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Old March 6th, 2004, 05:34 PM   #55
Gunstar Aries
Stubborn Colonial Warship
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Default Thanks!

Thanks for the kind words, Muffit and shiningstar.

As I said, that close for Ulysses reminds me of the BG fans here. I can't tell you how many times it has come to mind when reading a thread on Fleets. Heck, you could even apply it to the Rag Tag Colonial Fleet fleeing the Cylon tyranny. They have not chosen to yield, either.

Ian, after such incidents as "Spock's Brain," I regard B5 as the "The Thinking Man's (or Woman's) Science Fiction." There were a lot of great quotes used in B5; Strazynski knows his history, and he also knows his Science Fiction. Heck, the episode with Sheridan captured by Earthgov is right out of 1984. Plus his use of SciFi greats like Michael Warner, Michael York, June Lockheart, Michael Ansaras, Walter Koenig etc, etc, etc, makes not only for good acting, but a great link to the sci-fi of the that paved the way for a show like B5. Even Harlan Ellison did a cameo!


Gunstar Aries
Antwaan Randal El is no name for a football player! It's a name for a Star Wars Character!! Can't you just hear Obi Wan saing "A young Jedi named Antwaan Randal El, who was a pupil of mine..."
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