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Old December 17th, 2003, 02:04 PM   #25
Shuttle Pilot
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I've been lurking here and on other forums for a while now (since a couple days before the premier) reading what folks on both sides have been saying. I thought I'd just offer my two cents.

I don't think its realistic to expect that anything will ever be done with the old series at this point. With Sunday's numbers proving that Sci-Fi has a huge hit on its hands, it would take major blunders on their part at this point to keep the new series from being very successful.

Consider this, if the new series goes more than a single season, it will pretty much be THE Battlestar Galactica franchise. Relagating the older show in the minds of the American public to "that other show in the 70's."

I hope that a year from now, all the various BSG fans will by and large be united under one roof. Sure, the new show will take some getting used to, but if they do the series well, it should still be good sci-fi for us to enjoy.

Certainly there will be folks that will never move beyond the old show, but I think they'll wind up being increasingly irrelevant. How often do you hear from folks these days who are completely against anything but ST:TOS, rejecting Next Generation and all its sucessors as sub-par dreck.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed the old show and own the original movie on DVD. I think I still prefer the look of the old galactica. It just seems that the american public has indicated with its viewing that they're ready for something new. Folks will either adapt themselves to that reality or not. But it probably won't change things much either way if they don't.

Oh, in another thread somebody made the comment that ST they didn't dare to do a "Re-imagining." In Trek, they didn't need to. They could update the show all they needed just by moving it forward 84 years. There was no way that they could take that approach with Galactica.

The destruction of the colonies is the foundation of the whole series. There's no way a show could hope to gain an audience if they didn't deal with that core event that drives the show. How could the lay viewer identify with something that's supposed to profoundly affect every aspect of the character's lives on the show, when that event was never even addressed within the show they're watching and that instead they must watch some other show that's 25 years old to get the backstory for the characters they're watching today.

You also couldn't very well have the human colonies wiped out AGAIN in a continuous universe. In that case the humans would pretty much have it coming if they allowed the cylons to get the drop on them twice.

No, really the only option was to re-imagine the series to update it to be contemporaneous with society today. That meant changes and big ones. There's just no getting around it.

Anyway. . . I've rambled enough.

Last edited by Soulmage; December 17th, 2003 at 02:10 PM..
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