Thread: Babble fun!
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Old September 8th, 2003, 08:21 PM   #16
out there somewhere
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Lets ask it!

Original English Text:
Now HOW THE HECK do you get eco-computerese out of a 60's expression???
Translated to Japanese:
今経糸ガイド60 年代の表現からeco-computerese か。か。なるいかにか。

Translated back to English:
Now from expression of the warp guide sixties eco-computerese? ? It
becomes, how?

Translated to Chinese:
现在从经线指南60 的表示eco-computerese? ? 它成为, 怎么?

Translated back to English:
Now from warp guide 60 expressions eco-computerese? ? It becomes, how?

Translated to Korean:
지금eco-computerese날실 가이드60표정에서? ?
그것은, 어떻게 된다?

Translated back to English:
Now from eco-computerese wrap threads guide 60 expression? ? It
becomes how?

Translated to French:
Maintenant de l'expression eco-computerese du guide de fils
d'enveloppe 60 ? ? Il devient comment ?

Translated back to English:
Maintaining expression eco-computerese wire guide of envelope 60? ? It
becomes how?

Translated to German:
Beibehaltener Ausdruck eco-computerese Leitung Führer von Umschlag
60? ? Es wird wie?

Translated back to English:
Maintained expression eco computerese line leader of envelope 60? ? It
becomes how?

Translated to Italian:
Linea guida computerese effettuata di eco di espressione della busta
60? ? Si transforma in come?

Translated back to English:
Line guides carried out computerese of echo of expression of envelope
60? Transforma in like?

Translated to Portuguese:
Alinhe guias realizou computerese do eco da expressão do envelope 60?
Transforma gosta dentro?

Translated back to English:
It lines up guides carried through computerese of the echo of the
expression of envelope 60? It transforms likes inside?

Translated to Spanish:
¿Alinea a guÃ*as llevadas con computerese del eco de la expresión del
sobre 60? ¿Transforma gustos adentro?

Translated back to English:
It aligns guides taken with computerese of the echo of the expression
of on 60? It transforms tastes inside?

AH! I shoulda known.
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