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Old April 23rd, 2004, 03:04 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by Rowan
Does Harry Potter count? I've just started the Order of the Phoenix (read all the others) I have one week to read all 766 pages I 'd better get craking although the young girls I saw interviewed for it's release had calculated it would take them 15 hrs to read it I figured it would take me 18 I'm a slow reader, I like to savour my books too much to spead read...
I read it in 9 hours, but I'm a super speed reader and I couldn't put it down. I then waited a few weeks and took my time to read it a second time. I absolutely love the series and can't wait for the next book.

Each smallest act of kindness reverbrates across great distances and spans of time, affecting lives unknown to the one whose generous spirit was the source of this good echo, because kindness is passed on and grows each time it's passed, until a simple courtesy becomes an act of selfless courage years later and far away. Likewise, each small meanness, each expression of hatred, each act of evil.

This Momentous Day, H. R. White

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