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Old March 9th, 2004, 09:30 AM   #110
Jerry Vasilatos
Shuttle Pilot
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Baltar is a first cousing to Darth Vader huh? The entire plot that this writer references as a ripoff of "Star Wars" is an entirely different narrative, the only things similar in what Dykstra says, in that both are "genre" pictures. Comparing "Star Wars" and "Galactica" is like comparing "Silverado" to "Unforgiven". Both contain archetypes and are set in the old west. The similarities end there. So is it the same with "Star Wars" and "Galactica". Moore's is just a bad remake.

It's funny. those of you who defend Moore's "Battlestar Craptacular" wouldn't even have the abomination to enjoy had it not been for the original. I can't remember a remake of a great classic I ever liked, although I have seen great remakes of mediocre movies. "Galactica" was great the way it was. Moore's remake didn't even come close to being as fun and entertaining.

I think we should just drop all pretense and call Moore's version what it is, a remake, instead of a "re-imagining". "Re-imagining" seems to absolve all parties involved of butchering the material.

Anyone want to see Moore "re-imagine" "Casablanca"?

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