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Old March 1st, 2004, 11:54 AM   #37
Watashiwa Shin no Noir
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Richard Hatch

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Originally Posted by jewels
Grrrr. France never understands anything anymore. When I see things like this I see them as a nation that has fallen from it's former place of world leadership into the darkness of political correctness.

You know those crowds over half of which were in tears over Jesus' journey down the Via Dolorosa? It was Passover. In Jerusalem. Most of them were Jews too. I don't know how anyone could miss their faces and anguish over Jesus.

It doesn't matter who put him to death--Jesus came here SO THAT he could die and it had to be at the hands of another and the worst sort of death. The important thing about Jesus isn't who drove in the nails or handed him over (he forgave them!) it's who he died FOR! (everyone). Grrrr.
Fine words, I agree, but don't forget- spoken from the safe remove of an ocean away. We here cannot truly understand the reality of living, truly living in a place where the response to a religious or political disagreement is not bad press, but violent death. You honor the truth of Christ's sacrifice. They are simply taking what they believe to be careful precuations to prevent the sacrifices of, for instance, a busload fo children who may accidentally be on the wrong side of whatever group having whatever millenia old jsutification for he shedding of blood to prove themseves right.

I do not disagree with you. I simply remind you that we live in one of the few places where one can freely hold one's own opinions.
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