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Old February 17th, 2004, 08:07 AM   #40
Vulcan Torturer
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Originally Posted by Micheleh
Tom... I don't think anyone in tis thread was implying traitor as far as Don or Ken- they wre referring to a feeling of betrayal were the original cast to happily join the Moore cast in any way.

"I'm sorry If I got so irritated. Like I've said, I've seen sooooo many chances thrown away by the fanbase. We seem to be always shooting ourselves in the foot."

I understand. Just try to remember- as you well know- how many of those 'chances' were out antd out fabrications meant to use the loyalty of the fanbase to get manipulated responses and results for someone else's ends. There was no intention of ever honoring what was offered in these 'chances'. (Remember the poll, continuation vs prequel, which turned out to be a cheap numbers scma to back the game? That kind of 'chance'.)

In fact, now that I think of it, name me one real, legitimate, geniune 'chance'. I can't think of one.
I can name one. Tom DeSanto's production was getting tons of flak from fans for awhile, and that negativism helped arm certain powers that be with anti-DeSanto/Singer posts that may have helped kill that project. This is of course rumor, not verified, but I have heard it from solid sources that it was very likely to have hindered Tom's production.

That's not to blame anyone, either. It's just a moment to pause and think about it.

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