Thread: Magnum pi
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Old February 29th, 2004, 03:33 PM   #8
Gunstar Aries
Stubborn Colonial Warship
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Default This is GREAT News!!

Magnum was just about the only show I watched in the 80s.

I gotta pile on the "Selleck IS Magnum" bandwagon! He is. A while back, I'd read that he was trying to sell a "Magnum" movie. Tom Clancy had agree to write the script if the movie were to be done. That was the last I'd heard of the idea; I guess it never sold. Too bad. Selleck has a great screen presence.

To pass along an annecdote: Selleck was on Leno's show after some project he did hit the screen (I don't recall which one it was.) He and Jay were winding down the talk, idly speaking of future projects, 'this or that,' when Jay blurted out, "Do another Quigley." The crowd exploded with cheers. I hope he makes that his next project.


Gunstar Aries
Antwaan Randal El is no name for a football player! It's a name for a Star Wars Character!! Can't you just hear Obi Wan saing "A young Jedi named Antwaan Randal El, who was a pupil of mine..."
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