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Old October 12th, 2006, 01:01 AM   #36
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Join Date: Mar 2004
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I really read through this thread.
And remembered my own childhood in Ireland and guesss what it was the very same .. did not have a lot of money for toys but we got by .. by building our own.
Tree Branchs became rifles ,, or swords . our bikes became Police cars or bike's
(Chips was populer then) or and Xwing chasing Tiefighters .. or a simple game of chasing .. course when you get a little older closer to the teens it become Kiss Chasing .. (never got way as much as i use too, just like getting caught)

I also remember building my own Laser pistols by scavaging parts from other toys making my own belt and holster . (from a leather school bag.. Got a good beating from that.:0.. but became my friends hero because I made enough to go around )

In my present occupation I go into people homes every day .... I see all the crap they have . most look cool as toys etc. but where is the imagation the creative design that myself and all my friends built every day when we where kids ..

and if you try to explain that to kids now they look at you as if you a hole in your head .. "What Use a stick and pretend its a gun" pfff.... Get Lost"

Mother's and Father's now don't have time to play with their children , now both parents have to work just to make ends meet .. over here its gone money mad.(that ok if there is balance in the home ) but now people just want a bigger Expanceive Cars. so they can sit bunper to bumper in Ireland biggest parking lot
"The moter way" more expancive crap in the house . and every thing is electonic . so more power is needed the more thing cost to run more hours a week in work. kids get what they want now .. and value nothing ..

our game's . like your games went on all during Summer break.. Imagin if you will Children playing .. not 3 or 7 children but perhaps 30 playing BSG . StarWars . Cowboys . Solders etc very day . altogether .. ok ok there where a few disagrements and fights .. but we play together the very next day like nothing happend ..

ahh Kiss Chasing .............................................................................What sorry
the end

Formally Taranis
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