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Old April 16th, 2004, 11:55 AM   #35
Antelope's Avatar
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This thread really got me thinking. I don't think I have ever read any scifi written by a woman. I never avoided women writers I just usually browse the book store when I travel or when I'm away from home and pick up whatever appears interesting. For whatever reason it usually turns out to be male written (Heinlein,Card,Asimov,Robinson). I read more science than scifi and I can't think of anything I read there either that was written by a woman. In history and politics I maybe get 10% of my reading from women. Only in the area of the supernatural or UFO type stuff do I read woman probably half the time.

I wonder how prevalent women authors are in general once you go beyond the romance section of the book store. I can think of some famous woman authors lately like Rice but in general outside romance woman must be published far less than men. What is the reason for this if true? Do women submit as much non-romance to the publishers? I hear publishers are a pretty liberal lot. Do they still ignore women? I don't know the answer and have no opinion. If any of you are familiar with this please enlighten me.
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