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Old March 3rd, 2004, 08:14 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by Jerry Vasilatos
He's doing a backpedal to make sure P.R. stays good. He should have thought first before he made the comment. That's the problem. He doesn't think at the amount of people he would hurt before he opened his trap because of his arrogance. He apologized. Great. Let's see if it prevents him from making insensitive comments in the future. I'm betting it won't.

Yes, you are correct in saying that there is a core group of fans who would not accept anything other than a continuation of Larson's original series who are closed minded, and I myself don't agree with them. But I think there is a larger, more open minded audience, that would have been willing to accept ANYTHING that wasn't a bastardization of what they held dear, which is what I believe the new BSG IS. I don't even hold Moore responsible, because I do understand he was given a mandate he had to follow that dictated no continuation (like what DeSanto wanted to do) by the true culprit, Bonnie Hammer. I don't wish Moore any ill-will despite his arrogance. I just wish he would understand he is not the GOD of sci-fi he thinks he is (the swarmy "hey man, I KILLED Kirk" comment he likes to throw around all the time epitomizes the attitude) and recognize there would BE no Galactica for him to bastardize had it not been handed to him. It was legendary material to begin with, not by his perceived importance at making it more "mature" or re-inventing the wheel. By that line of thinking, could or would anyone expect or want to see the original "Star Wars" trilogy or original run of "Star Trek" episodes "re-imagined" with the characters recast and a great foundation laid waste for other people's egos who couldn't just create something original of their own with it's own name?


P.S. to everyone that likes to point the finger at Larson for "Galactica: 1980" and think he "killed" Galactica... he was given a set of directives by ABC after they cancelled the original show, much like Moore was told by Hammer "this is how we want you to do it". Don't blame Larson, when he discovered "Galactica:1980" was being cancelled he did "Return of Starbuck" to make sure fans knew he didn't forget what the original was all about and it's an example of how he wished he COULD have been allowed to do "Galactica" had the network not pulled the plug first season or set the rules for "kid-friendly Galactica: 1980".
Thank you for your thoughts. I agree that with the RESTRICTIONS that the
network and studio placed on BSG80 there was NO WAY that Larson could
have succeeded with it. I must admit that I loved the return of Starbuck.
That was the only episode that I liked about bsg80.
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