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Old February 29th, 2004, 04:03 PM   #32
Gunstar Aries
Stubborn Colonial Warship
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Default Starbuck

Our Starbuck is more complex than the Mini will lead this new generation to believe.
He was an Orphan, that was kinda taken in by Commander Adama and family. To his character this was his family! He would lay down his life for them, but he tried to keep his emotions hidden for fear of being rejected.
Thus we get the gambler, romeo side of Starbuck. This I fear is the only light that Moore will shine on his personality. What a complete loss! The Whole Idea of this makes me sick!!!
Enough about that.
The Lost Warrior was good in spirit, it showed how people can care about one another and refuse to let ones they care about become left behiend. You just don't give up on people that you truly care for.
Very well said, Amberstar. I've always felt that Starbuck and Apollo were like brothers. Your analysis of the 'rouge and gambler' side of Starbuck being a front to keep from bing hurt I like too. I've always wondered if his 'womanizing' was a reaction to his being an orphan.

One of the many failings about the new series for me is the "Look how progressive we are!! We took two of the male characters and made them WOMEN!!" Yeah, at the cost of the two most prominent female characters of the original series!! Anybody seen Athena or Cassiopeia?

I better quit before I start an anti-BG-03 rant...


Antwaan Randal El is no name for a football player! It's a name for a Star Wars Character!! Can't you just hear Obi Wan saing "A young Jedi named Antwaan Randal El, who was a pupil of mine..."
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