Thread: Tron Legacy
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Old January 9th, 2011, 11:43 PM   #14
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Default Re: Tron Legacy

Went back to see Tron Legacy in 3D again yesterday and enjoyed it even more the second time around. But I do still think it could have used at least some of the dark sense of foreboding from the original trailer. Don't get me wrong - I loved Legacy. But if you watch the trailer below, you'll see what I mean. Flynn knows what's coming (and can't look on it, hint hint), you know what's coming, and you see just how twisted Clu has really become. It's the pursuit of perfection and the sheer hopelessness that anyone who is judged to be less than perfect feels when Clu focuses in on them and decides they have to go. If somehow tomorrow you were transported to the reality of this trailer and lived to come out the other side you'd grab Alan by both hands and beg him to help you shut down the grid, stop it all and try to start over. You'd use Encom to try and change the 'net so that this would never happen again. You'd try to make the world a better place. And one day, one day, you'd be faced with the decision of whether to terminate one "program" for the greater good. One that didn't fit your idea of how the world should be. And you'd do it, just this one time. Because we are all Clu.

That's what Legacy was missing, in my opinion. And there's your set-up for a slew of sequels. Just a thought.

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