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Old June 28th, 2005, 02:33 PM   #38
TheLimey's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Lara
Parents wanted to know what our 'crush' was all about.. and got hooked too.
Everyone waited for the next ep, and didn't miss a single one.

Remember that well - even going back to '78! My Parents watched the show because of Lorne Greene (kept reminding me he was in Bonanza!)

The love of Sci-fi probably really came about because of Star Wars - and what was going to fill the gap between after that??!! The answer came in BSG - and boy, what an answer.

Loved the X-Wings in SW, but there was something about the Vipers - they were somehow 'cooler' - although that appeared to be a major sin back in those days! - to say a Viper was better than an X-Wing!! But I stuck to my guns, and I still do - The Viper looks more like the sleek fighter it's supposed to be! So there!!!

They say you adulthood is built from the experiences of your childhood - and a large chunk of my childhood was spent watching BSG - An experience I can now happily re-live thanks to the complete BSG original series boxset and the 'new' series (which for me happily lives up to all expectations and beyond!!)

No-one ever truely grows up, and why should we! Happy Days!!

Nice touch having Richard Hatch in the new series as well.
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