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Old March 1st, 2004, 04:33 PM   #6
Antelope's Avatar
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All I see over and over again is TOS only fans nit picking every word Moore says. He did what he thought best. If you don't like it hopefully someone will do another version more to your liking. Thus far I think we can all objectively say that the Moore version is better than the last battlestar incarnation done by Larson, BSG1980.

Moore repeatedly is met with hostility. You can read it here all the time. He has interviews where he reaches out to fans and the old cast and gets vitrial in return. He recently did a chat and those who hate him wonder why out of all the questions he can answer the ones he ignores often are a fancy way of saying, "Why do you suck?"

If you hate the guy don't try to chat with him. You aren't going to get an apology from him for doing what he thinks is best. When you say "I hate your show" don't wonder why in an interview he says "I can't make everyone happy".

When he reaches out to the old cast and they say "No, thanks" don't be offended if Moore says, "I offered them roles but they won't come. It's up to them."

Many of us may hate Moore but he is in the end a writer trying to do his best. The fact that his vision is not your vision just shows you are both human. From a business sense time will tell if Moore was right. Hostility however isn't going to make him anymore open to "fan input" than he already is.

Larson made an abomination to TOS (BSG1980) and damn near killed the franchise but I don't hate him and I bet you don't either.