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Old January 23rd, 2004, 07:03 PM   #31
On Vacation...
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 15


Guys and gals I am VERY new to this forum; A to all of you here; I'm really just reading the posts so I can learn so I won't be posting much at first. I did have questions about the religious aspect of all of this and if it was brought up in the old series. I've have not seen the old series since it aired so I am more than lost about the whole phenom.

The feeling I got from the recent BSG is that there is still the Cylon~human: creation~creator problem. I keep thinking of that portion in Animatrix that humans created machines; humans then abused machines; machine obtains their right to think and be a life form; humans fear new life form; humans try to destroy their creation. I s that it? Are can there be variations on this theme?

The humanism is WHAT I'm looking for; I mean if you turn on any news show or any newspaper; "if it bleeds it leads" is way too prevalent for my taste; but I'm much too much of a realist to retreat completely to fantasy; I'm just not entertained anymore by "too pretty people" having an hour long battle with evil and always winning. I want to see something that if there was space travel; it "COULD" happen. I want to see people that are flawed but still CHOOSE to do the right thing.

SO, that's the end of my yapping now; I'm going back to read more.

Thanks for understanding my ignorance and for having an interesting forum!
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