to res.............................

Maul's blade caught this one in midsentence also. The dark lord just looked at his prey and didn't reply. Maul now twirled the Sabre in his hands. To him it was like a cat playing with mice. Some of the Cylons began to fire their weapons at Maul. Maul raised the weapon and began deflecting the energy bolts ***********. Some hit rocks while other bolts were thrust back upon the Cylons themselves.

Last edited by kingfish; July 21st, 2003 at 12:42 PM..
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