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Old December 26th, 2006, 08:33 PM   #4
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Default Not more than 2500 years in the colonies and not more than 500 LYs years away.....

Originally Posted by bionicbob
SAGA and TMWNL both clearly establish that Human society is in its 7th millenium. I assume this time encompasses the period Humans existed on Kobol. And we know the war with the Cylons was waged for 1000 Yarhens, so I assume the Colonies are at least this old. But is there any literature on how long ago the Human Exodus of Kodol occurred?

And why would they still be calling themselves Colonists after existing for thousands of yarhens as an independant civilization?

Any thoughts???
This gives me an interesting mirror.

Let us assume for the sake of discussion that Humanity on Earth was civilized by the Kobolians 7000 BCE. that puts the first Kobolian into orbit around Earth about 5000 years after Jericho graduated from mudhut village to our first "discernable" city. Big problem. If the Kobolians were the Daniken progenitors, then they had to hotfoot it here from Kobol 3000 years before there were Kobolians able to build spaceships?


7000 years ago, there were Kobolians who built pyramids.
4000 years ago, there were Terrans who could build pyramids.
Difference is 3000 years.

It took about two to four wormhole inflations to get from Kobol to the Twelve Colonies of Man. That means the tramline was not greater than two months in ship's time. [SoaSW, LPoTG]. After a year of wandering the Colonials picked up a weak TV signal from Earth.

No data for how far a wormhole transit is.
No data for how long the interval takes in subjective ship time.
I'm flying blind here!

Go real science, then. This will yield an unexpected result based on archaeology and physics.

The average mean distance between stars is 1.7 measured parsecs locally which translates into about 5 LYs. A wormhole loops figure eight around two gravitational masses and in order to be inflatable without collapsing the two masses into a singular hyperdense solid and tearing local spacetime a new one, the endpoints have to be no closer than 10e6 radians of the radius of the larger mass, usually a star. In the casre of our sun that is 10e8x2x10e2 light seconds. That is 2x10e8 light seconds for a minimum wormhole inflation event.

8.64x10e4 seconds=LD
2.59x10e6 seconds=LM
3.11x10e7 seconds=LY

6.43 lightyears is the median tramline range for a stable wormhole anchored by a G0^2 style white dwarf like our sun.

So we now speculate that the Twelve Colonies of Man by the factors that they must be comfortable orbiting a star like our own must be within two and not more than four wormhole inflation events from Kobol. I'll be generous and assume that the casino planet is midway between the second and fourth interval and park the Twelve Colonies of Man within 24 LYs of Kobol.

24 episodes with an estimated single wormhole interval per episode. 154 LYs traversed by the RT fleet. At around the end of the run we get the Apollo Moon Landing signal [in HoG] which occurs after 150 LY years of travel.

Based on our own ability to coherently discriminate our own teleivision signals at the strength we broadcast, we can detect such signals at a maximum range interval of 3000 years. that is the maximum range that the Coloonials can be from us. But they aren't as you will shortly see.

3000 is a nice convenient number for the Kobol to earth timelag provided that the Koboloian 13th tribe found mudhut Humans just entering the city stage. This means they were teachers to the native Terrans.

Try this one for size.

The Kobolians became Egyptians 7000 years ago and toddled along for 3000 years. Then the LBs picked out the 13th Tribe and exodused them to Earth. Instant Egyptians on Earth deposited 4000 years ago. Pyramids everywhere!

Meanwhile the Staybehinds on Kobol screwed up their ecology and ruined their planet. Give them a 1000 years to do this deed[3000 years in our past]. The LBs serruptitiously suggest that there is a nice new home for the Kobolians about 24 LYs away-next door to the Cylons. [2000 years in our past]

The 12 tribes move by slowboat[STL] taking about 500 years to reach their new homes[1500 years in our past] and have 1000 years of peachy keen, fine and dandy; building up the Twelve Colonies of Man. That puts them 500 years before our present when they START the 1000 year Cylon war. We sit around and develope our own history having lost our own identity. So the Twelve Colonies of Man have about 2000 years of history before CIMTAR writes finis 500 years into our future.

I estimate Adama and company are 500 years in our future just receiving the Apollo moon landing message from 500 LY away as they flee the Cylons. They need to endure 77-80 inflation events to reach us at the rate of one event a week. They will take two years to make the crossing. When they reach Earth;

I'm sure the 13th Tribe will be waiting.

As always;
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