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Old May 30th, 2013, 12:23 PM   #2
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Default Re: BSG - Re-arrange episode order....


Of which I am one of course. I hear you screaming "They can't end the quest!!! They didn't find the Pegasus again."

I agree. See, this is where this would all work great.

Why I think it would happen ... just like this.....


The fleet are taken to the Eastern Alliance worlds and Terra, even allowed to start their own colony. The colonials let the Eastern Alliance and Terra know of a great threat and that they now must be on the offensive, pushing the Cylons back, and maybe even back to the Cylon's own homeworld.

From Terra and the Eastern Alliance they receive some new recruits, and even better, some crude weapons. Weapons that when they explode play havoc on electronics.

The ships of Terra, while not the most advanced, will serve to at least buy time for Galactica should the Cylons get past them.

Fueled up and up to full crew capacity, Galactica is able to do what it does best, be a BATTLESTAR. From there Cylon targets are found and systematically destroyed. Commander Cain thought that Adama was without ambition to pursue the Cylon enemy.

Cain could not have been more wrong. Adama had purpose, to get humanity to safety. Now untethered by responsibility of civilians all delivered to Terra Adama shows the warrior he had been all his life.

Adama is cool and calculating. His wife, his son, lost to the Cylons. Friends, his world. It was high time this mechanized bad joke came to an end.

Apollo, Starbuck, and others close to Adama start to grow concerned of the man now allowed to unleash his full vengeance on the Cylons. With every attack Adama smiles less and less, though he smiles a brief smile with every base star destroyed in his wake.

It is not till Baltar is retrieved that the Cylons stand any tactical chance of slowing down and nearly destroying the Galactica.

"Nearly" is the word here, for once again, out of no where two battlestars show up in the fight and all that is heard over the comm link is "... good, now where were we?" As Cain lands the final blow to Baltar's base Star, ending the bane of humanity forever.

Yes, Cain managed to find one other Battlestar in his wanderings. Did we ever doubt?

And now in triad formation the battlestars blaze a path of destruction that would make a supernova burn with envy. Along the way Adama recruits humans, even aliens, from worlds they come across. Soon alien races not only join as warriors to man turrents, but alien ships to provide fire power.

As the story meets it's epic conclusion, the trio of Battlestars beat and batter the Cylons back to their own homeworld. Some wonder the morality of becoming as vicious as the enemies that nearly destroyed them, but to that Adama only says "For everything there is a season."

Without mercy the human attack comes swooping in. Cylon civilians scatter and flee for their lives, a scene very similar to what humans experienced on Caprica. Buildings are leveled, millions of Cylon "lives" lost, and in the end, Adama to be more thorough, brings on the full fire power of three Battlestars to reduce the Cylon homeworld to rubble.

It is then that Adama collapses. What he has been able to hide is all these years on the run, and then the final campaign of hatred took it's toll on the old warrior. It is then that Adama finds himself for the first time in the presence of the angelic hosts. Nothing is said, just visions of what was up till then. Peace that was offered by a mighty race, only to be a lie. Part of that lie, the human that inspired the lie, now gone. And for a moment, the Angelic host show it all from another perspective. A perspective of a race without identity, without creativity, and yet aware. A race that was a shadow of itself, and now despite their previous show of might, was dying.

And yet, in their own way, they live.

Adama awakes back on the bridge of the Galactica, and getting up he pushes all away, assuring everyone he is alright. He doesn't know why he is alright, but he is.

Cain from the Pegasus alerts him of a group of Cylon Civilian ships making a hurried escape from the rubble that once was the Cylon homeworld, protected by one battered Base Star.

Adama wants to hate, but his recent vision leaves him thinking. A tear nearly comes to his eye in a strange pity for his enemy, and how far he himself went. Adama laughs at the irony of it all. "Perhaps now they will be interested in talking peace."

While peace with the Cylons was impossible, being so alien to humans, an understanding was met. The remaining Cylons would leave the Galaxy, never to return. Cain and the other battlestar agreed to make sure the Cylon civilian fleet kept their word. And Adama assured the Cylons that if they pulled anything, Cain would be the last human they would cross.

Cain, who wanted to irradicate all Cylons, smiled in agreement to that statement at least.

After that, the trio of Battlestars split, two escorting the Cylon civilians as agreed to their new safety, and Battlestar Galactica to a bright shining planet, known as "Earth".

Last edited by Jubal; May 30th, 2013 at 08:56 PM..
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