Thread: Rock the Vote
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Old May 1st, 2004, 09:48 AM   #48
Stablemaster, Livery Ship
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Originally Posted by antelope526
The customer service telecommunications jobs being outsourced to India can hardly be called high wage jobs here in America. The Indians answering the phones are overwhelmingly better educated and are far more likely to speak gramatically correct English than the Americans they replaced.
I'm not talking about customer service jobs. I'm talking about good, solid IT jobs for which skilled people exist right here who are out of work.

Last year 400,000 H1b visas were issued to foreign IT workers when 450,000 of our own skilled IT workers were out of work. The president and USCIS (INS' new name) cut the number of visas this year by 65,000. All the visas for the entire year were issued by February of this year as a result.

Now tell me how it can be good for an economy to have 450,000 highly skilled people unemployed or underemployed (working for minimum wage or so) instead of the $50,000/yr or more their old job paid?
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