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Old December 2nd, 2006, 10:51 PM   #10
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My 2cents worth is most people find it easier to be critical and negative than to have a positive discussion, which is compounded by the current fashion which equates wit with rudeness, but I guess I'm showing my age on that one!

Just why someone would watch something several times just to pick at it (if they are not a professional reviewer who gets paid for such things) is beyond me, too. All I can think is they are 'stirrers' who get off on the reactions they get and the hurt they cause.

This is not to be confused with someone who might watch a show they are ambivalent about, just so they can join into the conversation, or watch something they don't like to be socially active with their friends who do like it. They generally don't seek to purposely hurt those other people and will stop distressing them if asked.

"No warrior should be weak, and no female warrior can be.."
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