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Old March 24th, 2004, 08:08 PM   #85
The 14th Colony
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Originally Posted by bsg1fan1975
launchcruiser, I love that one! George Carlin is a hoot!

O wise A$$, I have a query for you to ponder. If hot dogs are packaged in groups of 10 then why are the buns sold in packages of 8?
This is a guy thing. Guys usually do the barbequing, and guys are the ones who planned out the bun counts based on personal experience. If you're a guy and you're grilling franks you're gonna do two things without hesitation. One is pop one in your mouth, not just as a taste test, but because you're impatient and want to scarf it down ASAP. Then, you're going to accidently drop one on the ground while bringing the cooked dogs to the table. That one will get kicked over to the family pooch to devour. And that leaves 8 franks and 8 buns. Problem solved.

I must wonder, however, if there was a Fraudian slip in your querie. You referred to me as a wise as$ and then asked me a question about buns. I suspect there was a subconscious connection in there, somehow, someway, somewhere.
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