Thread: Rock the Vote
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Old April 30th, 2004, 03:03 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by jewels
Antelope: I think BSG & my point is you can't expect our economy to do well if our high paying jobs are going overseas or being filled with Visa holders who can barely speak English and who don't understand that "no" is not a bad word. What is cheap now will be very expensive later to fix with the right labor.
The customer service telecommunications jobs being outsourced to India can hardly be called high wage jobs here in America. The Indians answering the phones are overwhelmingly better educated and are far more likely to speak gramatically correct English than the Americans they replaced.

For over 20 years U.S. computer companies have been importing highly educated Indian computer specialist. If they were the disaster you describe they wouldn't keep doing it. The biggest threat these Indians pose is that if they don't work for American companies they will start building their own companies and compete with us at all levels of the computer industry. Indian officials complain that they spend a lot of money to educate them only to "lose" them to America.

I wish that Americans could compete with them but the bottom line is that these people for the time being are as educated in their trade as our people are but will work for less. You can call them names and insult their culture but if they weren't producing what the employers wanted they wouldn't be here or we wouldn't be employing them there.

I hope India becomes a prosperous nation with a highly skilled work force. As the world's biggest democracy they could be a great friend. In addition as they get wealthier they will be a better market for U.S. exports.
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