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Old September 9th, 2005, 10:16 AM   #27
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I think that they were running out of ideas by this time. Thats the problem with the entire BSG concept, its exciting if you plan to have frequent battles and lots of spaceship smashing, but its hard to have much else because the cylons would be shooting you all the time if you dared to make planetfall, and that is the biggest problem with the new series as well. They need to find a reasoning that the cylons wouldnt be able to track them, but maybe they meet cylon pickets from time to time. If the cylons are really able to follow (a rather straight course) so easily, and they seemed to be able to find them every time they needed to, then the series writers would eventually have to deal with the fact that the heros cannot go to a planet, and if they did, there couldnt be humans there because the cylons would kill them too. If a planet can defend against the cylons, then likely most of the fleet would choose to remain there, as opposed to risking their childrens lives going on to a planet that theres no guarantee exists. Before anyone starts to think Im NOT a fan, I am, but Im also honest and realistic enough to recognise the basic flaw in the series concept.

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