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Old March 8th, 2006, 01:57 PM   #1
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Big Grin ARRIVAL -- BSG::ST-TNG crossover

Please note both these versions of Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek: The Next
Generation take place in an alternate reality seperate from the ones shown on
TV. Some cannon facts are ignored or distorted.

There are those who believe that life here began out there, far across
the universe,
with tribes of humans who may have been the forefathers of the
Egyptians, or the Toltecs, or the Mayans.
That they may have been the architects of the great pyramids, or the lost civilizations of Lemuria or Atlantis.
Some believe that there may yet be brothers of man who even now fight to
survive, somewhere beyond the stars.


Compiled from the Computer Logs of the USS Enterprise -- NCC1701-D
Stardates 6407.23 to 6407.28 and other salient sources
by Rick Blackburn of the Star Nomad Bear Clan
0nboard Deep Space Nine stardate 9607.18

The survivors of the Colonial Republic finally find Earth --- in the 24th Century

The four lines of battle weary civilian starships that composed the evacuation
fleet were seriously distended and twisted. Two hundred thirty-seven starships
of every size and description -- and between them last home to the survivors of the Cylon surprise attack on the Colonial Republic five yarens ago. 68,504 souls,
over a third of them preadolescent children, all that was left of Kobalian
humanity. All in headlong flight from the Cylons, fleeing toward what they hoped
would be their stellar cousins, the 13th Tribe of Kobal.

Adama had always maintained that the lost 13th Tribe had settled a far off world named Earth. Adama had used the legend from the Scarlet Scrolls to keep the civilians from slipping into depression and panic in the early days of their flight from the Cylon Alliance. But over the yarens, even he had begun to loose faith in the possibility of finding Earth -- IF it even existed.

Adama studied the tactical overlay on the main screen. The fleet would have to stop soon to regroup into a more compact formation so that the two battlestars and five small but fast and heavily armed gunships of Adama's tiny military command could supply even minimal protection from Cylon attack. Now if only Commander Cain of the Battlestar Pegasus would return from his regard sweep, Adama would be able to sleep easier this evening.

"Commander, long range sensors are detecting the return of the Pegasus,"
reported bridge officer Omega. "175 degrees aft, 5 degrees above the fleet axis
and 70 centons out."

"Thank the Lords of Kobal," Adama whispered under his breath, and then turned to Omega, "Establish vidacon communication with Pegasus Core Control."

"Commander Cain making contact now, sir."

The craggy features of the other battlestar commander filled the main screen. At once Adama could see all was not well, smoke and erratic electrical arcing from
battle damage to the Core Control was evident.

"Hello, old friend," Cain's sly half grin and the embarrassed timbre of his
voice together with the state of his control center alerted Adama to prepare for
bad news. Adama was thankful for the added protection supplied by Pegasus to the civilian evacuation fleet, but why - oh why in the names of all the odd gods of
the galaxy did Cain forever have to go off looking for a fight with the Cylons
-- instead of taking the job of convoy guard seriously? Adama had tried over and
over to explain that the safety of the people must come first ... there would be
more than enough time to renew the war against the Cylons after they had found Earth and the Thirteenth Tribe.

"I'm afraid I ran into a little trouble back there..."

Adama sighed, "Okay, what kind of trouble?"

"Cylons. I've got two basestars on my tail only a few centons behind me and
another one not far behind those. Don't worry though, my Viper squadrons have
denuded the first two basestars of most of their raiders, Apollo should be able
to mop them up easily...and by the time the third catches up, my squadrons will
be refueled and rearmed. Damnit Adama we're going to kill three basestars
between us!"

"Yes," Adama muttered, "If they don't kill us first!"

"Adama ..."

"I just wish to hell you'd think a little before you do these things!" Adama
sighed again. "All right, you've committed us. Assuming we survive this I want
to see you aboard the Galactica as soon as possible."

Cain's face betrayed his disappointment as Adama broke the connection.

"Omega, sound battlestations, and alert the gunships. Launch blue and red
squadrons, and prepare main batteries for ship to ship engagement."
Wordlessly, bridge officer Omega carried out Commander Adama's orders, alerting the huge Colonial warship for battle.

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