Thread: Julix's corner
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Old October 29th, 2004, 05:29 AM   #12
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Here are a couple more:
The depth of the darkness
is terrifying
like a hole that swallows you up
a strugle to get out
but no rope or ladder ever comes
The days melt together
Doing the right thing
Doing what everyone else needs
So I won't feel the pain
It cuts everywhere leaves
no place immune
The loss so profound
The destruction complete
my soul cries out
But it is loss in the void

Time stood still as I
danced round and round
with you
the most perfect moment
So wonderful and safe
I was Daddy's little girl
a princess's dream
the music so perfect
matching every step
every emotion
Glimpses of our faces
full of love and joy
round and round
we went
if I could freeze time
It would stay forever
in that dance

A soldier in a frame
the picture so clear
and yet the man
unknown to me
I memorized
every line of color
every feature
the loss of knowing
so deep
there is the father
who was gone too soon
but the loss of knowing
the man
even greater

so, I am mostly writing them out for me...but any comments appreciated.
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