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Old February 6th, 2004, 10:05 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Tyrol
Good to see you all. This site is an appropriate direction for fandom. I do not like feeling uncomfortable at the thought of speaking to fans. If this site continues with the mandate put forth here my confort level would be such that I may return.
If this ever happens I must warn people about what question would go ignored.
Questions regarding schedule, story lines of the future, future scripts, production specifics and the like.
Questions pertaining to me the person, Tyrol and how I see him, the sharing of thoughts, the debate over good vs. bad and things of this nature are what I would happily discuss.
Things that are not for me to comment on I will not so don't even ask. If something were to be taken and twisted or attributed unfairly to me I would be forced to leave. That is not something I would like to do again but I cannot have what just happened happen again.
I hope you all understand and I will hopefully be speaking with you soon.
Just so you know I will not be back before an official announcement either way by Sci-fi.
Aaron -

Thanks for poking your head in here. I can appreciate the nature of what you said and your criteria as to what is "discussable" is very fair to everyone. We wouldn't want you to endanger your job because something was taken out of context and spread across the intenet. I suppose that's the real trick isn't it? I hope is that you are well and things are looking good at your end. We look forward to you returning when SciFi makes their official announcement.

Best regards,
Weed vaporizers
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