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Old March 6th, 2004, 11:22 AM   #98
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Originally Posted by Lusitan
Well there were many things i didn't like in the mini, but i don't see these so called sex scenes as offensive. It looked alot worst in the script, but the final work has nothing offensive IMHO. But i might have a different perspective as i'm from another country. I've seen many US famous people really surprised about what one can do and say in most european tv shows. Things that for the viewer are normal, but the guest star says it would never be possible to do in US in that time slot. Hell, why should i be shocked by the "naked back" scene when during commercials i can see those lady's breasts in some Nivea commercial, at any time slot. Kids see plenty of hakf naked woman at most of the beaches, because topless is not forbiden arround here.
I agree it could have been done differently, with more charm or something, but i don't think it's that offensive.
It's a little different in Canada too, In Quebec we have programs and movies on at all times of the day with graphinc sex and nudity, and in British Columbia we have wreck beach were people are completely naked kids and adults alike. So I was not offended by what I saw in the mini I'm just not interested in scenes like the one with 6 in a Sci fi program, I do enjoy it in a different type of programe, I just want my Sci fi to focus on battles in space etc.
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