Thread: BSG Mini
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Old January 17th, 2004, 01:33 PM   #91
Eskimo's Avatar
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So, unless I have legal jurisdiction to assert any rights to my own opinion, I have no rights to my own opinion. Gee, I'm so abjectly apologetic. In order to relieve any other person participating in this "forum" from having to read such "inflammable" material," I'm not going to bother participating in this forum any further, since it's glaringly apparent that only certain view points are welcome. Really, why do you bother, if you insist on such a narrow scope of opinion? What a waste of space and time, for those who differ from you. Give some warning next time, why don't you, for those of us who still believe than a forum is for all opinions, not just those who make everyone else feel all warm and fuzzy.