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Old March 3rd, 2004, 04:30 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by BarrymoreYorke
I'm sorry, this just confuses me. There's only ONE sex scene in the whole mini: The glowing spine scene with Number Six and Baltar, specifically. Anything else is either just kissing (Number Six and the Colonial officer at Armistice Station) or people starting to tear at each others' clothes (Chief Tyrol and Boomer). Tearing at clothes does not a sex scene make. There was more skin on display when Billy wandered into the shower room.

I mean, am I wrong here? How can I look at the mini and see only one sex scene, while someone else can look and see "many, many, many USELESS sex scenes"?

Besides, what WERE Starbuck and Cassiopea doing in that launch tube in "Saga of a Star World"?
Great post. It surmised many of the frustrations you can have when talking with someone who doesn't like the mini. Most of the abominations they say happened never did.

On the sex the most we saw was one bare back. Yesterday I saw more of Alissa Milano on a rerun of Charmed where she was a mermaid.

The famous "handjob" scene in the mini was about as bad as the diner scene with Meg Ryan in "When Harry met Sally".

There are actually more minority characters in the mini than in TOS.

The weak female argumant seems to blow right past President Roslin.

Those who hate the arrogant female Starbuck forget how Sheba was introduced to us.

Those who hate President Roslin forget Siress Tinia.

No baby was showed killed in the mini. The first day or two after the mini aired there were even threads that asked whether the baby was really killed. Some people watched it and couldn't tell.

Only one person was actually SHOWN killed in the mini and he was a cylon. The lasar shot to Serena in TOS and her ensuing agony was far worse. Letting your children watch a show where the only child they can identify with gets to see his mother die is not exactly family viewing.

There are a bunch of things I don't like about the mini especially in areas dealing with Kara Thrace and COL Tigh but I don't need to imagine things are worse than they are.

If you think the story sucks that's fine but you don't need to invent things that never happened.